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Toms resco JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD PIC EES SS iC RIS IC GIRL icy > Submit apphetio pnatout with you El heteby confirm that | have ras al the INSTRUCTIONS & the Subject Group Appling Fors” [PEM (Physica Chominy Mamet) —_v) JBILITY CRITERIA mentioned in the INFORMATION BULLETIN carey befor spplying Cee ee a ee eee ee ee EL aom naa ere rcagt JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD. ERS ese eC RIG CUDA s Home | Notmestons | Syaaus Howto Apply RepicaForm | Ad Card | Resum™s Onkne Complantouery | Hew Desk FAO Conwact ee cudescs Gere) cammmaTeRESisTRATION MFORNATION (as given in class x cert Fathers Name st Male v category: Garetel v bate ef Birt ovyax/1s85 E-mail 10) estates teat Mobile Numbar: see4567000 Land ling with 612 muir2245676 | De ee ae ee ee ee ce ERNVENT OF JHARKHAND ecu) JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD ERC Reese nC RIS ID GIR icy ri amet | emt | nar | amc] esc angen EME) cas iready Registered Candidate Date of Eraminaton 34/05/2035 (Thursder) Registration No: | 5510009 Commencement a submission oF Sri applestion 32/03/2015 Passo . ‘nine Applestion submieson Inst aoe 20/04/2015 Secuity Code: KEV Last date for sueossu al és Irareacson of feeby Crt Card | 20,708 2035 ikeu Beha Chango Socuity Lt date for suecoss nol so foa f 018 Iransecson of iy by &Challan ce Fee Dotals Group Code Gen (00-1/ e-11 seysr rem oo ws ‘ste of avalblty of seit card or EEG. - 2015 onthe webate 08/05/2035 onwards ‘contre of Bxaminasen fs indated on re admit care “Time Schedule for tharihand Cambined Entrance Competitive Examination (. ~ 2035 Piolagy(Bioecnelogy | - | 05:00 aM to 10:00 at Physies & Chemistry 20,16 aM to 12:25 Pm Mathematics 32:80 Prite 01130 Pm ‘The Group wise timing areas tallow ce Group 03:00 AM to 12:25 Pn Dedaration of Recue Last week of ay, 2015, Material to be brought on the day of ‘Admit Cord and fall Pine Pens of asod aus ough wore Al rough wrk eta be dane in he Question Booklet only “The candidate wil pot do any rough work-or put sta) manson the OM answer Sheoe fer ce of Blu/Sack Bal Font Pen only ‘writing of panialars onthe Que Fecponces on the ON ANEW S Jon Booklet and Disclaimer Terms & Conditions ad Cee 5 RNa |, Sat otesenens opens on 01022015 ‘and closes on 2322015, List of Services offered and Their Pricing JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD ESceCe se CHRO CG Rt siel Home| Notmestons | Syalus Howto Apply ReplicaForm | AdmMRCard | Resuts Online Complanouery | HewpDesk FAO Conract soloaPament Opion:* [SnivoFemoritiowtsbi/OodiGad/Neiéaig ——_v) ‘you have ay problem ining of applicanion form, You can call a 653-2260279 mn Workang hours (1:50 amt 5350 pm) DCO ee eee) aceite, | EN shure, Severna of ins | Gov India | Tah cnc i 7 oe an Jharkhand Combined Entrance Debi cad —= Sonpstscramnaten visa EDS Soa & FR Debit Card + ATM PIN Cord Number # Internet Banking tears number Payment veut €2.00 Expiration Date ewicve everywhere you want to be Month Year Cord Holder Name Enfer ard holder name JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD ESceCe se CHRO CG Rt siel Home| Notmestons | Syalus Howto Apply ReplicaForm | AdmMRCard | Resuts Online Complanouery | HewpDesk FAO Conract soloaPament pion” [BySmkchaen ———SSS~S«G*d ‘you have ay problem ining of applicanion form, You can call a 653-2260279 mn Workang hours (1:50 amt 5350 pm) DCO ee eee) ‘eceanco eam JCBDE. 