Raja Yoga

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RAJA YOGA Knowledge... | | | _ ...Lechnique | I RATA TOG" CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India, Lesson 1 TTR a#WHO AM I 236 STII 1.1. INTRODUCTION Qm Shanti ~ These two words represent the essence of the teachings of Raja Yoga. “Om” means: “1am a Soul”, and “Shanti” means “Peaceful”. Hence, “I am a peaceful soul”. Yet how long can | maintain being a peaceful soul? If | look back over the last 24 hours, is this what | have been? Probably the situation has been a very different one. In my search for peaceful satisfaction in life, | have been trapped by peacelessness, which has influenced me so much that | have moved so far away from my natural consciousness of peace. Through the teachings of Raja Yoga, the soul is able to achieve its natural state of peace very easily. ‘The name of Raja Yoga has been used for a long time, many centuries in fact, although these teachings have only recently emerged, and are quite revolutionary. They explain very simply the most fundamental information of all: that of who | am and what | am. Raja Yoga — can be defined in a number of ways. The word “"Yoga” simply moans “Union”, and the word “Raja” means “Supreme”, “King” or “Master”. Raja Yoga is the king of all yogas because through it | can become sovereign. But of what? Not over others, because that would be attificial. The power that | gain, that | now seek, is the power of control over my own mind, because itis my mind that has been creating sorrow and distress, My Aim — is to become the master of my own mind, even to master my own personality, and of ‘course to be the master of the physical costume ~ my body. ‘The first subject of Raja Yoga is also the one that leads us to the last — that of not merely who | am, the soul, but of soul consciousness. The final stage of achievement through Raja Yoga, in which souls are free of all negative influences and have reached a state of perfection, is based entirely on this first lesson of soul consciousness. 1.2 THE PHYSICAL AND THE NON-PHYSICAL {5 there more to me than I see in the mirror? To see how there is more to me than an assembly of physical organs, we have first to define the Living and the Nor Living, not merely in the biological ‘sone, but in 8 deeper, spiritual context. ‘The Living ~ thet which has AWARENESS of its own EXISTENCE and also that which is able 10 Create its own thoughts. These thoughts form the basis of feelings and emotions and ‘only “the Living’ am capable of these. “The Living is also that which has the ability to JUDGE: Right from Wrong, Truth from Falsehood, Reality from lilusion. | the Living also have a unique personality which is totaly incomparable to that of ony other being, Individual uniqueness exists bocause every living being is carrying the fll record of al its past experiences, which d ff one person is quite diferent from that of another, “The Living islso that which has MEMORY. On the bass of this unique quality, a person can establish ‘relationship. As | remember meting others, the relationship grove, “The Living is alo that which DESIRES, These may be limited material ones, which tend to lead one Soul into further mental degeneration, or desires ofthe highest, altruistic, spiritual kind, that lead the Soul back to its original state of excellence, These desires form the motivation for al ations, ‘The Non-Living — If | relate the qualities ofthe Living to those of the Nor-Living, | ean sue the vast anc difference between I the Living Being’ and all material objects around m Similarly let me apaly these criteria of the Living to my awn physical body:— ‘Thinking of the body ae a separate instrument, is there any part of it which is experiencing, judging or deciding? | can see that none of the physical organs, such as my hands oF feet, eyes oF eas, or even my head, have these faculties, There is something apart from these organs that does these things. Let us take en example Whatever action | perform, although | will use various instruments, | am totally seperate from them. For instance If | use a knife with my hands to chop some tomatoes, throughout the operation the kenife makes no decisions. If | lose concentration, and cut my finger with the knife, neither my finger or the knife became emotionally disturbed ~ they were purely instruments. It i easy for me to see the Knife as an instrument. But I'm so attached to these hand, that itis very difficult to dissociate myself from them, and realise that they too are only instruments, and really fpothing more than this. | have had this pair of hands for as long as | have had this body, and | know they are the