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do you feel the need to take naps during the day

-yes no
what do you usually do before bed
-open ended question
*****what is your age group
do you have technology in the room before going to bed
yes no
*******what is your sex
do you struggle to stay awake during the day (in class etc)
*****i usually make up for loss of sleep by
-redbull/energy drink
-sleep late on weekends
-adjust schedule
-live with less sleep
-sleep in class
i am most likely to ___ before bed
-watch tv
-use my computer
-eat a snack
*****i most likely blow off sleep to
-watch tv
-hang out with friends/party
-do not blow off sleep
if i am sleep while styding i most likely
-take a short break
-start studying something else
-keep studying at all costs
-drink caffeinated drink
do you drink caffeine
are you disatisfied with your sleep
******do you suffer from sleep disorders
-sleeping in
-getting up in middle of night
-trouble getting up
-no i do not suffer from sleep disorders
how long does it take you to fall asleep

-5-30 min
-30 min to 1 hour
-a couple hours
*******are your classes affecting your sleep schedule
when the alarm goes off in the morning how do you feel
-i'm up before the alarm goes off
-i jump right out of bed
-i immediately reach for the snooze button
-i feel like i just laid down
how often do you drink alcohol
-not often
-very often
-eery day
-african american
-other (specify)
do you feel like you have less motivation throughout the day if you have less sl
do you feel like academic performance (class, exam) is hindered due to lack of s
******what is your major
-liberal arts
(open end)
******do you have a job
do you work late/get home after 10
do you feel that you are sleep deprived as a college student
what day do you feel is the hardest to get up in the morning
how often would you say stress interferes with your ability to fall asleep/sleep
through the night
-very often(5 days)
-often (3-4 days)
-somewhat often (2-3 days)

-not often (1-2 days)

if answered yes state the cause of your stress (school, relationship problems, f
amily crisis, worry about future)
-open ended

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