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Production Booklet

Unit 36: Interview Techniques

Pre-Production Booklet for Two

Name: Cameron Gibson

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)



Production Booklet

Purpose of Interview 1:
What is the purpose of this interview?
The purpose of this interview is to gain a wider knowledge on festivals. We have 4 topics covered.
The camping side of festivals, the history of festivals, the danger of festivals and the management
of festivals. With all this information I will get a complete knowledge of festivals in the UK. Interview
1 is about festival camping and the purpose of this is to gain a bigger knowledge on festival
camping and all the dos & donts.

Circle which of the following formats it will be;

Lifestyle magazine article
Lifestyle television or radio Programme article
Television or radio documentary
Childrens news website
Commercial blog
Local television news
National radio news,
Reality television contestants

Add research demonstrating the format of this interview (ie a magazine layout, or an interview chat
show on TV)

Production Booklet

Planning for Interview One

Interviewees Name: Aimee Martin
Date and Time of interview: Tuesday 10th of March at 10.30am

How will you record the interview?

I will record the interview in a studio set up with 3 cameras

In what medium (audio, visual, written etc) will the final interview be presented?
The final interview will be presented in a visual medium

Production Booklet

What information do you need to get from this interview?

The information I will get from this interview is extensive knowledge on music festivals, I will have
learned about festivals from plenty of different perspectives.

Describe how you are planning on contacting and liaising with your talent (interviewee)
My Interviewee Aimee, is the fianc of Kyle whose sister is in my class so it will be easy to contact
Aimees No: 07845 32578
Aimees Email:
Emails and texts below:

How will you make sure unnecessary sounds etc are not recorded?
I will make sure unnecessary sounds are not recorded, by selecting a quiet location. My interview
will be in our studio which is pretty soundproof, I will also have to make sure nobody comes in or
out whilst we are recording my interview.

Production Booklet

If visual recording, explain how you will deal with any issues caused by ambient light.
If I come across any issues caused by ambient light, I will be able to make sure I can set up the
studio to make sure all the lighting looks good on camera. In some places the studio tends to look
really dark on camera so therefore we can set up the studio lights to make sure this doesnt
happen and make sure the lighting looks good on camera. When we filmed on location we filmed
facing away from the sun to make sure there was no glare on the camera.

What equipment will you need to carry out this interview?

The equipment I will need to carry out this interview is 3 studio cameras set up on 3 tripods and I
will also have microphones set up around the studio to make sure we dont miss a sound. We will
also need a vision mixing table so that we can cut between shots when we are live.
On Location: 3 cameras, 3 Tripods, 3 microphones, Scripts, Location, Guests
Studio: Lighting, 3 Cameras, Vision Mixing Table, Microphones, 3 Tripods, Scripts, Guests

Production Booklet

Location recce

LocationAddress: The
HENLEY College,
Deanfield Avenue
Oxon RG9 1UH

Lighting Information: All lighting is

available in the studio.

Solutions: None

Sound Information: The studio is set up

with microphones.

Solutions: None

Power Information: Many power

sources around the studio.

Solutions: None

Hazards: All hazards have been noted

down in the risk assessment.

Solutions: Check-list notifying all the

hazards in the studio. Check risk

Production Booklet

Structuring your interview: Scripts and Question Formulation

Question: So Aimee what would you say is the most important
essential to bring to a Music Festival?

Likely Response:
The most important essential to bring to a music festival

Next Question: So bearing that in mind, if you were managing a

music festival what would you do to make festival camping more

Likely Response:
To make festival camping more bearable is would change

Next Question: Um, can you tell us 3 things to bring and 3 things
not to bring?

Likely Response:
Um 3 things I would definitely bring are
3 things I wouldnt bring are

Production Booklet

Question: During a 3 day weekend at a festival. Would you know a

good amount of money to bring? Or even bring a credit card?

Likely Response:
I would bring around
And I definitely would not..

Next Question: We would all like to know where the best camp spot
is in relation to the music arena. Close or Far from the music, what
would you say?

Likely Response:
Um I would say camp as

Next Question: And finally pop-up tent or build a tent?

Likely Response:
If you were with a group of girls I would..