only pair | will get, So not only personal atachment to my hands, but to the whole of ny physics! body, is something so deep, s0 intense, that | have totally forgotten my real identity. ‘The Mistake — Ever since the moment when I came into this physical body, | have been labelled et and put into compartments sccording to my physical clasification. It has been instilled into my consciousness that "You are « boy’ or ‘You are a gil so thet ! grew up absolutely ‘Committed to ths ides. And in fact if someone were to question this today, to question the identity Gf being 2 Mon or 2 Woman, «person would probably consider ita very great insult. But is that whst I'am? Can | be accurately labelled ‘young! or ‘old’, ‘man’ or ‘woman’, “ar’ or ‘dark’? ts there rel indication of who | ar simply through this? ‘Yet this is the mistake we have been making; not only have others made this mistake about me, putting me into a bodily compartment, but ! have also been quity ofthis same error. Not only have put others into compartinents, but | have done this to mysof. | have totally identified myself with {the body, and | have cut out all other possibilities; my consciousness has become quite restricted by the colour, the age, the nationality, the religion, the culture, into which the BODY has bean born. REDISCOVERY OF “1” Living, | am not physical. | know I am not because | can experience things be\ and physical ‘My body cannat go back to childhood, but I ean. Within a second, my mind ean race back ‘of my Youth. It can even race forward to the days of my probable old age. Pastor future, ‘equally easy for me to travel in. | travel through the three aspects of time without any at al. 1 am able to travel across any distance in a splitsecond, as my thoughts carry me ‘America, to Australis, to India. Wherever there is a pull, my thoughts will take me tere this while my body has been sested in one specific place. So my body is physica, | am ‘1am metaphysical, unhindered by the physica limitations of time or distance, 4 grew up with natural instincts such as eating, breathing etc. related to survival in a physical ‘also grew up with my own personality which, 9s has been mentioned, is absolutely exclusive ‘own subtle characteristics are quite different from even those of my physical parents, and hhave gained this in an existence even before this one. ‘What am 12 When 1 dissociate myself from my physical eostume, and search for my true Identity, there is strange detachment from the body, but also uncertainty, because | don't fully know who | really am, and I'm leaving behind teritory which was familiar. So let me 90 further, and think of myself in a non-physical form: a tiny point of light, aminute dot of luminous energy. Can this relly be true? Such a strange thought to have - . for so long ‘thought of myself as female, or male, and nove I am thinking of myself asa tiny dot, as light. examine this turther ‘think deeply sbout this, you wil become aware of yourset as a subtle being, a point of subtle y, minute, yet full of power, so small iteannot be broken down any further. Let me experiment with this. ‘Yes, itis « dot, that i eternal, unique, unhindered by time and space, A point that has ical dimansions. The dot ~ invisible. Just pure eneray. So peculiar to think of myself as yet a5 experiment with this concapt of my deepest identity, and experience myself a point located directly in the centre ofthe forehead. Ihave ths incradible sensation of lightness, of (of peace, of subtle power, because | am now aware that allthis is within the point. — Where arn | located? | the soul am located in the contre of the forehead, near the organs of control for the {and near the orgens of communication with the physical worl, singe itis trom here thet I ean total control. ance — The brain is an instrument operating by means of electrical impulses. I, the sou, make a decision and the decision reaches the brain instantiy. itis transiated into via the entire body system, Stimuli come in through my senses, and reach the brain, From i, impulses reach “the soul”. Thus from outside, 1 am stimulated into further thought, and further action. The intellect makes this decision. | the saul am the controller, andthe brain {control room through which | operate. td Eye — This is also where the shine eye of wider has been shown, which wae once thought o have exsteg physically, However it isnothingghyel, because wisdom lated to any particular prt of the bay. I is the soul tht seeks wid ad te ur tet Widom. So wien we speck. in pital terms, of the ‘penta Of the tid eyes we me ‘fering tothe awakening of consciousnes, 0 new awarenes, or a sou! consciousness. oo a Sl