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Diana Karlsson

Abigail Adams
Great necessities call forth great leaders- Abigail Adams. Abigail Adams was a
very smart ,broad-minded ,and patriotic woman. She wrote to her husband in letters
about the Revolution and ideas for him to use. She also said to remember the ladies
by making laws more fair for women in a letter to her husband. Abigail Adams is the
most influential person in history.
Abigail Adams life started out with a normal life for girls at that time of history, the
colonial times. Abigail Adams was born on November 11, 1744 in Weymouth,
Massachusetts. Abigail had two main challenges, she was a very sick child and she did
not get a formal education she wanted to have. Abigail was the daughter of William
Smith and Elizabeth Quincy. William Smith was a Congregationalist minister. Abigail had
two sisters, Mary and Betsy, and a brother, William. In her childhood, her mother would
take her and her sisters to visit the sick, elderly, and the poor to help them. Abigail was
also a devoted reader. Abigail was very intelligent and broad-minded. She expressed
her strong opinions in a straightforward manner. Her main way of life was by letter
writing. Abigail was also very patriotic. Abigail never got to attend school because her
parents did not value education for girls beyond reading and basic arithmetic, like lots of
parents did. Instead, she was trained to be a wife, mother, and a homemaker. She was
also educated at home by her grandmother. One important element in her education
was her friends, who recommended books to one another. Abigail became the wife of
John Adams, the second president of the United States.
In Abigail Adams life she had many accomplishments. One accomplishment is
that she was a very important letter writer. Her letters helped people understand the
Revolutionary War. Also, in her letters she was calling for equality for women because
women did not have the rights the men had. But Abigail had many challenges. Abigail
had to manage the farm, manage with food shortages, raise and educated her children
by herself. She also had to fend off British soldiers, who were invading homes. Abigail
still supported many things. She supported the Revolution because she wanted to be
free from the crown in England. She also supported the boycotts to not buy British
goods because all British goods were taxed in the British colonies but in England the
people were not taxed, and well, they were British goods. She also supported her
husband, John Adams, by giving him advice and aiding him with confidence.
In her own way, Abigail Adams changed America. Abigail changed America by
worrying about the rights and education of women. She also started the changes in the
status of women by writing a letter to John Adams because he was in the congress that
was making changes in the Declaration of Independence, so he could make it more fair
for women. In the letter she said to Remember the Ladies so they could get more
rights. She pressed the argument that women should get equality because at that time
women did not have the same rights as men. She motivated women to make changes
in unfair laws for women. She also objected with the law that said that women who are
married could not own property. Abigail also impacted the Founding Fathers like George
Washington by giving them ideas. She also impacted her husband, John Adams, by
giving him advice. Abigail Adams had to sacrifice lots of happiness to help the new

nation thrive. Abigail Adams letters allowed us to see the revolution through her eyes
because she wrote about the revolution in her letters to her husband. They also helped
us learn about the wars fought in America for freedom. They also provided us with a
valuable and personal account on life during the Revolution. She also changed the
course of history so women could get the same rights as men through her letters calling
for equality. So, without Abigail Adams women might not have the same rights as men
and we would not know as much about the Revolution.
For these reasons, Abigail Adams is the most influential letter writer in history.
Abigail Adams is the most important person in history because she motivated women to
stand up for their rights to get more rights.Abigail called women from all times of history
to change to law to make it fair for women.So ,by doing this she helped get women the
same rights as men. Also she told us about the Revolution in her letters to John
Adams. With her in our history ,women were able to get the same rights as men and we
learned more about the Revolution. Abigail Adams said If we mean to have heroes,
statesmen, and philosophers, we should have learned women.

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