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Lizeth Loaiza

LBS 400
History Reflection
The History-Social Science Frameworks are designed to establish the skills necessary to
succeed. These standards must be constant in every grade and may not be added or dropped from
one year to another. Teachers are expected to incorporate these standards into their curriculum.
The frameworks fall into three categories: Knowledge and Cultural Understanding, Democratic
Understanding and Civic Values, and Skills Attainment and Social Participation.
The classes that have prepared me for teaching History are the following: History 101,
History 301, and LBS 375. My History 101 class prepared me with knowledge of United States
history. I learned how to analyze the causes and outcome of the Civil War, and I was able to
compare and contrast the cultural traditions, values and life styles of Europeans. History 301
prepared me in learning the aspects that many individuals, families, and communities face. LBS
375 prepared me a lot for my future classroom because after taking this class I have a better
understanding of Californias history.
The areas of History that I feel well prepared in and comfortable in teaching is in
Californias history. I learned a lot from the Gold Rush. John Sutter is the person who
discovered that there was gold in California. When he discovered the gold, more and more
people from different places came to California. As a result, California faced many challenges. I
learned about the innovation of the railroad and how it created thousands of jobs for people and
how technology had a great impact. I learned how there were waves of immigrants. Also, how

much immigrant people struggled to live in California. The course also included that people of
European decent used to force Indians to do labor work. I also gained a better understanding of
the Pacific Ocean, mountain ranges, valleys, ranchos, desserts and much more important
information. I learned a lot about governors and presidents too. The areas of History that I feel
less prepared are in general history of the United States. In order to help me prepare better for
this subject I am planning to take more history classes to learn this subject better and be able to
teach it to my future students without difficulties.
The artifact that I would include in my portfolio is an essay from LBS 375 from the novel
Farewell to Manzanar. My essay briefly describes the history of how many Japanese- Americans
suffered the Pearl Harbor attack. This essay opened my eyes to how families stayed together
during troublesome times and the challenges that people faced. This artifact demonstrates my
skills and abilities in this subject.

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