atalleetpetieeaatin esd es eet ee rr a er mse nta Reeser gece THE SOUL IS THE DRIVER WITHIN THE VEHICLE, THE BODY 1.4 DRIVER and VEHICLE {It will sound obvious to say that “only when a driver is fully conscious, can he use his vehicle accurately to take him to his destination”. But if we now look at ourselves using this analogy, we can + 388 clearly just what en enormous difference there is between being ‘in control’ and being sleep at ‘the whol. ‘The driver of acarean go anywhere, as long ashe remembers what he is doing. If he is travelling along the road and suddenly loses concentration, allowing the mind to drift of even for a moment he wil ‘lunge straight off the road. Accidents happen when people forget what they're doing, {In exactly the same way, if someone loses thelr slf-control, even for a moment, there is an accident {an outburst of great anger for instance) which causes sorrow forthe self and sorrow for anyone else involved. Even onlookers who simply saw the accident are very upset by the dammaye dove to the ‘occupants ofthe vehicles, So, awareness of and. harmony between both the soul (the driver) ‘essential. Just asthe driver must be aware of his venicl ‘total contro! of its body. and the body (its vehicle is fant in harmony with i, the soul must be in ‘And yet | have gone to seep, 1 have not been aware, and so there have been many, many have caused myself, and those around me, so much grief. But now with awareness, the diver |up, assumes control once more and begins to use his vehicle inthe correct way. Under Control — In the consciousness of “I, the soul” | can now see the benefits of using my senses 10 pick out the good from the bad, the useful from the useles, and translate tall, lito positive actions, which help others and elevate my own consciousness as well. Being awore of Imyslt, | become the master of my physical senses. {ts so strange to realise that | have been using so litle control over my senses, that my eyes and ears hhave been pulling my mind in different directions for years, making me literally nto & slave oftheir ‘every whi. It really is the situation of the cart before the horse, putting the body before the soul Knowledge is power, and with this Knowledge I can re-establish my true state of sovereignty over the Physical body. 1.5 HOW THE SOUL WORKS Having seen, and experienced, the effect of forgetting who | am, let us examine whet is happening Inside this pin-point of light, this spark of consciousness, that i the saul. Each soul has three separate faculties. As they.are described, you will be able to see not only how so many accidents have come ‘bout through eck of understanding, but also the method for geining control once more. ‘Although we can give each faculty a different name, itis actualy the same e ‘thee diferent levels— these are: the MIND, the INTELLECT and the IMPRESSI functioning on is. lind, — Through the mind, one IMAGINES, THINKS and FORMS IDEAS, Our thoughts are cea created in the mind. The thought process is the basis of all EMOTIONS, DESIRES. and SENSATIONS. It is through this feculty that, in an instant, thoushts can reach anywhere ore lve @ past experiance and produce happiness or sadness. The mind isa subtle orgon which should not bbe confused with the heart, which is merely @ physical organ that maintains blood circulation. ‘Through Raja Yoga... the Mind ie controlled ‘The intellect — The intellect is then used to ASSESS thoughts. This is the faculty which UNDER: STANDS. Our capacity to understand is perhaps the single most crucial ability of all, With the deepening and broadening of the intellect, clear understanding of snything is posi the Intellect is developed and elevated ln sdgition to understanding, the intellect REASONS, MEMORISES, DISCRIMINATES and TAKES DECISIONS. As with all faculties of the soul itis subtle and spiritual, not physica, s0 it should not ‘be confused with the brain. The brain is merely the physical focus of the nervous system and acts 9 the control panel of the soul. Through this physical control panel, “I, the soul” arm abe to reqlate the functions of the different organs of my body. "I, the soul” am able to slter the pulse ond respiration of my body, simply by reacting to an externa situation, which | decide makes me overjoyed or very upset. So my intellect is not part of the physical train, but the subtle faculty of judgement and understanding of "the soul” | THE SOUL AM A POINT OF LIGHT THousis oS (20d, ba) ‘SNonae actions—I2es 10 _» satisxans, > ‘osatoa) ‘good. ‘THE CYCLIC PATTERN OF THOUGHT “The Impressions ~ Any action thathasbeen performed leaves an impression on the soul, We will afer 10 impressions as “SANSKARAS”, which