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MODERNA- INGLS - 6ANO.........
NOME: ____________________________________________DAT A:____/____/____
Read: (Leia)

1- The text is: (O texto )

a) A note.
b) A fable.
c) A graphic.
d) A tale.
2- It serves to: (Ele serve para)
a) Show inform ation.
b) Show animals.
c) Be a simple story.
d) Lecture.
Look: (Olhe)
3- There is technology in: (H tecnologia em)
a) Computer, cell phone, tablet and banana.
b) Sundae, cell phone, tablet and pen drive.
c) Computer, cell phone, tablet and pen drive.
d) Com puter, cell phone, bag and pen drive.
4- The most recently used site is:
(O site m ais usado recentem ente )
a) Facebook.
b) Pou.
c) Orkut.
d) Yahoo.

Read: (Leia)

5Leo is: (Leo tem)

a) Ten years old.
b) Thirteen years old.
c) Twenty years old.
d) Two years old.
6- In this family there are ________ people : (Nesta fam lia h ____ pessoas.)
a) Five.
b) Four.
c) Three.
d) Two.
Look (Olhe)
7- Bob bought the products
of first column, so he will pay:
(Bob comprou os produtos da prim eira
coluna, ento ele pagar)
a) $ 19,99.
b) $ 358, 98.
c) $ 1,75.
d) $ 174,99.

Read: (Leia)

Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane like sports. They are in the club now. Ted likes
basketball. He is playing basketball. Bob likes football. He is playing football.
He is shooting the ball now. Mary likes tennis. She is playing tennis with
Roberta. Jane likes to swim. An old man is reading a newspaper. Sports are
good to develop our body and our mind.
8- All sports are cited in the text, except: (Todos esportes so citados no texto, exceto)





Look: (Olhe)
9- Justin Bieber is a:
(Justin Bieber um)
a) Doctor.
b) Singer.
c) Teacher.
d) Engineer.
10- The source of this text is:
(A fonte do texto )
a) Book.
b) Site.
c) Tv.
d) Magazine.

Look: (Olhe)
11- The students are studying:
(Os alunos esto estudando)
a) English.
b) Portuguese.
c) Math.
d) History.

12- The history happens: (A histria acontece)

a) In the hospital.
b) On the street.
c) At school.
d) At the zoo.
Look: (Olhe)
13- The colors of the Brazilian flag are:
(As cores da bandeira brasileira so)
a) Green, pink, blue and white.
b) Orange, pink, blue and black.
c) Green, red, yellow and blue.
d) Green, Yellow, blue and white.
14- The stars are : (As estrelas so)
a) White.
b) Pink.
c) Red.
d) Violet.
Look: (Olhe)

15- When Pinocchio tells a lie his _____ grows up.

(Quando Pinquio conta um a mentira seu _______ cresce)
a) Mouth.
b) Hair.
c) Nose
d) Tooth

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