Production Booklet

Interview Style for Interview One

Production Booklet

What will your interview style be? (formal, informal and chatty, intense, questioning, argumentative,
friendly, jokey)
The style of my interview is going to be in an informal and chatty style

Why have you chosen that style?

The reason I have chosen this informal and chatty style is because personally I think this will give
the interview more character and flavour. Say this interview was extremely formal I just dont think
it would look quite right, its all based around the interview topic and that topic is festivals, so
therefore it gives me a reason to ensure my interview is in a laid back style, Its not laziness, I just
personally think with this style the audience will fell more at home and will feel more comfortable
watching this in the set up I have chosen. I would also like the audience to feel as if they are there
at that festival so making this interview in an informal style I will be able to really get my point
across. I would like to see my interview as more of a chat than a structural interview.

Add research of other interview/chat shows where the presenter has a similar style. You can insert
another page here for your research.

Define the structural progression of Interview One

eg introduction, leading questions, progressive questions,
What questions will you ask and when?

Production Booklet


The topic I am covering today is festival camping. Many people know the
struggle of camping. So here today I have Aimee who studies Event
Management at Bucks Uni. She is here to answer the questions we need to hear.
Hopefully with her personal experiences she can help us out.



Thank you Aimee for you time it been great having you on the show & Now over
to Zara and her guest Jonathon Humphreys to discuss the dangers of music
Cameron: Now over to Zara and her guest Jonathon Humphreys to discuss the
dangers of music festivals

Liaising with your client

Production Booklet

You must print off and include all emails/texts/telephone transcripts that you have had with your
client about the interview.
This includes;
Decisions about dates/times
Agreements about what areas the interview will cover
If you have sent previews of the interview questions

Editorial compliance (fair dealing with contributors,

Before your interview takes place, confirm the following;

That the interviewee has given their consent?
The email/contact where this is shown?

That the interviewer is aware of the questions, or the subject on which you will be asking
The email/contact where this is shown.

That you are dealing fairly with your interviewee.

(ie you are sending the correct questions, times, locations and giving them enough time.)
The email/contact where this is shown.

Are there any copyright issues that you need to address? (ie are you using any clips/images etc in
your final interview that you have not created yourself)
The copyright issues we may face and that I need to address are the photos, clips and
soundtracks we include in our production. If when put on YouTube it gets blocked then we will
email the companies and ask if we can use there footage or songs.
Link of the song is:

Production Booklet




Production Booklet


Describe their job: Speak or read from scripted materials, such as news reports
or commercial messages, on radio or television. May announce artist or title of
performance, identify station, or interview guests.

What skills do they need to do their job: Thinking Creatively - Developing,

designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products,
including artistic contributions. Getting Information - Observing, receiving, and
otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. Organizing, Planning,
and Prioritizing Work - Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize,

Production Booklet

and accomplish your work. etc

What ideological issues are there around their presenting style? The
ideological issues around their presenting style are the way in which they
may ask questions to the guests. For example they may direct more full on
questions towards different guests and leave the softer questions towards.



Production Booklet









Production Booklet

Introduction video for soundwave showing people dancing at a festival
with music.
Intro ends
Camera pans around the studio
Music fades out
Cameron: Hello and welcome to soundwave- Im your host Cameron Gibsonand todays show is all about Festivals. Tonight in the studio we have;
Giuseppe Pecoraro who will be talking to us about the history of
Camera pans to Giuseppe
Cameron: And Zara Lane, who will be talking about the different dangers
that could be faced.
Camera pans to Zara
Cameron: On location today we have Courtney Wilsnagh who will be
interviewing a lecturer from the University of Buckinghamshire on
festival management.
Camera shot changes to location camera
Cameron: But first, I will be discussing the camping side and talking
about the different essentials that you could need if youre planning on
going to a festival this summer
Camerons questions
Cameron: Now over to Zara and her guest Jonathon Humphreys to discuss
the dangers of music festivals
Thank you Cameron. Im now going to be looking at the dangers of music
festivals, and live music in general. There are many different dangers
that can be faced at festivals which are not unknown to the public.
Festivals appeal to a wide range of people but it is not unheard of for
younger people to be discouraged from going by their parents. There are