isthe precise Hindi word used. HABITS, TENDENCIES, EMOTIONAL TENDENCIES, TEMPERAMENTS, PERSONALITY TRAITS are all " sanskares imprinted on the soul through each action it has performed, ll the thoughts that occur in my mind are the direct result of my sanskaras. So my most fundamental feature as a soul, my personality i determined by these sanskaras. Each ection | do either ereates a sanskar (this is how a habit begins), or reinforces an old one if the faction is # repetition, This enables us to understand that the sanskaras contain the COMPLETE RECORD of all my mental anc physical actions, Le all my experiences up to this moment. ‘Any thought that arises in my head willbe due 10 the influence of one or more sanskaras. This makes “it clear that |, and | alone, am responsible for my own thoughts, although we tend to deny this ‘responsibilty and blame external situations instead, “fan action is repeated often, it becomes @ deep sanskar, Rather inthe sme way thatthe more one “digs «hole the deopor it gets and the more difficult it will be to erase all trace of it. Old habits die hhard for this reason alone. “The Effect of Sanskaras on the Mind and intellect ~ Imagine yourself as the detached observer of 2 ar accident. A numberof people will art ‘the scene, but although itis the same sight for each person, their different sanskaras will produce ‘quite different reactions tothe chaos. For example, one person is examining the injured and | can see that hei a doctor. One i calmly Aestiontng the onlookersand can se that he a policeman. Someone ele isunhurriedly looking at the damaged vehcies, ile nother person is completely overwhelmed with emotion, The unhurried “ghe is. mechani and ca se the he her probably has a relationship with one of the injured. stimulus is the same, but their reactions are totally different. Different sanskaras ead to their different reactions. pais Equally, | know from pest experience that my own state of mind controls my thoughts, For instance ‘one day many things go wrong, and yet a great deal of inner strength enables me to cemain calm and peaceful.On another day { may lack that stability and the slightest word out of place can annoy i wasn't the fault of the person who spoke, but my own state of being that created that reaction. 1.6 WHERE WE IND OURSELVES TODAY Gradually, os Impure sanskaras were formed and were allowed to reinforce themselves through repetition, this instinctive voice gave way to the powerful influenee of my physical senses. ‘The strong pull ofthese senses spurred my emations to such a state that | overruled the decisions of my own intellect. Consequently, when a similar situation now occurs, the weakened conscience nas even less influence, and in due course it stops speaking altogether. As the conscience was ignored, ignorance inevitably followed, And s0 we find ourselves oftan uncertain of seperating right from wrong, We may even deny the very existence of right and wrong. The distinction between selfish and unselfish action has become clouded {in the intellect, s0 thet state of amorality prevails. ‘As actions become progressively degraded, the search for happiness and fulfilment was only possible fon @ similarly degraded level. Without the knowledge of "I, the soul”, body consciousness became deeply ingrained as sanskaras end the soul has been foreed to look for happiness on a material eve. Unable to find contentment from within the self, the soul has turned all its attention to pleasure derived from material sources and found himself in a void of inadequate, transitory experiences, Io such a vulnerable postion, the soul mentally grasps at any source of comfort. The level of motivation inevitably degrades into sense-gratification, which traps the soul into seeking greater plessure to offset greater dissatisfaction. ‘This internal conflict has become 9 familiar scene throughout the world. The more we have turned ‘Ourattention away from our true eves, the more we have become entangled in sorrow and frustration, ‘The mind hes become a slave to the senses, so that | am presently unable to contral it 1.7 THE FIRST STEP IN SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS “The situation described in the previous section is definitely an unpleasant one, although very real for most people. But it needn’t be like this at all. The fist stop is to awaken the intellect, my power of judgement, which is very simple:— A.wild horse — With awareness of “I” a a soul, | am now awake to my teal position in the world ~~ in this conscious state I realize that itis me that i responsible for controlling my ‘thoughts and disciplining my mind. The mind has been compared to @ wild