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Jeremy Farmer

Lucia Elden
English 111
2:30pm -3:50pm

Analytical Synthesis on Educational Writing Styles

Writing in high school is very structured and so is writing in a specific career fields, like
law enforcement. Public safety first responders have a very structured report writing criteria that
is used in the legal criminal justice system. Students in high school and college level classes can
have difficulty writing in an unstructured format. For those students who have never had, the
need or interest in writing utilizing an unstructured format. These students have not had the
experience to express how they feel on paper, since their youth as a young children in elementary
school, or in another educational setting. Freedom of expression is what makes our society,
unique from other cultures around the world. The United States of America`s Constitution is a
structured form of ideas that have given us as American citizens our Constitutional Rights. Many
college students throughout the world have written structured and unstructured articles on this
Many career fields deal in critically structured writings for the work environment such as
memos and reports on yearly performance reviews. One example of this is Michael Brizer and
Cliff Roberson writers of the Police Field Operations, The officer should use certain building
blocks of information to ensure that everything is included, (Brizer and Roberson 309). A
standard way to format an importuned document is to utilize who, what, when, where, why, and
sometimes how to engage those whom you are writing to, by telling a story or get your point of
view a crossed, which are known as building blocks. The Constitution provides the building
blocks for how United States America was formed and how the criminal justice system is based
on this important document .

Jeremy Farmer
Lucia Elden
English 111
2:30pm -3:50pm

College students studying nursing and criminal justice both utilize unstructured and
structured writing styles. Students in a college classroom take notes during lectures by learning
the information being presented to them, then complete a writing assignment on the topic using
their notes. Once they have graduated from college and received a job in their preferred field.
What knowledge and information they have learned in college with their previous experience
will transfer to their daily work environment. Police and Nurses take similar notes in the field or
office environment when dealing with clients. Once completing an interview with clients, they
will then transfer the information into a report evaluating the scenario, then the formal report is
sent to a Doctor or Commanding Officer. The report will be review and revised by the
Supervisor of the report writer.
High School have only provided the bare minimum when educating Americas future
generation of leaders for college. Mike Rose writer of "The Politics of Remediation" discusses
that in his academic writing. Students were coming to college with limited exposure to certain
kinds of reading and with conceptions and beliefs that were dissonant with those in the lowerdivision curriculum they encountered, (Rose 38). Students transferring from high school to
college have a problem utilizing their studies properly. Do to their lack of knowledge and
interests in Academic Writing Styles. If students graduating from high school had only been
taught proper college level material in their studies. They would be more proficient in Academic
writing. Mike Rose also writes discussing analyzing; They lacked careful analysis of the
students` histories now lacked, as well, analysis of the cognitive and social demands of the
academic culture the students now faced(Rose 38). Students have to analyze whether or not,
they are going to use what they have learned in college, is going to transfer and apply to the

Jeremy Farmer
Lucia Elden
English 111
2:30pm -3:50pm

career of their dreams. They lack the knowledge of analysis an article due to they were never
taught a way to appreciate different forms of writing styles.
Gerald Graff discuss in his writing of Hidden Intellectualism.
Nor do we consider one of the major reasons why schools and colleges overlook the
intellectual potential of street smarts: the fact that we associate those street smarts with
the anti-intellectual concerns. We associate the educational life, the life of the mind, too
narrowly and exclusively with subjects and texts that we consider inherently weighty and
academic (Graff 198).
Graff is saying street smarts is seen as a non-educational attribute to academic environment
were a textbook rules how the class is going and how college and high school students are
taught. When they should be teach basic survival instances that are used in the real world. Then
show cause valuable studies that support vital information on academic studies and writing
styles. Police reports were traditionally written in a very formal style and filled with technical
words and phrase(Brizer and Roberson 312).Than they were seen as difficult to read to an
average group of people such as a jury. Informal Writing has been described as direct sincere,
and credible. Your report will have greater credibility because the report sounds like you human
and understandable (Brizer and Roberson 313). Even those who have had educational college
degrees in law enforcement have difficulty with formatting structured and unstructured.

Jeremy Farmer
Lucia Elden
English 111
2:30pm -3:50pm

Many students in college have written papers for their classes that didn`t turn out well the
first time. Anne Lamott writer of Shitty First Drafts talks about her personal experience when
writing reviews and books during her career.
Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of
shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This how they end up with good second
drafts and terrific third drafts. People tend to look at successful writers, writers who are
getting their books published and maybe even doing well financially, and think that they
sit down at their desks every morning feeling like a million dallors,feeling great about
who they are and how much talent they have and what a great story they have to tell; that
they take in a few deep breaths, push back their sleeves, roll their necks a few times to get
all the creeks out and dive in, typing fully formed passages as fast as a court reporter
(Lamott 1).
Not every person can sit down and type a well drafted assignment on the first try. It is a critical
skill learned after practice and perfection of repeating the task at hand. Just like try to learn the
difference between a structured writing assignment and unstructured writing assignment it is a
skill learned once you have attempted to receive the information from your professor. After
listening to a long lecture or power point presentation on the subject.
The point of this article is to analyze those who are in college or entering into a college,
that educational writing styles are not just put in place as a reason to make students write
extremely long papers. It serves a purpose to educate those who are in college to further your

Jeremy Farmer
Lucia Elden
English 111
2:30pm -3:50pm

education to make successful post educated individuals become leaders and professional in your
preferred career field after you graduated with the Degree of choose.

Reference Page
Birzer, Michael L., and Cliff Roberson. "Police Reports and Other Correspondence." Police Field
Operations: Theory Meets Practice. Second ed. Print.
Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. "Hidden Intellectualism." They Say / I Say: The Moves
That Matter in Academic Writing. 2nd Ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. 198-205. Print.
Rose, Mike. "The Politics of Remediation." Conversations in Context: Identity, Knowledge, and
College Writing. Ed. Kathryn R. Fitzgerald. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College, 1998.
Lamott, Anne. "You Need to Have JavaScript Enabled in Order to Access This Site." Read:
"Shitty First Drafts": English 990. Andover Books, 1994. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.Web.

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