Production Booklet

thousands of stories in the news of drug overdoses, people being rushed

to hospital, alcohol poisoning, thieves, abuse and much more. I have
with me today Jonathon Humphreys, who has a lot of experience with music
festivals. What I want to find out is are these festivals a danger or is
it the people who go to them; and can the dangers be avoided?
Zaras questions
Hi John, welcome to the show- So what festivals have you been to in the
past so far?
I know that youve had some first-hand experience with the dangers of
crowds and mosh pits- particularly with heavier bands... Can you talk
about your experience and how it happened?
There are certain things that are supposed to help avoid dangers in mosh
pits- such as wearing appropriate clothes, not going too far in if you
dont think you can handle it and not having big open pockets in case of
thieves Do you agree with this or do you think your injury was
One of the most talked about dangers of festivals in the media- is
drugs, particularly mdma. Have you seen this as a major problem from
your own experience at festivals?
Would you say drugs are a bigger danger than mosh pits? (Why?)
There are many recorded deaths from people who have either taken
something that they didnt know what it was, or been crushed in a crowd
or mosh pit- do you think these are extreme cases or could it happen to
Last year the overall number of crimes at Reading festival dropped by
nearly 15% since 2013- but there were 17 drugs offences, one public
order offence, one robbery of personal property and 92 thefts- As well
as this there was also a report of sexual assault and one of rape What
do you think this says about the festival?
(Is this at all festivals?)
(Is the improvement enough?)
The main reduction was in the amount of robberies. There was one robbery
last year for every six in 2013. Did you notice a change or improvement
in security having been both years?
Other than breaking your leg, have you had any other first-hand
experience like with robberies without your campsite or personally?
What do you think can be done to prevent these dangers from happening?
Zara: We will now be going to location where Courtney is currently at
the University of Bucks; ready to interview a lecturer on festival
Courtneys questions
Courtney: Now back to the studio where Giuseppe will be interviewing his
guest Kyle, on the history of music festivals- over to you Giuseppe
Giuseppe Thank you corntey

Production Booklet

Festivals , are big business. And where theres big business theres big
cash. The cash that festivals like reading and leeds generate are
monstrous. But what about earlier festivals back in the 1950s? They used
to cost 5.00 for the weekend, so why is it now 250? Throughout
previous years festivals have been commercialised and guess what this
means? More money! Today I present Mr kyle wilshnag , we will be
discussing the history of festivals and how much commercialisation has
shaped the festivals we go today,

Question: Throughout history man has always had a connection with music
starting way back with the ancient Greeks, who worship there gods
through music, eating good food and getting drunk. Through the decade
this has developed into the festivals we all love and go to today,
although the food and getting pissed is still a big part. The first big
festival was Woodstock in 79. Woodstock 79 promoted peace , love and
music , that was prodomently attended by hippies.
How do you think modern day festivals compare to this? Have they
improved , and if so in what way?

Festivals now cost a lot more than they used to to attend them , why do
you think this is?

What festivals do you think have been consistent in providing amazing

entertainment from when they started to present day.

In the Woodstock festival 1999 there was a riot causing massive fires
and injurys. There was also a lot of overcrowding, rape , and assaults.
The water pumps broke meaning 500,000 people had to buy overpriced water
and the whole organisation was a mess. What safety measures have been
brought into place to police events making sure stuff like this doesnt
happen again?

Production Booklet

Festivals like Glastonbury was attracted

wants to go. There website has crashed a
selling their tickets due to thousands of
How do you think the market has changed

by hippies, nowadays everyone

number of times when they are
people logging on to buy them.
for festivals such as this?

Giuseppe: Thank you very much for joining us in this weeks episode of
soundwave, see you next week!
Closing credits, music fades in


Production Booklet


Production Booklet


Production Booklet

Unit 23: Multi Camera Techniques

Production Booklet

Name: Cameron Gibson

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Description of scripts
Multi-Camera Production roles
Assigned Roles for each interview
Mind-map for the content of your show
Defining the format of your programme
Defining the Presentation style
Defining the Visual style
Script: (add in the first draft of your script)
Writing links for your segments
Describing any footage/interviews/images/quotes to be inserted
in the interviews
Final draft of script using a highlighter show what has
changed since your first draft. Write a small paragraph explain
these changes.
Equipment List
Set Design
Lighting Design
Studio Management plan
Location Recce forms
Risk Assessment

Production Booklet

Multi-Camera Production Roles

You will be producing 3-4 interviews during your chat show. For each interview state who will be doing
which role. You must do EVERY role once during the show.
For more information on what each role entails, visit
And search through the video profiles on the site.
TASK 1: Define each of the following roles;
Describe their job: An interviewers job is primarily to interview guests. But behind this comes a
lot of work, like researching guests and learning scripts and sticking to time schedules.

