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Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 1 of 36 @: Which of the following processes is NOT a part of Project Time Management knowledge area? A Define Activities B ‘Sequence Activities ce Develop Schedule D Control Communications E Estimate Activity Duration Answer option D is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule ‘Objective: Defining Activities Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 2 of 36 Q: Which of the following indicates a delay in the successor activity? A Scope creep B Scope fault c Gold plating D Lag Answer option D Is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule Objecti : Defining Activities Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 3 of 36 @: When are milestones typically created? A At the end of each project phase B At the end of each project execution phase c At the end of each planning phase D At the end of the kick-off meeting Answer option A is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule Objective: Defining Activities Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 4 of 36 @: Which of the following terms is used to describe @ major deliverable used to measure project progress? A B Phase © Project life cycle D | |Miestone Answer option D is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule Objective: Defining Activities Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 5 of 36 (Which ofthe folowing statements regaring he ADM method is nt tue? [A The ADM methods too and technique of Saquance Acie. 8 [Por 201 mene uses one te estat to ceteminearatons © | TheADN methods also cabed AOA. 1D |The ADM metnad rari vsestoday. Explanation: Answer aptan Bis core. “Te arrow ciagremming msos (ADI paso cal actiiy on ar (ACuses moe than onetime esinae to delemine project raion For more Intormation, please se Chapter 4 Lesson: Ceaing ine Projet Schedule (jective: Understancng the Sequence Aries Process Review - Quiz: |. Creating the Project Schedule, 6 of 36 {These types of dependencies can create airy otal feat values ad it your scheduling options 4 [Bp osewtoay 8 Edema | Mandatory D Hadlogie Explanation: Ansver option Ais corct. Discretionary dependences can create arbirary oa fos values, andthey can asolint scheduling options, For more infomation, please see Chaper 4 Lesson Creating tha Project Schedule Objective: Understanding the Sequence Actives Process Review - Quiz 4, Creating the Project Schedule, 7 of 36 : Which ofthe folowing types of charts is a visual diagram of what resources willbe uillzed inthe project deliverabies? A | | Work breakdown structure B |__| Roles and responsibilty matrix 6 |) Resource breakdown structure D | /RACI chart ‘Answer option ¢ is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule ‘Objective: Estimating Activity Resources Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 8 of 36 €: Youre he projet marager or Hettvots by he Numbers Daing Series. oute warn onan pte Ite! st te il Spy pres ‘elas shri of prospecive hearreles. Youve your aii and resoue eqireersin arene ae planing ius paretic. estnts ord eerie nay determine sty datos, Wc ote lawn statements tus? A Youare ung puts tone Estat tity Ouran process. 1B __Youare wing oo end iehriqusofte Estima Cost process 6 [vous argo taint En iy tos pce. D__Youare sing inputs oft Estate Coss proces. Explanation: Anse olen Cis caret Parametf estiating and resere analysis revo ofthe els ad echiqus of he Estimate Actty Durations proces, The oer ols are analogous cetmating, goup decisonsmakng techriques and hree pint estimating, Fr mor infomation, please see Chapter 4 Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule (Objective: Estmatng Acti urations Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 9 of 36 (You are te projet manager or Xylophone Phonics. produces chisren sotvare pegrams that each base racing and math sil. Youre parorring cost estimates fr yourpojct and donthave alto tals yet. hie athe flowing techniques shou you use? [oes esinatgtecnqus beau tis a fom of expe jugmerthl use socal iomston to sna poe 8 Bstomup estatng tecrniques, because his is a foro exper judgment that uss historical iforaton rom sla projets © Went Carlo analysis because hiss a modsing technique that uses simulation to