horse, one with such tremendous energy thet it races round and raund constantly, never stopping. Day and night it races ‘on, even in my dreams itis stil racing, and o little wonder that it has become tired. But even then it doesn’t know how to calm itself. | can rest my body by siting dawn, but my mind refuses to slow ‘down. It only knows how to go on, nat even aware of which direction it should take Realizing — The moment my intellect realizes | am non-physical, nota body but a focus of powerful ~~~ energy within 3 body, | am able to use this power. With this awareness | have in my hhands the reins with wich to tame these wild horses, my thoughts. Once | am conscious of the waves, can direct their flow: in this way there's none ofthe wastage that has made me so tired, Choosing ~ | now become very selective. In this position of authority over my own desires, | am ———= able tocnoase only those toughts that will lead me to experience permanent happiness ‘and contentment, instead of something that is transitory. In allowing only pure thoughts to pass into ‘ction, my impure sanskaras, thathave caused so much upset, gradually weaken, giving way toppure ones even reach a state in which my very thoughts are peaceful and deliberate, instead of tense and anxious, Effect — At first there is some necessity fora deliberate control of the mind, but it leads toa situation ‘where there is complete transformation, So it isn't merely an external force or discipline, tat ‘my very nature, my sanskaras, are being elevated. There comes a time when there are only pure ‘levated thoughts that bring me happiness and enable me to give happiness ‘With my intellect awake, and each thought being evalusted before mistakes can occur, | em able 10 ‘achieve actual changes in my life, when before it was impossible. Developing a sanskara — But | have been body-conscious for so long, that the awareness “I the point of light” slips away again and again. Oniy with effort can 1 retain this ‘consciousness, s0| must develop the sanskara of teaching myst. Everyone around me will stil see me ‘a5 0 body, and tell me | em a body, but | must tell myself that | am a peaceful soul, invisible, eternal {and | ar simply using my body as an instrument, Fors long as | can maintain this attitude, | will have ‘complete freedom, and all my actions done inthis frame of mind will inevitably be accurate and post ‘As | see others | will begin to see them as souls too, as my brothers, and | will be able to establish a felationship of pure love and harmony, without any personality clashes of any description interfering ‘at al. All this is only posible when | am seeing others not as male or female bodies, but as souls, ‘non-physical ike myselt. ‘This is the stage of SoutConsciousness: to remember this is what | am, and then use my vehicle with wisdom, seeing everything with the third eye of knowledge. 1.8 MEDITATION ~ TUNING OF THE INTELLECT Let a lite time be spent, now, in total silence, focussing the thoughts on the centre of the forehead, ‘on the pinpoint of subtle light that isthe real self and, in tis state, being able to feel energy glowing ‘and sparkling in that location. When next coming to a period of activity, it should then be possible to reach that consciousness within afew saconds and maintain i. If possible, let the room be softly It Sit stil for 8 few minutes in a comfortable, easy portion; there {is no need for strain. A number of thoughts are now suggested for the mind to follow. When at ‘ene, these thoughts are allowed to flow peacefully through the mind and there is then the experience ‘of soul consciousness. 5 od SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION Tum your thoughts, your mind, to the self, the real, the soul, «point of light the soul, am a point of light... any point of energy ...Isitin the centre of ‘my forehead . This isthe real I... the real me... my physical body is but ‘costume... which I, the living energy, use. exists for me to express my being... through which to express my personality Now I realise my true identity .. . 1 have unlocked my prison door... Lam now free. ike «bird, lean fly once aga [now emerge my true nature, that of peace ... experience that peace... 1 | become that peace ... Lam that peace... Texperience my truenature... that Of light... Ubecome that light... lam that light. Texperience my true nature ~ that of love. I become that love... Lam that love [Now power is being filed in the soul... lightness and ease become my nature ‘ow no longer the slave but the master ofthis body [spread light and peace and purity into the world, ‘HELPFUL METHODS FOR THE DAY Lightness By sing toh, hts is filed int the set fas you seater, you look tthe (the light) at the centre of the forehead, you pass the day feeling light. 