Physical Activity and Obestity Unit Plan 2014

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Content Area: Obesity and Physical Activity

Age Level: 8th Grade
Previously Covered
material List: The students will have learned how nutrition is related to obesity and will have some practice with developing short term
goals goals.

Overarching Unit Behavioral Objectives and Life Skill(s)

Cognitive After the completion of the unit on obesity and physical activity, the students will develop short and long term goals and implement a
week activity log that incorporates the FITT principle and the five components of health - related fitness to keep track of their daily amounts of
physical activity.
Psychomotor The students will illustrate the proper amounts of the five components of health related fitness needed daily by completing their own
activity log throughout the unit.
Affective After the partner presentation, the students will advocate the importance of physical activity and the impact it may have on their health and
others by creating promotional materials.

Life Skill The students will use appropriate decision making and goal setting skills to help promote a healthy life style incorporating physical and
mental health.

Day 1
Entry Ticket: The
students will have to
complete the google
docs pre-test on obesity
and physical activity
prior to class.
Class Discussion: As a
class, we will go over
the responses to the

Day 2
Entry Ticket: Have day 1 of
activity log filled out and two
goals with a plan on how to
accomplish those goals with
parents signature.
Class Discussion: As a class,
we will discuss the goals the
students developed and if they
are realistic and achievable.

Day 3
Entry Ticket: Word
board- students will write
what first come to mind
when they hear the word
OBESITY. Followed
by class discussion.
Main Activity: Start task
one of the web quest on
obesity and components

Day 4
Entry Ticket: How do you
think society influences our
perceptions of overweight
and obese people? Students
will turn them in.
Main Activity: Students will
have a work sheet that they
will need to fill in as the
teacher goes through

Entry ticket: Students will
have to present the example
that they found and how it
has opened their eyes.
Main Activity: Teacher will
introduce partner project.
After discussing the
students will draw numbers


google docs pre-test and
spend extra time on the
questions the students
struggled with.
Main Activity: Students
will be given hard copy
of Me chart. They will
need to fill in what
activities they do after
school and how long
they do them. Next,
they will receive
pedometers and an
activity log sheet which
will need to be filled out
each day.
Homework: Students
will develop two short
terms goals they can
accomplish by the end of
the unit including a plan
on how to accomplish
these goals. They will
also need to have parents
sign off on these goals.
Goal sheet will be
located on back of
activity log.

(Why do we make goals?)

Main Activity: A PowerPoint
presentation will be given on
the terminology and topics that
we will be covering throughout
the course of the unit. Also
included will be questions
embedded from pre-test.
Closing: Group
discussion/questionsIn your own words explain why
physical activity is important?
What are five components of
health related fitness do you
feel are important when
creating a work out plan? Why?
In your own words describe
how emotional, intellectual,
physical, and social health is
related to your everyday wellbeing?
Homework: Students will
receive field trip permission
slips that they will need to get
signed by their parents. The
slips are due on day 6.
(Keep logging activity and be
ready to share the activities
completed so far.)

that are related to

improving ones overall
Closing: Once there are
ten minutes left in class
the teacher will have
students stop web quest.
Students will then have to
update their ME Charts
and print off a typed copy
including their goals, plan
of actions, and graph.
Homework: Work on
Web Quest work sheet,
which are due on day 6
while in the lab. Last
question will need to be
completed at home by
asking parents a question
and showing them a
video. Having the web
quest worksheet due on
day 6, it will give the
students that need extra to
complete the worksheet
ample time. Also, it will
allow the students to ask
any questions while

multiple resources on the

smart board. These
resources will be videos,
advertisements, music, and
magazines related to how
society influences

for their partners and order

that they will present in.
Rubric will be on web
quest. Once students have
partners they can begin task
two of the web quest which
is their partner projects. .

In Class Activity: Group

discussion/ questions What
are some other examples of
how media portrays
overweight people? Has our
society set the bar to high
when it comes to having the
perfect body? What is BMI
and can you be overweight,
but still in shape?

Closing: Students will need

to work on project outside
of class if not finished.
There will be 15 minutes of
class time to touch up
projects before presenting.

Homework: Students will

need to find at least one
example of how
obesity/body image is
portrayed in the media other
than the examples shown by
the teacher. And explain
how these are negative or


Homework: Come prepared

to presents partner project.
Look over rubric to make
sure that all needed
information is included.

