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Stage 1- (Desired Results)

Established Goal(s): Include content standards, CCSS, course or program objectives, learning outcomes, etc.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.10

Understanding(s): Students will understand that(big ideas)

Essential Question(s):

1.Authors can sometimes make up their own words, but that doesnt 1.What is an author trying to do when they make up words?
meant that they should be skipped over
2.Are made-up words just nonsense or could they possibly
2.Words can be loosely defined by context clues.
mean something?

3.Authors dont always play by the rules.

Students will know:

Students will be able to:

What a portmanteau is

Define words using context clues

A new and rather difficult poem

Construct meaning from apparent nonsense through

patiently taking apart the text
Figure out how to say unknown words via context clues
increasing reading fluency.

Stage 2- (Desired Results- How do you know they know? Collecting Data)
Performance Task
-Through what
performance task(s)
will students
demonstrate the
- By what criteria
will performances
of understanding be
Other Evidence

behavioral data
for the
chunking and
(probably not
for Mrs. Boyles

Their Do Now will be to figure out what a portmanteau is and write down as many as they
can think of alone or with a partner.
We will read through Jabberwocky as a class. On the first read through, students will just
listen and silently try to figure out what the poem is saying.
The second time through, they will circle all of the words that they dont knowthere will
be a lot of them.
After their second read-through, they will work through their Chunking and Inferences
graphic organizer.
They will then meet with a partner and compare their answers and try to create a better
reading of Jabberwocky together.
Their Ticket out the Door will be to write down a one sentence summary of what happened
in Jabberwocky.
Desired Understandings: Concepts and Skills
Data Collected
I want for them to start recognizing that words they
come across that they dont know could be
combinations of words that they do know. Along with
that, the ability to define words using context words is
essential, the chunking graphic organizer will help
them with both of these skills.

The Chunking and Inferences

graphic organizer as well as their
ticket out the door.

Stage 3- (Daily Instruction)

W- where is
lesson going

Day 05 May 2015, Tuesday

To tackle a new poem while learning how to define words through context clues.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.10


Do Now
H- hook

Their Do Now will be to figure out what a portmanteau is and write down as many as they can think of alone or with a partner.

What I am doing?

E- equip
R- rethink and
E- evaluate
T- tailor
O- be


Hypothetically taking roll during their Do Now

What the students are doing?

Doing the Do Now in their journals

What data am I collecting?

Their do now, which will be in their journals

Start discussing what they did in the Do Now,

Listening, and taking notes. Then listening to and
redefining portmanteaus for better understanding. following along with Jabberwocky for meaning
Then doing the First Reading of Jabberwocky.
during the First Reading.

Observational dataclass-wide
understanding of the poem after the First

After giving the instructions for the Second

Reading, I will be circling the classroom during
the Second Reading and answering questions.

Reading Jabberwocky silently to themselves and

circling words they dont know.


Giving instructions for the Chunking and Making

Inferences activity.

Completing the Chunking and Making Inferences


The Chunking and Making Inferences activity,

once completed

Giving instructions for their Ticket Out the Door.

Completing the Ticket Out the Door.

The Ticket Out the Door.

portmanteau, chunking, inference, context clues

Ticket out the Their Ticket out the Door will be to write down a one sentence summary of what happened in Jabberwocky.
Texts used:
Video Clips:

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