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Lesson Plan 3/16/2015

Title of activity: Introduction to Kurt Vonnegut

Concept covered in activity: Looking at Kurt Vonneguts life & experiences in the war & timetraveling
Grade level or other prerequisites for activity: 11th
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters
Learning objectives:
Students will be able to understand the life Vonnegut led by reading the PowerPoint.
Students will be able to understand the significance of time-traveling by coming up with
examples & discussing those in the class.
Materials: iPads
Instructional planning: SH5 Folder in Schoology, worksheets for Vonnegut? Information on
Student Activity

Have students do a post about what they

predict Slaughterhouse Five will be about.

Teacher Activity
Ask students to go onto Schoology and
write a prediction for what they think
Slaughterhouse Five will be about
Pre-Assessment: Images of the cover &
post questions. Questions on themes.


After their predictions are made, students

Talk about Vonneguts early life and his
will listen to a brief history of Vonneguts life time in WWII (briefly) be sure to mention
the traumas Vonnegut went through.
They will find interesting facts/surprising
FIND PowerPoint for students to look
things to discuss.
through individually.


Have a discussion about anything that

interested them from the power-point

Now, talk about how Vonneguts

experiences parallel with the text, give the

Students will hear the book talk for

Slaughterhouse Five

book talk! Slaughterhouse Five is a crazy

rollercoaster with a thing called time
trips, it parallels the experiences
Vonnegut had in WWII by telling the
story of Billy Pilgrim.


Students will come up with examples of

what time-traveling is and how it is used.

After the book talk, have students come

up with examples of time-traveling and
how it is used.




Formative (informal and/or formal): Pre-Assessment, Think-Pair-Share

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