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The interviewers main place they do work in would be on the studio floor.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is: confidence, good timing, quick learner, to stand out

Describe their job: The director is the main man/girl, they are responsible for all the filming and
directing of the guests, they predict and want to see how it will look on the television.

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The directors main workplace will be on the studio floor.

Production Booklet

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is to have a great and creative eye, imaging, ideas and
overall a creative mind.

Camera Person
Describe their job: A camera persons main role is the filming of the production, there will often
be more than one at one time. They are responsible for all the shots filming throughout the

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The part of the studio they work in will be the studio floor.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills camera operators need to do their job well is a creative eye, good camera skills, a
good understanding of the camera equipment etc.

Sound Mixing
Describe their job: A sound mixer is responsible for all sound recorded during the show and music,
in a live show they are constantly at work mixing all the sound needed in the production.

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
They will work in a sub room to the control room or if not in it. They may also work on the studio

Production Booklet

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is a good ear for sounds and music, sticking to timed scripts,
quick actions etc.

Vision Mixing
Describe their job: This job is probably the highest intensity of all the jobs. They decide what we see
on TV, its their judgement and their decisions that we see.

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The vision mixers will work in the control room or have a separate vision mixing room.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is quick reactions and a good eye. They too also need to
follow timed scripts and shot lists.

Graphics Generator
Describe their job: The graphics generator is responsible for the graphics we see on the TV, for
example if its a game show its their job to put up the scorecard.

Production Booklet

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The part of the studio they will work in will be the control room.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is quick timing, following scripts and making decisive

Lighting Desk
Describe their job: The people whom work at the lighting desk are responsible for the lighting and
the effects around the studio.

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The part of the studio they work in will be a separated lighting desk.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is a good eye for lighting, deciding what looks good and
what doesnt, and making sure the lighting looks good during the production.

Floor Manager
Describe their job: The floor manager is responsible for everything going on around the studio floor.
They have the responsibility of making sure everything runs smoothly and looks good. They
manage all the people on the studio floor. They will tend to work alongside the director and help with
positioning of the set and the guests.

Production Booklet

Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
The part of the studio they work in is the studio floor.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

The skills they need to do their job well is good organisation, have creative plans, good ideas and
good understanding of set up etc.

Production Booklet

Interview 1: Aimee Martin

Camera Production
Sarah & Giuseppe
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Courtney & Giuseppe
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and
Zara & Cameron
Floor Management
Interview 2: Tommy Andrews
Zara Lane
Camera Production
Sarah & Giuseppe
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Courtney & Giuseppe
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and
Zara & Cameron
Floor Management
Interview 3: Nick Eade
Camera Production
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and Floor

Cameron & Zara & Giuseppe
Cameron & Giuseppe

Interview 4: Kyle Wilsnagh

Camera Production
Sarah & Cameron
Directing and Sound
Courtney & Cameron
Vision Mixing and
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and Floor Zara & Cameron

Production Booklet

What will be the content of your show?

Create a mind map showing all the things you would like to include in your interview/chat show.








Production Booklet

Define the format of your programme

What will happen in the first segment?
The first segment of our show consists of my interview and the intro. The show opens up after our inserted
intro and then starts on me opening up the show and then leading onto my interview with Aimee. I will then
pass onto Amys interview.

What will happen in the second segment?

Amys interview continues for a while and then she passes over to Courtney who is on location talking to a
lecturer and her section continues.

What will happen in the third segment?

Courtney then passes her interview back to Giuseppe who is in the studio interviewing Kyle about how
festivals have progressed. And then after the interview closes Giuseppe rounds off the show and then its to
the outro to close are show.

Production Booklet

Production Booklet

Using your mind map, answer the following questions.