Standards Addressed (8)
8.8.4 and 8.8.2


Standards Addressed
(6) 6.8.2 and 6.8.3

Standards Addressed (7)7.8.1

working through the web


Standards Addressed (2)

2.8.5, 2.8.3, and 2.8.7

Standards Addressed
(3) 3.8.2

Day 6
Entry Ticket: Web quest
Task 1 worksheet will
need to be turned into
the appropriate class
folder. Also, field trip
promotion slips signed
by parents/ guardians.
Main Activity: Work
time for task two of the
web quest (partner
presentation). The
students will have
computers and other
resources that will allow
them to complete their
projects. Teacher will
go around assisting
students if they need
help. The teacher will
also be observing
students progress,
which will help keep

Day 7
Entry Ticket: Come with
project completed.
Introductory Activity: Touch up
anything that needs to be on
project. Collaborate with
partner on how and who is
going to present what
information. (If the teacher
feels that students need more
time to finish project can push
everything back a day.)
Main Activity: Presenting the
group projects. While
presenting, the other students
will be active listeners by filling
out a project evaluation sheet
for whoever is presenting at that
Closing/Homework: Create two
questions that you would like to

Day 8
Entry Ticket: Permission
slip and two questions for
Main Activity: Field trip
to Better Call Dave
fitness gym. Dave will
be informing the students
on what he does and the
different technologies he
used to measure clients
performance. He will
also take us to a park and
show us different ways to
utilize the equipment
around us.
Closing: Students will
need to write a page
paper that include what
they found interesting,
something that they
would like to know more

Day 9



them on track.
Homework: Finish up
partner project (task 2)
outside of class and be
prepared to present on
day 7. *remember the
rubrics are on the web

ask Dave. Include something

that you want to learn more
about because this will guide
his presentation.
Standards Addressed (8)

about, and what they

thought of the experience.
The last part paragraph
will be on how well they
feel they accomplished
their goals set the first
day and developing a
long term goal based on
information discussed in
this unit. Due date is one
week from now.
Standards Addressed

Research and Data


Power point -

Web quest -
Comprehensive School Health Education McGraw-Hill Education 2012

Materials List:
instructor and student
materials needed
Differentiation for

Videos, PowerPoint, Web Quest, Discussion Questions, ME Chart, Activity logs, Goal Sheet, Pedometers
Teacher aid and fill in the blank note sheet


varied abilities
Infusion of
Gender Specific or
Gender Neutral
Unit Assessment Plan
Formative- Day 1
Formative-Day 2
Formative -Day 3
Formative- Day 4
Formative - Day 5
Summative- Day 6
Formative-Day 7

If students get done ahead of time supply them with extra materials to keep them engaged
Interpreter will be provided for student with hearing impairment.
Stress balls/bands will be provided for students with ADHD if used properly.
Discussing other countries obesity statistics compared to the United States and influences that could have an effect on
these statistics.
Informing students of how body image can affect both boys and girls. Informing students of how media has a huge
impact on how our society portrays obesity and overweight.
Please identify formative and summative assessments used and also indicate the impact on
students overall unit grade
Google Docs Pre-Test on Obesity and Physical Activity
Discussion on Google Docs Pre-test & hard copy of ME Chart
Goal sheet & Group discussion questions
Updated Typed copy of ME Chart & Web Quest Question
Entry ticket on how society influences obesity & Follow along works sheet on Media examples
Bring in one example how media portrays body image & short write up on how its negative or
Presentation, rubric, and peer evaluation
Two Question for the field trip to Better Call Dave
Summative - One page paper on the field trip and assessment of their goals along with new long
term goal

% Unit Grade

Instructor Reflection
1. How will your students be productively engaged in the development of the identified life skill?
Response: the students will be engaged in class through participating in discussions, follow along worksheets, partner project/homework, web quest,
and videos. During the partner project students will promote physical activity to their peers using technology in the pursuit of becoming advocates.
They will also work on their decision and goal setting skills while recording in their logs and writing short term and long term goals throughout the 8
day unit.
2. What informal assessment activities are planned as a formative measure to check for understanding of either content or life skills?
Response: Class discussions, entry tickets, and questions on checking for understanding


3. What formal assessment activities are planned as a summative measure of the unit objectives?
Response: Final partner project, Homework, discussion questions, Me Chart, Paper, and rubrics
4. Describe why you selected the instructional materials you have included in this particular unit?
Response: By using a wide variety of instructional materials, students will have the opportunity to learn material in multiple ways. Having students
work with peers allows them to build relationships and also work on their inter-personal skills. By using videos, students will learn visually and will
actively engage them in the material.

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