determine etirates 1D Pararetre modeing, because thi a fom of sulaton used to dteine estates Explanation: Answer option Ais conc ‘Analogous estmatng-also called top-down estmatings a form of expr judgment Analogous estimating canbe used to estmat cos! or ime end ‘onside historia information tom previous, smi projets. For mare nformaton, please see Chater Lesson: Creating he Project Scedule Objective: Estimating Actty Durations Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 10 of 36 (2: When of he founnng estimations is deserbed inte statement elon? “htuse a statistical relationship between histocal cata and othr variables to calculate an estimate for acy parameter, suchas cost, bugget, and on: A) Botomap 8 Theepaint | Reserieanasls D Fj resnere Answer option Ds coreet. ‘Lesson: Creaing te reject Schedule Objective: Estimating Acty Durations Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 11 of 36 {ch ot te ftoving comorsscn techniques increases 8k? A cresting 8 Rescureteveing i rostsctng © Leadandng Explanation: Ansverepten © is onect Fastractng sa conpresin technique thatnereases sk and potently causes vor, Fstiacing is starting tv ates prevouly sched stertone atari othr ane seve tva For more information, plage eee Chae Lesson: Cresing ne Projet Schasule Objective: Oeveopng ne Project Schedule Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 12 of 36 cng butlers and the project ber are par of which ofthe folowing Develop Schekltol and tectnique? ‘A Crtical path method B Schedule netvork analysis © Aephingleads andiags D [Portes enn eto Explanation; Answer option Dis core ‘The eetical chan Is a rescuce-constalne cel path that adés duration butlers to help protet schedule sippag, For mare ifrmaton. pease see Cheptar 4 Lesson: Creating the roect Scheie Objective: Developing the Project Schedle Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 13 of 36 {Vien oe aloving tems is used ora schedule compression tetnique wher vo ates hat were previously Scheduled to sat sequently stat at tha same ine? | Crating 3 Compressing © Fipreseating D Flat Answer option ¢ core. Lesson: retin te Project chess Objective: Deveoing he Project Seneaue Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 14 of 36 @; Adding members to the team to squeeze the schedule of the project is known as_. A. Fasttracking B o Crashing © Squeezing D | Compressing Answer option B is correct. Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule Objective: Developing the Project Schedule Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 15 of 36 @; The longest path through the project that is made up of activities with zero float is known as A War path D Threshole! Answer option C Is correct, Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule Objective: Developing the Project Schedule Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 16 of 36 (hich te elovng har plays the amout tne hal aresouce sched work nora rederined and speed? ‘A Ogenzton tart 8 Pano ¢ RaGlehat D [psu histogram chat Answer option Dis correct, Lesson Creating he Project Schedule (Objective: Developing the Projet Schechie Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 17 of 36 €: Youare the project marage fr Changing Ts veo games. You have gathered he Inputs or the Estimate Atty Duraton process. nich fhe ‘olin fol nd etriqueswillyeu erpo o produce he ups otis process? ‘A. Act st, expert judgment, aternatves analss, analogous estinaing,parametic astimaing.reepoit estimating, and reser analysis 5 Act list. eipetjusgrant, anlogcus estimating, parate estmatng teusceisin-nakng tchnques, end three-point estnairg| [eer emert raegos xian, parame estaing teeport xan, goo cena enue, andresene ays 1D Exper judgment, ateraivesanass, ralogous estimating, pararticesmaing, thee git estimating and goup decision-making techniques Explanation: Answer open Cis eorect. The tos an tchriques for sina Actvly Durations are expertudgment analogous estimating, prametcestmatng, tree pin estimating, goup cerison-aling techniques and reserve aay Lesson: Creatng the Project Senadule Objective: Review Quastons Review - Qui : 4, Creating the Project Schedule, 18 of 36 {: Youar the project manage for Changing Tides videogames. Youhave produced a prject schedule network clagram and have updated te actiy