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Response Card Questions

Directions: On specific days, we will be using response cards at the end of class. From the list below,
choose a question to answer on your response card. Write the number of the question you chose next
to your answer. Take this sheet out every time we use response cards.

1. Is there a concept or skill that you did not understand?

2. What is one point from todays lesson that you found interesting?
3. What question popped into your head during todays lesson? Is there something further that
you would like to know?
4. What was the most challenging part of todays lesson? Why?
5. Who made a comment or question today that was helpful or insightful? What was the
comment? Why did it strike your attention?
6. How could what you learned today be useful in the real world? Why do you need this skill
in the real world?
7. Was there a particular quote mentioned in class today that you thought was important to
discuss? What was the quote about?
8. If you were the teacher today, what would you add to todays lesson? Why?
9. Is there a song or a movie that you can link to todays lesson? Explain.
10. Explain todays lesson in your own words.

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