4.10 STUDY Answering these questions gives one 8 deeper experience and understanding since itis, itsel, a form ‘of meditation. Some students find it enormously helpful to read the leston two or three times befor answering. The chief thing is to enjoy writing the answers. They may be short or long, but all will by ‘ead with interest, and comments offered. 4 QUESTIONS 1A. What isthe soul? 1B, What differences are there between the body and the soul? 1G. What ate the mind, intellect and sanskaras? 5 in PLEASE REPLY To: “The next lesson will be sent after receiving your answers, or after bout 10 days, unless you would Vike it delayed. Please inform us if not received within 14 days OM SHANTI Cover Picture: “Yost! IN BLISS” = bliss is an extreme happiness beyond sensory experience. AAS? OSA ORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India Lesson 2 a eg a A eo SUPREME fam 2 peaceful soul, tiny sperk of light, a non-physical being, n this consciousness | am able to see as souls too. When we go beyond the limitations of physical identity in this way, we forget fanpearance, occupation, bodily relationship of othérs and see them as our brothers. All souls are e's, points of eneray, in different physical costumes, and playing different roles in this world 140” this world stage. However, many questions still arise. If we are all brothers, and the world Tike one large family, Is there a father or mother forall these souls? Similarly, i we see ourselves ‘actors, playing citferent roles in different costumes, is there a director of this huge drama? Is it [posible that there is a Supreme Being, a source of power, energy and knowledge who would fulfill ‘the role of Father or Director?” — ze 22 A SUPREME BEING? IF SO, WHO? It hes been mentioned that the meaning of "Yoga" is union, and the meaning of “Raja” is king, Imaster or sovereign, but, in particular, it means supreme, so Raja Yoga is union with the Supreme, the Father, Director, the one wo has been remembered as God. However, when | start to search for the identity of the Supreme Being, it becomes extremely ‘confusing. From every direction comes a different answer different images are thrust upon me along With a multitude of conflieting seriptures. | even reach the stage when | wonder whether there is a God, or whether itis all the creation of human minds. Surely, if there is @ Supreme Being in existence it should be possible for me to have one completv introduction to Him, one complete set of facts, Human experiment has been one thing, but the knowledge from the Supreme Being about His own | form and identity is something vary different. Let us consider various ileus that have been put forward, according tothe teachings of Raja Yous and perhaps you will experiment with those, and in || 0 doing reach an experience of the Supreme. After all, the purpose of knowledge is to experience. Surely it is possible to experience 2 relationship through direct communication with my Supreme | i 23 THE FORM OF THE SUPREME , Having recognised the soul to be a point of light a pinpoint of energy, | can now see others as my brothers. Each soul is unique, an identity within isef, each with a different record of experience, lrvque vnteect wn Wining Which Tuntions on a particular wavelength. However, every soul isthe ame size and form, a tiny point of light. It is certainly possible then, that the Father of all souls ‘would have the saine form. The Supreme Being is also a soul, @ sock of light, the infinitesimal pinpoint which contains within tela mind, Wtellet and sanskar, a personality 11 has often buen felt that God is some form of energy, but that the Supreme Being is one with @ sonality, with whom | can have a relationship, may seem strange, What are senskars, what is Bersonality? It is the recording of action. God hat been remembered as the one who purformed ‘actions which were truly beneficial, so the Supreme Being has benefit in the sanskars. He has been ‘temembered as the Ocean of Knowledge, and itis within the intellect that knowedge i tetained. The intellect of the Supreme, being supreme, Th Supreme algo has « mind, and God and mercy. ond limitations — with complete wisdom and awareness, been recognised as One who gives unlimited! love, pea The idea of God being an infinitesimally small point of tight seems very different from the generally held view that God is infinite, unlimited, ‘The word “infinite” has usually been thought of as meaning immeasurably vast, huge in dimensions. However, this word has quite another aspect, which also means beyond geomettcal