2015) Feo Depoca Chala (Bank's Cops) See | Tealiand Combined Entrance Conpeiive Eewinaon | Bourd Rens [hanand] ‘Acade nic Year 2015-16: Bank of fase Payable w al Ercshoo of Print on A4 (Portrait) Page by using proper margins ‘eseance Beam JCBOE. 2015) Feo Depoca Chala (Candia Cops) | Thsiied Costined Enranee Competitive Eemimaton | Bourd Rene Uhatband] ‘Acadenie Wear 2016-16. ‘Bek flndia Payabe at cll Eeanchea oF Lag Out ‘seance Beam JCBIE. 2015) Feo Depoca Chala (ICECEE's Cony) Thalia Conbined Entrance Conpetilive Beason Bourd Rens [hanand] ‘Acadenie Wear 2016-16. ‘Be flndia Payabie at cll Eeanchea oF ‘Bank of baie ‘Bank ofa "Bank of ia (During 25032015 0 20042018) (During 25032015 20043018) (During 26032015 0 20043018) Beseisiay Mans west iin, Baza en Gen CBmckain ‘(Bary Mune Gea Boban, Benecir?'s Back Aiesnt 8203000005 Benecinr's Bask est 8020021000025 [Benefciny's Bans Account 6020021000025 rox ros ros Eananeny fo) Gamage Bs Perea a a rualsePet np raalsePe ns (rarer 5 tee ct Boe tee ct Boe ewcede ew cedes freeetontD freeetontD frou nr ni Sih rou nyt enc Sih esses orem Pesmies orem one Apert oni appre oxi apart estes aonision 5510019 estes aonissis 5510019 atsein 5510019 Js sttewe TEST Jes sttew TEST ast Feteestene TEST steestene TEST Tr eora BRS eta Bana oar Baas Depsta’ Signa Deport’ Signa Deporte Sicsue Cate aes Sue [st ite (in bektnp) Cin bektnp) [os Paar Iie Enc a a Bade Haale TNA wenn, The Enc a mc Rade Haale Fa nA wen TTT eee et (era JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD RIRSCeCE Sc CRC RCC UC GC iy Home | Notmestons | Syalinbus Howto App RepicaForm | Adin Cord Results Online Complanmouery | Hew Desk FAO Contact, Crete ae Candidate's Names * ian ivan Gascx:certiieate: {on st ee, Or Hum Beare youre) Fathers Names * (on put Sh Late, Dr bears your Father’ tame) bathers tame: © a {on put Sint, seve sour Motes Nome) Ganson * Male v Date of birth (BO/IY/YYNY) * category: * Generel v ‘Select the Relevant SMQ: * None of these v Person with Oiebiity (PD): No y ‘Type of resident of Jharkhand: * Permanent Resident of Jharkhand Ema io: * ate uninar, * Land line with S10 Coa Fatnly Total annual income: * 2n00 re 4sno00 yv Nationality: * ois Asdnar Humber: setse7e028 | fceresnomienen auaress = Addross — a: * vest Addross 2: * vest Addross — vest city: * vest state: * akon y Fin code: * wos nn [Zire Permanent Aseress i sre to Corresnendenes Sciess Permanent adérass ~ 1: © aa Addross - 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Yo can al ot 05512260279 in work ours (10:30 amt 50 Pe ee ae ee ee ee eee Een resco JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD BSc Sr eC iIG UCC Rly ReptcaForm | Alia Card Rests Onne Complantouery He Desk FAO. Contact Home | Notmestons | Syaaiobus. Howto Appt eee ‘Step 2: Readeinie Betas exam | Passed / Appearing Name of Board oll No Se oth | passed Jhatthand Acedemic Counc v | (122348 2000 6 rah Passed ¥) | sherkhand Acecemic Council v | 125486 zone 55 Fill tho marks related to subject of 12th Class subject Max Parks Obtained Hake Physics 10 120 ‘homisby 10 % Hathomatize 100 «0 Iryou have any problem ining or appileation orm. You can cal at 