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Utopian and Dystopian Independent Reading - Worksheet



Your task: is to introduce your book to your tablemates (and tell them why its
worth reading!)
The premise: Whats the book about? Why is it interesting to you? Is it Utopian or
dystopian? (Tell us the basics!)
The Utopan/Dystopian society: What is the philosophy of the society? What are
the values? How is the society structured? What makes the society Utopian or
In context - our society: List at least two ways in which this fictional society
resembles our own.

Utopian and Dystopian Independent Reading - Worksheet

Your task: is to introduce your book to your tablemates (and tell them why its
worth reading!)

1-2 quotes: where a character in the book is describing the qualities of the society
(social, political, moral).

1-2 quotes: where a character in the book is questioning the societys politics or
Additional thoughts and observations:

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