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Meeting on the 19th of March

(all attended)
Summary of Meeting
- We met in the library during class time.
- We first discussed our main idea for the project, and we narrowed it down to
comparing UNCC dining to other colleges.
- We completed basic research on other schools
- As a group we were very focused on completing our own individual tasks on
researching and completing the work during our meeting time. Which led to no individual
homework being given.
What we did after the meeting
I did some basic research on schools and their costs for their meal plans. I focused on UNC
Chapel Hill and N.C State
I researched basic information and facts about on campus dining at UNCC. Meal plans, costs,
nutrition and quality are some things i was trying to research.
I researched the meal plan for USC and what options were available for students on their
I researched the meal plans and just seen the options they had as far as fast food restaurants
were concerned. With my focus primarily to NCAT University.
March 24
Today our group started to form our research plan. We used what we want to know to come up
with our main points of research. We plan to research and use this information to present to
students and conduct a survey. We have not came up with our survey questions but we have a
good idea of what we want to know. We got about half of our research plan done and plan to
finish it next class if time permits.

March 26

Created and designed a survey for interviews for other college students

March 30th
- today we revised our research plan and our survey. Our research plan is
complete and so is the final draft of the survey.
- we cut the survey down to 12 multiple choice and 2 free response
- the final draft of the research plan is getting close to being done.
April 7
(all attended)
Summary of Meeting
We met in the library on April 7th and briefed about our questionnaires and results from our
interviews. We all focused on being all on the same page and working together to make sure we
all had strong results and
April 9
No Class
April 14

Refined all existing data and continued to interview and survey college students

Portfolio Workshop and review

Choose artifacts for the portfolio

Refined our research plan after feedback from professor

Completed and updated activity log

April 16

April 21

Added and tallied up our research data

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