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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH - Teacher Education Department

Candidate: Lizeth Loaiza


Grade Level(s): 1st

Date: TBA

Single/Multi-Day Lesson:
Single- Day Lesson
Reading Standards for Literature K-5
Key Ideas and Details
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story
using key details.
Language Standards K-5
Conventions of Standard English
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Writing Standards K 2
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information
from experiences or gather information from provided sources
to answer a question.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
II. LEARNING OUTCOME (Objective): Students will describe characters, settings, and major events in
a story, using key details.
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): In the previous
lesson, students retold stories, including key details. In the next lesson, students will identify words and
phrases in stories that suggest feelings.
A ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities): Today, I will read the book, The Little Red Hen, by
Meredith Hairston. But, first, lets look at the vocabulary words. (Words are charted, will be
pronounced with students repeating each word.) Why do you think I brought these words to you?
(Students must respond in complete sentences.) As you hear the story, listen for the vocabulary
words, listen for the names of important people or things, and what happens in the story. The Little
Red Hen, by Meredith Hairston is read. Which words from our vocabulary list did you hear? Who
is little red hen? What else can you tell us about the story? Lets see what else you can tell us about
the story..
B INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
Step #1 Name the important characters.
a In pairs, give the names of the important people or things in the story, be able to tell one
thing that they did in the story.
b Teacher listens to responses as pairs of students share their information.
Step #2 What did the Little Red Hen do?
a What did little red hen find? What did she do with the grain of wheat? Who helped her bake
the flour? Who wanted to help her eat the bread?
b Teacher listens to students responses.
Step #3 Charting responses
a In pairs, talk about why little red hen did not share the bread. What did the dog, the cat, and
*Note: Use CTRL + TAB for indents in outline format.

the pig did at the end of the story?

b Teacher charts responses, putting the contributing students name next to the statement.
Step #4 Application Task/Formative Assessment
a Students complete little red hen worksheet.
b Teacher collects and corrects worksheet.
Step #5 Summative Assessment
a Students make journal entries.
b Teacher shares some of the journal entries and has students share their favorite part of the
C APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): See step #5 Application activity
(Working in their journal)
Vocabulary charts
Blank chart for responses
Marking pen
Book, The Little Red Hen, by Meredith Hairston
Little red hen worksheet
ELA journals
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):
Formative Assessment: Steps 1-4, walking around monitoring students responses.
Summative Assessment: Application activity (Writing in ELA journal)
Working in groups or pairs
Visual aids
Vocabulary chart
Oral language
Questioning to make sure that the content is comprehendible to ELL students
Reinforce prior knowledge
1-1 assistance

*Note: Use CTRL + TAB for indents in outline format.

*Note: Use CTRL + TAB for indents in outline format.

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