0551-2260279 mn workmy Nos (1:30 amo 530 pm) eee Privacy Polley Refund / Cancellation Tey Fema resco JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD. PIC EES SS iC RIS IC GIRL icy Home | Notmestons | Syaaus Howto Apply RepicaForm | Ad Card | Resum™s Onkne Complantouery | Hew Desk FAO Conwact ‘ yi Ss er Step mage lon ee ELD Ez, : Pi i [UPLOAD PHOTO! Attach Candidate's Recent passport Size Colour Photo Parratdog (aviary 309 K) * UPLOAD SIGNATURE ‘ttach candidate's sign A04300 pe (avimurs $0 KB) * {UPLOAD THUNES ‘attach Thum Impression ‘au £0} aaa aes a (Left Hand Thumbs impression) * a Ityou have any problem in fiing of application frm, You can cal at 0551-2260279 in wor hours (40:30 ato 50 pn) Ce ee ee ee ee ee JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD PIC EES SS aC RIS ID GIR Lid Home | Notmestons Syanus Howto Reply | RepicaForm | Adi Card | Resu™s Onkne ComplantOuery | Hew Desk FAO Conwact Subject Group applying For (Whysies, Chemistry, Mathmatics) Candidote's Nome: vest Father Nome vest other Nome vest Sender: rae category ssenersl Person with Disabiity (Pwo) is ‘Type of resident of sharkhand Permanent Resident of sharthand Date of arth aovs-0101 mai tc tenes abil No: aeeseres0 Dee Thereby declare that oll the particulars stated in this application form are true tothe best of knoviledge and belief. have| read and understood the JCECE procedures and Information bulletin, I shall abide by the terms and conditions thereon, Disclaimer Terms & Conditions Privacy Palicy Refund Cancellation Policy List of Services offered and Their Pricing JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD ESceCe se CHRO CG Rt siel Home| Notmestons | Syalus Howto Apply ReplicaForm | AdmMRCard | Resuts Online Complanouery | HewpDesk FAO Conract eC EL aa ‘your have ay problem inimg of applcanion form, Yow can calla 651-2260279 mn Workang hours (1:50 amt 5:50 pm CC ee eee ee eee ee ey Print on A4 (Portrait) Page by using proper margins. Log Out cr [HARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BOARD proaus sige we ofeehften whe oH, 510019 JHARKHAND COMBINED ENTRANCE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2015, \Foradurconisto 3 Tech, MBBS, BDS, 85s. Agintas, 8 So Fosety, BMS) eatin io ssw Sdjon ew Arsen PC Pin, Che hs) ei ane mest Fete est ‘ Mest mest Gea Mas cates Geren Pras Rin en thay on) ve “ype oft men Reet ft Da Bish oxrsaees ealta test et iit ssasre0 era SH ero ee ompenac hatn Tes, Tt oly al Arma acne 2n0pot was0m0 Test 1st Tanta 126 Neoatty spin Peat Adkes attr acres feet Test nt Laie wih ST Cae oss Er ass “at Town Pam Ba Test Twn atone 2: Disa = Pasepensing Nam fend Bale a iPiniag renter 1% Paved Tain ods Coan nae 200 é 1k Fan Tain ovine Come 266 aan % Ma ld eto 2 Ce ysis (say 150 ira MeN) 100 Nolin (Mas) 00 Fh Nel) 120 nity (Ca May 75 ann (Cd) 20 ‘Transaction Td:, Fee Amount , Date Ce as ai imprest cae ress aica gosta sie ploteot he oma) (Giga of ie sans vasieg hand) | Sigaac of he ile ara eg Declaration: Thereby declare that all the particilars stated in this application form are true to the best of knovsedge and belief. T have read and, ‘derstood the JCECE procedures and Tnformarion bulletin. I shall abide by the termas anid conditions thereon. Phew Dats Sign oC

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