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Evidence collection 3

Review sheet
Learning aim C: 2C.M4

Name of graphic:

The VStar phone

Date of review:


Name of reviewer:

Callum Smith

Purpose of graphic:

To show new buyers how good and easy my phone is

Target audience:

People who want to buy a phone




Is the graphic a suitable size?

Yes this graphic is a suitable size.

Have a you made it look


Yes this graphic looks professional

Does your Graphic look like a real

User Guide?

Yes this graphic looks like a real user guide

Is the graphic a good quality?

Yes this graphic is good quality

What do you think the strengths of

this graphic are?

I think the strengths of this graphic is that it shows how

easy the phone is to run.

What do you think the

weaknesses of this graphic are?

The weakness of this graphic is that it could be more

colourful and attractive.

Overall do you think the graphic is

fit for its intended purpose?

Yes it fits its intended purpose as it gives of a good

impression and gives easy instructions on how to work it

Do you think it will appeal to its

target audience?

Yes as it shows off a good phone and easy to use.

Any other comments?

Make it more colourful and formal.

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