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The Odyssey

The Hero: Awe-worthy qualities

While reading Homers The Odyssey, examine the qualities of the epic hero and the epic
journey. Fill in the chart below to help you draw some conclusions after you read.
Adventure Title
Epic hero traits
Examples to support trait
The Cyclops


Sirens, Scylla, and


The Journey: Trials, Tribulations, and Victories:

Cause and Effect
Each obstacle Odysseus and his crew face has a reason and a result. Identify the cause
for each trial and the effect of that trial.

The Trial
Ravaging the Cicones
Facing the Cyclops
Trapped by Circe
Listening to the Sirens
Battling the monsters


The Journey: Coming home and reintegrating

into society
Poor Odysseus, even once he finally reaches his home he still encounters several
obstacles to secure his position as king and get his family back safely. In the chart below,
identity 5 main obstacles (or situations of adversity) Odysseus encounters, then briefly
explain how he solves those problems.


Why read The Odyssey? Its not just Greek to

Most contemporary authors draw on the classics for inspiration and refer to these tales in
their writing. Fiction authors are not the only writers that do this; you will often see Greek
mythology allusions on TV, in movies, in the news, or even used to inspire products. So
let us make some connections! Brainstorm a list of allusions to Greek mythology in our
contemporary society. In addition to product names or story lines, think about words
that have developed from Greek mythology (ie: body builders use an Atlas ball, a
difficult task may be referred to as a Herculean effort, etc).
If the class can come up with 10 or more, youll receive connection points!

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