Ist tic process have you ust ished? ‘A | Tha Defoe Actos proces, hich nts al the spect cvs ofthe projet 8 [pr severe teites pees. veh rae ate sett dependences € | Te Dew seme precess, wih grams pet neve tne estates | The Estimate Acti Darton proces, ich estimates acy cua Explanation: Arsver opin Bis core. The Sequence Actites process produces projet schedula network agra and project documents updes, which mey nude updating acy stbites, The purpose oft process sto dental actly dependences, Lesson: Creaing he Project Schedule (Objective: Reva Cuestors Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 19 of 36 €: Your projects primary constants qulty.To make ceran the projec team mambers don el oo pressed fer time and to avid sched tisk you ceo use which ofthe folosng seit estimating tals? A Thee point estimates Explanation: Ansver option Cis core. Resarva analysis takes schedule k ino consideration and ad a parcerage oma or adtional work aro to the estate fo prevent schedule eas. Lesson: Creating te Projet Schedle Cbjective:Raviaw Quesions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 20 of 36 (2: Younave been hired as cortrct projet manager for Grapeuine Vineyards, Grapevine wats yout design an Itemot wine cub forts customer. ‘One oft actus fortis projects the instaltion and testing of several new serves, You know rom past expeience takes about 16 hous per ‘server fo accomplish tis ask, Since you're instling 10 new servers, you estimate this ctf take 160 hours, Which of ie estimating techniques have yeuused? 1 [ )eameniestmaing B Analogous estimating © Botlomup estimating D Resor anaiyss Explanation: Anever option Ais corrct Parametric esmatng uses analgrtim forma that mutes a known elament-such asthe quanty of materials needed: theta takes to install ‘or complete one uit of materi. The results total estima forthe acivty. In tis case, 10 servers mulled by 1S hours par server ives you 180- hour total duration estate, ‘Lesson: Creating the Preect Schedule Objective: Review Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 21 of 36 (: Al ofthe fllosng statements dase the acti st xcept which one? ‘A Thettvty ists an ouput ofthe Define Actes process, 1B Theat stncuds al css of he project c [prt isisan nano ott aconporeto ewes 1D Theat stncuses an ideifr and description othe activ. Explanation: Arsveropton Cis corect. ‘The actuty tis a component fhe projec schedule rot the WBS. The act ist includes lth project acts, anidenifer, ard a desertion of the acy, The acy tis an output ofthe Dee Actes preess. Lesson: Creating the Projet Schedule Objective: Review Questons Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 22 of 36 {: You nave been hired as contract project manager Grapevine Vineyards. Grapevine wats yout design an inte wine cb ors customers. Custenare mutceseterbefere bag ove o cd vine verte Inne hatagal age canbe eee. You row hatnemecltvery ragetation muatbe wen ana tested sing data tom Grapevine’ exsing databace, This rev ocule cant be ete uri ne dt ram ne exeing «simi faded This isan example of which ofthe follwing? A rofrentia lge B Sehlege © Diteetonaryaependney o [jess emieeenreno see “Tis san example ofa mandatory dependency, also known es hard ig Nandetory dependencies ae inherent inthe nature of the work Disrebonary ependences, als cal prefered pe, petererti! eg and sf og, re dened by the project management teen, Lesson: Cestng tho Pijet Sehosle Objective: Review Quatons Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 23 of 36 (You are theprojct manager for Design Your Web St, ne. Your company is designing the website for a atonal goer sae chai, Youhave your acy stn band andere reay cara te acivty dependencies using te POM technique. hich fhe folowing sateen ite? [Dprovsaso ne non saganmog etd antuses nts sina, B POMisago he AOA daganming tho and uses logalreatonsis. c PONis algo the ADM diagramming method and its most common logical relationship is frish-to-start. D | POM Isao he GERT method teh alowsforcentons, ranches, andlags. Explanation: Answer option A is corect. ‘Tha precedence lagtammring method is also kronn asthe acy on nade (AON) dagramming method. ERT stands for Graphical Evaluation and Review Technicue,aagramming method ha allows fr contions, ranches, and logs Lesson Creating te Project Senate