Linguistic Chauvinism

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Chauvinism can be thought of as exaggerated patriotism,

a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory. In the

Last Lesson, the Chauvinism referred to is an overt
preference for one language over any other, namely
Linguistic Chauvinism.
Language is a means of communication for the people
who have the freedom to choose but for others, its much
more significant, it is a source of ones national identity,
culture and history and consequently a matter of life and
death. The Last Lesson raises a significant question
through the words of little Franz, almost innocently; when
he says Will they make them sing in German, even the
pigeons? This rhetorical statement raises a question of
immorality behind imposing imperial language on other
people and snatching their most basic right, the r ight to
choose how they communicate. The main theme of the
story is When a small child like Franz can understand the
importance of Language, why cant the conquerors
realize the same fact?
The story delivers a very strong message, it shows how
imperial powers in history have taken control over
territories via a stronghold over the means of
communication. The author also shows the plight of the
average citizens of all ages due to this display of power
by the invaders.

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