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Applied Project Management

For applied project management, there will not be a written exam.
Instead, your grade will be based on a written comprehensive report
on a real technology project.
As a first step, you will have to choose the right project for you. In
order to write a detailed and convincing report, you need to feel
familiar with the respective field of science and the technologies
required to realize the project.
In order to find your project, visit
browse through the technology section.

.com and

Once you found an interesting project, use standard project

management methods to create a solid project plan which could be
used to realize the project. Use dates, times and resource estimates
supplied on the kickstarter page.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Haja, 2015

Applied Project Management


Prof. Dr. Andreas Haja, 2015

Applied Project Management

1. Submit your project topic as a 1-page pdf document via Moodle
(incl. screenshots and a short description) until May 1st 2015.
2. Submit your final project report as a pdf document for grading via
Moodle until July 10th 2015.
3. The report should contain at least 15 and at most 20 pages, not
counting cover sheet, bibliography and table of contents.
4. The report should follow the accepted rules of scientific writing.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Haja, 2015

Applied Project Management

Content recommendation
1. Management Summary (Elevator Pitch): Condensed and easyto-read text which gives a good overview of the project idea and
is intended to convince people to support your idea.
2. Concept description: Analysis of the project (goals, chances,
risks), using methods such as SMART goals or SWOT analysis.
3. Work breakdown structure: Divide the project into described
work packages and assemble them into a feasible work breakdown
structure using standard techniques and visualization.
4. Timing: Assemble all work packages and milestones into a realistic
project timeline using a GANTT chart.
5. Resources: Create an estimate of the required resources to
realize the project in terms of money, personnel, machinery, etc.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Haja, 2015

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