dimensions, nd this is ‘that which isinfinitessima, that which is so minute that it cannot be measured’ tis definitely ‘possible thatthe form of the Supreme is this rather than the huge, unlimited infinity We have heard that the qualities of God are unlimited, and have therefore assumed thatthe sie of the Supreme Being is unlimited, but in fact size and depth of quality are not necessarily related. We do not judge the qualities of a human by the size of the body. The power of the soul has no ‘connection with physical dimension. | can recognise the soul as a dot, and the Supreme Soul to be the same, and yet from this dot rediates qualities as unlimited as the Ocean; unlimited love, peace, purity, bliss, power — the ist i also limitless. From this spark of light, light emanates in an_oval image, just as from a candlelight emerges from » Point source and assumes an oval image. It is Treating to see that throughout the world God hes bbeen remembered as form of light, usually with this oval image. Images in gold, silver, diamond and leven ice have besn made ~ forms that are visible to the eyes and can therefore be worshipped. But ven one religion, Isiam, which has no form of idol worship, has, in Mecca, an oval, black, crystel stone which is precisely the same image. (Ths is called the Sang-.Aswad, the Holy Stone). A group ‘of Buddhists in Japan focus their thoughts on an oval-shaped image known as the peace giver when they sit in meditation. Zoroaster, the prophet of the Parsees, advacated the worship of fre asthe ‘remembrance of the Supreme, “the Great Light. Christ has spoken of God as light, Moses hed visions (Gf the burning bush and the form of light appearing, and Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, | has spoken of the One Incorporesl, the One without human form. Certainly this isthe one form in ‘Which God has been remernbored which appears throughout the world 2.4 THE QUALITIES OF GOD It is std ther i you were to turn the earth into paper che oeean to Ink and the tees into qui, stil {it would not be possible to write down all the qualities of the Supreme and all the prose which could bbe atbuted to Him. But in order to understand definite characteristics, we car concentrate on the specific qualities, love, purity, peace, bliss and power, As we turn our thoughts to the Supreme in ‘meditation, the soul is flooded with the experience of these qualities and actuclly absorbs these ‘qualities within itself, thus eventually achieving complete transformation, We have thought of God as the Father of all souls, but if, within this spark of light, there are ail Qualifications, itis quite possible for the Supreme to be experienced as the Mother, as well asthe Father. Although the word “He” is used, conveying the idea of the dominant role of the Eathe, there is the definite love and mercy of the Mother within that soul. And similerly, beceuse the ‘Suprome has ll qualifications, | can experience Him in His numerous roles in all relationships HY there i to be union withthe Supreme, i is only posible when ther is the awarenesi of Gu Pinpoint. It snot possible forthe mind to concentrate on huge expanse. Whar corte a teen then the mind, the eyes and the Bain wil Instantly Bull up a compost plete snd 6 ‘cine wil come together. But there can only be tot cncanration an ane tiny prt tone And so the soul, seeking union with tt atl then be achieved and union sexoarioncd. A rltlonahp is thas bao 2.5 THE NAME OF THE SUPREME In any close relationship, itis usual to know the name of the other person. There are as many na '% there are tongues for the Supreme, and each one is accurate in that each one conveys # ‘meaning or quality. But the one name that carries a multitude of meanings, a whole world significance, isthe sanskrit name “Shiva”. The word Shiva hes thre specific meanings: Shiva me ‘the Benefactor, the point and it also means the seed From the word Shiva we can see the qualities of God, that is, the Benefactor, the beloved Father, {come to know His form, the point, and also God as the sted of the Tree, The knowledge ofthe whl “human tree" is contained within the Seed, and the Seed isthe Creator of the Tree. In this name ‘contained the theoretical knowledge of the Supreme Soul, but in my own meditation another 's sed, and that is “Baba”. Babs means father or daddy and immediately conveys the idea of mi Blom rsusorihts WIE bloat Pet And so sie Goa te Sane Incorporeal, Sidi Babs, 26 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SOUL AND THE SUPREME SOUL We have been looking atthe similarities between the soul and the Supreme Soul in form, size and i the funetion of the mind, intellect and sanskars. There