What will the presentation style be? (Formal, informal and chatty)
The presentation style will be un-formal and chatty, the reason my group and I wanted it in this format is
because we think it will be suit the programme we are trying to make. If it was formal it would look
uncomfortable and out of the place.

Add research of other interview/chat shows where the presenter has a similar style.

Production Booklet

Define the visual style of your show.

The visual style of my show is a casual and laid back style, I want this to show to the audience and make
them feel more at home and more comfortable when they are watching it.

Stick in relevant images of previous shows, interiors you would like to emulate, lighting style etc.

Production Booklet

How will you link each interview to each other?
(You may use cut away to clips of them doing something relevant. Remember you will all be swapping
roles so you may not be able to film live at this point.)

Link between interview 1 and Interview 2

Just phrases and words

Link between interview 2 and Interview 3

Just phrases and words

Link between interview 3 and Interview 4

Just phrases and words

Production Booklet

Link between interview 4 and Interview 5

Just phrases and words

What clips/images/quotes etc. will you insert while the interviews are taking place?
Insert no. 1
When will it happen? At the beginning
What is the insert? The Intro

Will you need to film /produce this insert? No just edited

Tick when this has been completed.

Insert no. 4
When will it happen? At the end
What is the insert? The outro

Will you need to film /produce this insert?

Tick when this has been completed.

Production Booklet

Production Booklet

Equipment List

(STUDIO) Cameras x 3 and Memory Cards x 3
Tripods x 3
Sofas x 2
Bean Bag x 1
Vision Mixing Table
Microphones x 5
Cables, Leads, Wires etc.
General Props
Studio Booked.
(ON LOCATION) Cameras x 3 and Memory Cards x 3
Tripods x 3
3 x Microphones

Tick off during set-up of show


Production Booklet

Set Design

Draw a plan of your set. Mark on the position of lights, cameras, props and Green-screen
Add in photographs of your final set, including props etc.




Production Booklet

Lighting Design
Take photographs of the lighting set up for the following sections of your show;

Studio Management Plans






Production Booklet




Production Booklet

Location recce

LocationAddress: The
HENLEY College,
Deanfield Avenue
Oxon RG9 1UH

Lighting Information: All lighting is

available in the studio.

Solutions: None

Sound Information: The studio is set up

with microphones.

Solutions: None

Power Information: Many power

sources around the studio.

Solutions: None

Hazards: All hazards have been noted

down in the risk assessment.

Solutions: Check-list notifying all the

hazards in the studio.

Production Booklet

Location recce

Type of room/area:
Grass Park
Location Address:
Aylesbury Waterside
Theatre, Exchange
Street, Aylesbury,
(Post code): HP20 1UG
Nearest Train Station:
Aylesbury Network
Nearest Bus stop:

Lighting Information: Nice bright area

of the town with natural daylight

Solutions: None

Sound Information: Noisy road just 20

metres away but microphones set up to
block out the sounds.

Solutions: None

Power Information: No power sources

availiable so all equipment has to be
fully charged before we film.

Solutions: None

Hazards: All hazards have been noted

down in the risk assessment.

Solutions: Check-list notifying all the

hazards in the studio.

Production Booklet

Risk Assessment
State the potential risk of your multi-camera production. Check all precautions are in place and tick off
during your set up for your show.









Cable, Wires ,


Make sure all

wires, cables &
leads are
fastened down.




Fire Hazards

Electricals & Fire



Check and
make sure
anything that
could cause a
fire has been
changed or




General Trips

Trip Hazards


Make sure any

trip hazards
have been noted
down and made
safe before




Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name: Cameron Gibson

Activity :
Hazard :

In Place:

Signed: CG

Date: 26/03/15

Describe the component part of your pursuit.

List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated
with your activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the
likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When
concluding your assessment consider all of the circumstances.
Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?

Production Booklet

Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it

might be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Production Booklet

Shot List
Use your timed script to write a shot list. You will need copies of this to go to your Vision mixer.
Type of shot

Camera No.

Current Action

Duration of shot

Production Booklet

Type of shot

Camera No.

Current Action

Duration of shot

Production Booklet

Type of shot

Camera No.

Current Action

Duration of shot

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