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Borrow and Lend

Many students get confused over the correct usage of borrow and lend. Follow these easy explanations in
order to understand and use these words correctly.
borrow something from someone
I borrowed a book from my brother.
Robert borrowed five dollars from me.
She borrowed the CD from her friend.
lend something to someone
Did you lend the magazine to Maria?
I lent my eraser to Juan. (lent is past tense)
Karen lent her textbook to her friend.
lend someone something
Will you lend me your calculator for a minute?
Lend me a dollar, will you?
complete the following sentences
a) I ______ my blue sweater to my sister.
b) Maybe you can ______ the money from your father.
c) Can you ______ me your dictionary?
d) Can I ______ your car this weekend?
e) Who did you ______ your CD to? (To whom did you ______ your CD?)
f) My brother ______ that from his girlfriend.
g) Yes, I'll ______ it to you if you wish.
h) Should I ______ $1000 to repair my car?
Using For, While, and During
These three words - For, While, and During are all used to discuss a relationship to time. The following
rules will help with the understanding and usage of these words.
Use For when you are talking about a duration or quantity of time.
Example: I have known her for 5 years.
She has lived in Los Angeles for 18 years.
I have been studying English for 8 months.
We have been here for 4 hours.
All of these (years, months, days, hours, etc.) are examples of time
Use While to talk about the time at which something happened.
The structure is: while + subject + verb + rest of sentence.
Example: The telephone rang while I was eating dinner.
A salesman came to my door while I was watching the movie.
The fans were cheering while the team was playing baseball.
The meaning of During is similar to While - to talk about the time when something happened but the
structure is different. The structure for
During is:
during + noun (which describes the time period).
Example: I fell asleep during the movie.
She called me during breakfast.
We did many things during the summer.
Complete the following sentences using For, While, or During.
a) The phone rang ______ I was taking a bath.
b) I was interrupted 3 times ______ the class.
c) She has lived in Sao Paulo ______ 12 years.
d) The fans cheered ______ the team was playing baseball.
e) Georg has been studying French ______ 8 weeks.
f) I'm going traveling ______ the Summer.
g) I usually watch the news ______ I drink my morning coffee.
h) I intend on staying there ______ 4 months.

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