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For Early Education Majors
during Freshman Year

Childrens Literature,
Foundations of SEI, and
World Social Studies are
all classes designed to
further the students
interest in pursuing an
education in Early
Childhood. While there
are other Education
centered classes
available for the spring
semester, this is a
somewhat objective
overview of the classes
that I am currently

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Arizona State University

Kim Zacsek
EDT 180B
30 March 2015

RDG 291
Mrs. Nicole Bixby
teaches Childrens
Literature on Tuesday
nights from 4:30 to 7:15
p.m. The class focuses
on the educational and
entertaining aspects of
picturebooks in their
numerous categories.
Each week provides
another opportunity to
read and examine
childrens picturebooks.
RDG 291 is designed to
teach students to be
critical of the literature
they choose to expose
their future students to

BLE 220
Foundations of SEI

GCU 114 World

Social Studies

Dr. Kyle Messner teaches

Foundations of SEI Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:45
a.m. Dr. Messner offers an allencompassing syllabus focusing
on how to successfully teach
second language learners in a
variety of ways. The class offers
several interesting assignments
designed to fully engage all
students in the material. Dr.
Messner also dots her lessons
with original stories about raising
two young Chinese orphans as a
single mother, which provides a
more personal facet to the

World Social Studies is an iCourse,

meaning there are no in-person
classes. Ms. Sheila Nice teaches
the course, which is designed to
give students an overview of other
countries beyond the U.S., as well
as provides the chance to deeply
research another country of their
choice. The research focuses on
the countrys history, education,
religion, politics, and geography,
culminating in a student-created
website. Assignments are due
regularly, every Thursday night at
11:30 p.m.

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