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Physical Education Unit Plan

Age Level: ___5th_________

Dates: __12/14/13________

Standard 1


Standard 1

Unit: ____Dribbling_________________
Resources: _PE Central, AHPERD, Coachingkidssoccer.com_
Specific Objectives

Main Learning Activity


Safety Issues

-Eyes, Arms, Knees, Feet

visual for dribbling
Teacher Demonstrate
dribbling and body position
-Basic learning on how to
dribble a soccer ball.
- TSW learn to start the
first day off on talking
about dribbling and the
different ways one can
dribble a soccer ball.
Talking about the basics
using the inside and
outside of your foot to
dribble along with the top
of the foot to move in stride
and last the sole of the foot
to change direction.

Assessing students on
how well they
understood the types
of dribbling
techniques (Outside
of the food, Inside of
the foot)

Talking about
the safety
issues when
dribbling, how
to watch out
for others and
tripping over
the ball and
not kicking it
at classmates

-Visual on how to dribble

with inside and outside of
Inside Outside Dribbling
-Basic dribbling with the
inside and outside of the
Dribble around the cone

Students assessed on
paying attention to
lesson as well as the
techniques shown to
them and being able
to demonstrate the

TSW practice proper soccer ball

dribbling techniques during the drills and
activities done in class

TSW practice proper soccer ball

dribbling techniques during the drills and
activities done in class

Teacher Grading
rubric for students
each day

Be aware of
other students
dribbling the
ball, having
good spatial

Physical Education Unit Plan

-TSW begin by having a
ball I give them while they
are in line. Then practice
the inside and outside of
the foot dribbling from one
end of the line to the other.
Afterwards students will
take what they have
learned and dribble
around the cones I set up
in front of them.
Standard 5

Standard 4

TSW practice proper soccer ball

dribbling techniques different then the
ones learned in the previous first couple
of days

TSW be practicing the proper and basic

techniques to incorporate in the activity
of the day Alien invasion and Cops and
Robbers that will help in future activities

Learning of sole and top of

the foot dribbling
Dribbling Drills:
- Students will learn
another basic technique
when dribbling. Using the
top or laces of the foot to
dribble when running fast
in stride, and using the top
of your foot or sole to
change direction of the
ball to maneuver around

Teacher observation
on students
participation in

- Meet Mr. Ball

-Alien Invasion Activity
- All students have soccer
balls, cones are set up all
over half of the basketball
court. Students are to use
the dribbling techniques
learned to dribble the ball
around and knock over the
aliens (cones). After each

Skill checklist
Did the students
understand the
concepts in dribbling,
were they able to
demonstrate the
techniques in the

Be aware of
tripping over
the ball when
using the sole
of your feet.

Diverse learners are

assessed on how well
they follow directions
and participate
without acting

Be aware of
others when
around the
half court,
keep eyes up
not to run into
each other

Physical Education Unit Plan

round of knocking the
aliens down the students
will switch to a different
technique of dribbling.
Standard 2

Standard 2

TSW demonstrate dribbling techniques in Dribble Knockout

order to play the activities planned for
- In order to play dribble
knockout students must be
more skilled in dribbling
than before. Students will
all have a ball and be put
into a square area. They
will have to dribble around
and try to knock other
class mates soccer balls
out of the area to be out.
Once you are out you have
to watch around the area.
Each time there is less
people the area gets small
until there is 1 student left.
TSW utilize the different techniques for
Relay races zig zag activity
dribbling and be able to apply them to the -Students will begin class
relay race as well as partners seeing how by going over the different
well each other work together and peer
techniques, then students
assess them.
will get with a group of
three, each partner will be
split up into the 3 groups,
these groups will then be
against each other for the
zig zag game. Cones are
spaced evenly students will
get in lines and when
teacher says go students
will need to zig zag up and
back for the next person to

Teacher observation
of students game
activity using the

Be careful
away soccer
balls, keep
eyes up not to
run into others

Peer Assessment
among class mates on
how well each other
did in cooperating
and working together

Be aware of
tripping over
cones and
running into
class mates

Physical Education Unit Plan

go. Using the basic
dribbling skills.
Standard 4

TSW utilize the different dribbling

techniques and apply them to the main
and last activity of the lesson

Whacky Races
-Students will be split up
into teams by my choosing
of fair and appropriate
teams. Cones will be set up
into a race like track for
students to dribble through
Then students will line up
into two lines, the first two
pairs will be racing
against each other going
through the track. When
the person in the line is to
the end then the next
person in line goes until
the whole team is through.

Teacher observation
of students game
activity using the
For diverse learners
they will be able to
use a different easier
obstacle course to
show they can do
dribbling techniques
helped by the aid

Make sure not

to run into the
person next to
you or trip or
push each
other, playing


Physical Education Unit Plan

Instructor Reflection: responses to these questions need to be included for the unit plan to be complete
1. How are your students productively engaged in the development of the identified skill-related fitness components?
Students are productively engaged by being able to learn the different techniques taught in class about dribbling, and
being able to demonstrate these techniques each day throughout the lesson.
2. How are your students productively engaged in the development of the identified health-related fitness components?
Students will be asked to take their heart rate after being physically active during an activity. Taking ones heartbeat will
show to them that the faster your heart is beating the more physically active they are being.
3. What informal assessment activities are planned as a formative measure to check for understanding of unit content
knowledge and affective or physical skill development?
Students will be assessed by asking a series of questions including: can you show me a dribbling technique? What
part of the foot is used to change the direction of the ball?
4. What formal assessment activities are planned as a summative measure to check for understanding of unit content
knowledge and affective or physical skill development?
Students will be assessed by skill checklist from the teacher as well as the every day grading rubric. Students will also
be assessed by peer evaluation from classmates.
5. What materials are included for special populations in this particular unit?
Materials that are included would be bigger soccer balls to make it easier for students to dribble and do techniques in
the activities, they will also be assisted by an aid.

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