Objective: Review Questons Review - Quit t. Creating the Project Schedule, 24 of 36 (: Youre working on a prj that equies resources wth expertise nthe areas ofhosptalty management and enerinment You are preparing your Project schedule network clagram and know tat you il use ony frish-o-tart deperdences, Wie ofthe folowing eagranrng rhodscoes is deserve? Al POM Qo |) AN DNetor template Explanation: Arsveropton B's cored. The arrow diagramming method uses only fnish-to-start dependencies. Lesson Craig he Pret Sete Objective: Review Guestors Review - Qu : 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 25 of 36 {Which gla etatenship does he POM use mos: oter? A stattortnan 8 Satiostan © Fishtoreien © [Bprreesen [iplanation:Areverapton Di coaet Fishin (F) ie he mest caneenty ued oie rlaonahp i POM ana he I aatontip amet react management severe packages. Lesson: Creating the Projet Schedule ect J Review Cunstons Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 26 of 36 (: Youare project manager or Pture Shades, ne. You company manustues window shades hat have repieas of Renaissanceara paintings or hol chlo, Peure Shades i taking ts product the Rome market, and youre managing the new poet wil of ts produ areal stores as vel sons webste. Youre developing the project schedule orhs undertaking ard have deterines te ctcal pa Which fhe folowing sateen is tw? ‘A Youcalelatd the most ly tart date and mostly fish dates, oattine, and weighed average estimates, 1B Youcakuatedtne acy dependency andthe optimise and passin actityduaton estates c [po ceca on anit sar cs, the ear and ats dates, and at as for al acts. You cake opis, pssiisic, and most ikely urton ies, andthe oat as for al acts Explanation: Ansiverepton Cis coc (CPUcacuates a sgl ealy and ate sat dat and a singe earl and ate ris dt flor eath acy. Onc thas dates ae known, oa rei ‘allt fr eath act determine te eritel path The her answers corian elements of PERT cacultons, Lesson Creating the Piet Schedule Objective: Review Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 27 of 36 2: You ea project manager or Pictur Shades, ine. You company manulacurs window shades hat nave epics of Renalssancera pangs hotel eran, Pure Soades takings precuct ote tame mart and youre managng the new prot il oes products at eal stores a8 Well ‘aS on tS enste. Youre developing the prof! schedule for His underaig Locking ae fesowng graph when pam isthe erie pa? ‘Explanation: Arsver option 8s corer ‘The oly infomaton you have fortis examples atv duration thertre,he eal pat ithe path wth he lenges duration. Path ADH wth a ura of 3 day iste crtst pay, ‘Lesson: Creating me Projet Seneca €Pavow SVNet Review - Quiz: |. Creating the Project Schedule, 28 of 36 {: Use he oovng grap to ans thi queso. Ihe euatin of city 3 was changed o 10 dy ante durin of city wes changes to 9 cay, ven pam eine cmeaipan? ARGH ° [procs Explanation: Anse option Dis comect. “The ony ntrmatin you have fortis examples actly duration, 4 you mus calcite the ital sth based en the draons ven, The craton of ‘feB-C-Einerosses 9) 360), 8 aa 35 dys The dualon oH APG ond AFLG eae neveases by 3.9ys AF-G-EM tls 96 Ss a becomes renew teal path Lesson: Creating te Projet Senesus Pein tone Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 29 of 36 crvnectne long stn serena? A nant cao 2 tata tropes basi | Te eneatpan emg ate ane Pr 0 [Esme cuatonorataa ws raat tot pnt: Ane pn ot ‘Yeu cael he ertel path by acing together th curators ot alte tats ith zero ornegeve oat The erie path canbe compressed using crashing tecniqus. ‘Lesson: Creating ne Projet Schedule ‘Objective: Revew Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 30 of 36 (You area project manager for Move Now tucking company. Your corpanyspetiaizesin moving nouseheldgcocs aos the yor across the out. You projectinvlves upgrading he rationwid computer netvrk rte compan. Your lead engineer has given youth along estimates for ‘ctl path actly: 60 days most ley, 72 days pessimistic, 48 days opi. Wat tha weightod average cr expected valu? alos a) 6 ci. o) » ‘Explanation: Arsveropion Cis caract. ‘Ta eaten fer PERT lathe sum fepimite tne ps pessimist tve pus four ras the met kay te cv by 6, The ele fortis erarplels a folows: (48 #72 + (4 60) / = 6. Lesson: Ceaing the Project Schedule (Objective: Reviaw Questons Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 31 of 36 (You area project manager fer Move It Now tucking company. Your company specializes in moving hauseld goods across the iyo: cress the cout. You project vohes upgrading the natonvide computer nevor forthe company. Your ead engnesrhas given you the folovrg estimates or ‘cel path actly: 60 days most kay, 72 days passim, 48 days opie. What's the landars dition? alo 2 B27 ¢ [a a Explnaon:ArsveropenD cone. ‘You cal the standard deviation by subacing the optim a tam the pesmi ine and ding re ety 6, The clean fortis ‘exarple isa folows: (72 ~ 8) Lesson: Creating ne Project Senedle ‘Objective: Review Quesbone Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 32 of 36 2: yousnow the expected valu is 500 andthe standard deviations 12, youcan sy wth pproxnelly @ 95 percent confidence rang Wh ofthe folouing? 1A) Treacy wt take om 488 to 512 cays 18 Tra activity wt ake tom 4640536 day, © Treaty vt ake tom to 506 day, [lf rm acta take tom 476 0524 cays, Explanation: Answer cpon Ds coe “Theis «86 percent probably thatthe work wl neh ihn pis or minus 9 stancracevatens The expects al 60, an the standard ovation times 21828 ote att wil take fom 47610 £24 dys. ‘Lesson: cretng he Project Schaal ‘Objective: Raven Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 33 of 36 (@ ifyour expected value is 110 andthe standard deviation is 12, which ofthe folowing is tue? ‘A There is approximately a $9 percent chance of competing this activity in 66 to 134 cays, 8 Oe Is approximately a 68 percent chance of completing this acy n 98 to 122 days. © There is approximately a$5 percent chance of competing this activity in 96 to 122 days. 1D Theres approximately a 7 percent chance of complang this actly in 8 to 134 day. Explanation: Answer opfon Bis cored. ‘N68 percent probabityfcleulted using pus or minus cn standard deviation, a 96 percent rbabity uses puso mus to standard deviations, ‘and a 98 percent probably uses pus orminus three standard devatons, Lesson: Creating the Project Schedule ‘Objective: Review Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 34 of 36 You are te projet manager woking on aresarch project fr anew dug reatment Your preliminary project schedule runs past the due date fora ‘federal grant applcation, The manage ofthe R&D cepanment has agreecto release vo resources to work on your project te meet he federal rant appicaten date, Ths san exampe ot 4 Dees 2 festachng © mscuceleving D_ausing resource clear Explanation: Anse opton As cone Ccazningne secu hele ak ue 8 adg resources toe cl at aks spouting up devas mater ana asoces, Lesson Creag tn Project Seneduia (Objective: Review Questions Review - Quiz: 4. Creating the Project Schedule, 35 of 36 «Yorn pet manager Got varios Van ra cones wonder rt ot od wn or overt achnYer po ssa rev unen saa sofas en, You slater dein isa rg deraig tnd tal oun gene soe shealesipage en, be aahse ras wekinon spt sow Heise sess othe ean you anwar bain ody oveacang i, Wn be tog etes ad yo ke? 1) Yost ect ont ot wee roaecton 3 |Yeustous ie cstig to rsoue lel e cclpat ats. ¢ [frevsouerenueleing eaten rman 1D Yeu shoud use escurce smectingto scot ut esate asignments, Explanation nse opin Cis corset Resource levngle used fo overalecate resources a alos or ehanges othe sthedule complain das, Crashing ad at rachng are schedule ‘empresson echniqus tat shorn he schedule. Rescurce seating eehniqus wilt aller ehanges othe etal path r pretend date, and sinc yu za conrad about net vein th rescue, langhaning the schedule abet option Lesson: Crastng he Project Schade Objective: Review Questions Review - Qui 4, Creating the Project Schedule, 36 of 36 {: Whats oe of he problems wth project management sofware? 1B Proect uration caleuations are sometimes approximate. c | | Youeanet oversee project management sofware decision regercng schedules, Dts expensive and dteuto use Explanation: Answer option A's coma Pact management sofware i useful oo forthe projet manager and it automates project scheduling lowing for whalit analysis and easy ranges. But f you focus toe much on the tool and ignore the pojct. the tol becomes a hindrance Lesson: Casting the Project Senecute (Objective: Review Questions

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