Module 3

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Gabriela Getzendanner

Module 3 Writing


Module 3 Writing Assignment

There are many different factors that contribute to student learning. After reading the
textbook Learning & Teaching Researched- Based Methods by Kauchak and Eggen along with
competencies 7and 9. I have concluded that I believe the most important topics are
communication, guided discovery, student involvement and technology. I will discuss the key
elements along with the rewards to these topics.
Communication in the classroom promotes growth and trust within the unit. Students
need positive effective feedback on their learning. Teachers should model thoughtful listening
when a student is trying to discuss a thought or opinion. Eye contact, facial expressions, and
body language are all components of communication. Teachers are directing the lesson but
allowing students to have their own discussions on the subject. Motivation and knowledge is
increased with effective communication .Students are also expected to work in groups while
teachers guide with instruction. Teachers may pause to get input from students while asking open
ended questions so students can make connections to prior experiences.
Guided Discovery
I believe guided discovery is also important it allows students to explore with teachers
supervision, exploration motivates students and results in engaged learners. Teachers provide the
objectives; arrange the data so patterns become easy to see by the students. Instead of teachers
reading definitions they provide examples instead. To allow students to become curios and

Module 3 Writing Assignment

motivated. They are actively involved in solving the problem. Engaging students with strategies
like these promotes lifelong learners.

Student Involvement
What student hasnt felt defeated at times? Teachers are responsible for actively involving
each student to contribute in their learning. Research has shown that students knowledge
increases when they are literally involved in their own learning experiences. Students continue to
be actively engaged when the topic is interesting to them. Instead of being confused or board
with the lesson and feeing defeated they are motivated to further their learning .Putting students
in groups with peers leads to higher thinking discussions. Students benefit from lectures and
discussions because it triggers prior knowledge to build on new information .Literacy circles is
an example of where these discussions take place. Where students can share their thoughts ideas
and make connections with others. Through activities, information is gathered they understand
the concept that allows them to solve the problem through problem based instruction.
Society is constantly evolving and so are our teaching resources. Competency 9 along
with chapters 8,9,10 covers the importance of technology. Our classrooms need to keep up with
changes in student learning. Our world has become dependent on technology. Students must
know how to write, search and communicate in various ways. The textbook Learning & Teaching
Researched- Based Methods by Kauchak and Eggen says to allow students to utilize software
where they practice concepts and get feedback on their learning. Students use a variety of media
tools to increase learning motivation. Using iPad, laptops and other tablets are great ways to

Module 3 Writing Assignment

gather research. Its convenient and innovated to students. It allows them to get excited about the
topic or subject.
. I believe that implementing communication, guided discovery, student involvement and
technology are key components in the classrooms .The competencies 7 & 9 and chapters show us
the importance of these key factors. Our classrooms will only benefit from these learning
characteristics. Allowing students to continue to discover, themselves the environment and the
world, through these elements will be beneficial to their learning. This will result in the path for
a better quality of life.

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