are, however, some interesting di All souls take a human body. a costume, in which to play ther roles on the world stage, within th ‘eycle of birth and death. But the Supreme Soul isthe One free from this cycle of birth end death, the ‘One who is constantiy incornorea ae: = ‘Souls, taking on a human body, ate governed by the laws of action and rea either liberation or bondage, depending on actions, (karma), and ther it ‘The Supreme is the One who i totally fulfilled, eternally complete, and forever constant, constant in name (whereas human names are merely labels for te body), constant in qualities, No humen soul has this constancy, and thi is why we turn to God when seeking the stability we ourselves lack. ‘The Supreme is also constant in abode 2.7 THE ADDRESS OF THE SUPREME ust as its important to know the name of someone with whom one is forming ¢ relationship, it ‘so important to know where they are, where they live, To form a relationship with God, I mutt now preciely wi can tuen my mind to Him apeneeemes: “This physical world on which we are now living is known as the CORPOREAL WORLD. yond this world of matter, of physical elements, there isthe SUBTLE REGION of light, sometimes ‘referred to asthe astral pla ‘Beyond the Subtie Region is the INCORPOREAL WORLD, a place of constant, unchangeable light, ‘of complete stability, silence and peace. The lend oF Nirvana, which means the land beyond sound of the land of release or of liberation. This is my Home, the world from which all souls come, andthe land where all souls ultimately go. It is also the Home of the Supreme Father, Shiva Baba. ‘The Raj Yooi can turn his mind awey from this corporeal world to that incorporesl world, where the Father resides, and where he can experience complete pesce. 2.8 OMNIPRESENCE It possibly seems strange to think of God as a minute point of light, of energy, witha fixed form, and Jndeed a fixed abode. It sa very widely and strongly held concept in both the East and West that th Supreme pervades the entire universe, in other words, is omnipresent. Let us examine some points in connection with this, It the Supreme Soul dd peryaie the ene universe, suey, then, the quate of the Supeme Sout Would ses pervade evariting? In Ove eae Bare would be no erence Eaten the ving ae he ‘non ving, and certainly each and every being would reflect the qualities of the Supreme. Such things ‘8 sn, impurity and peacelessness would not exist and only the qualities of God would be displayed = love, purty, knowedoe, peace and bliss. 111 am told that itis ignorance that has eoloured the soul and which prevents the qualities of good femmerging, then, if am pervaded by the Supreme, itis questionable whether ignorance could heve come in the first place, Am ! not implying that ignorance hat come to the Supreme? It fs often suggested that the Supreme is an unlimited ocean and that we souls are drops from that ‘ocean which will eventually merge back within it. But drops from the ocean and the ocean are made Up of the same elements, and, again, only the qualities ofthe ocean would be found in the drops. ‘Let us consider the Supreme to be in one location, and from that lacstion qualities emanate, so thet ‘wtveever | am, | only have to tune my thoughts to that souree and | am able to pick up those Vibrations and ‘experience a relationship. A radio transmitter has one specific location, from which ‘ransmissions spread throughout the world, and wherever there is @ receiver tuned to that specific wavelength, or frequency, it will be able to pick up the transmission. Here we find a reason why it thas not been possible for us to experience the Supreme in our daily lives up to now. my mind has been tuned to the physical activity, the gross world and material objects around me, | hhave not buen able to pick up the transmissions, even though God has been sending ther. | have been ‘ana diferent wavelength. If my thoughts come away from the physical, and | move into a stage of soul-consciousness, it becomes very-easy tor Me To pIEK Up the vibrations, and through my thoughts, Take contact and experience Shiva Baba, my Father. “An husratin af he Tee Word is given in Lesion 3 294 UPREME COMMUNICATION While sitting in meditation, think over the following and try to experience and draw power from each thought. SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION | become aware of myself as a soul ... a point source of light in the ‘entre of the forehead . .. my thoughts move beyond the body ‘beyond the bodily world ... up to 8 region of immense light . ‘there is total peace, perfect stillness... this is my Home... 1 find myself in the presence of Shiva Baba. Baba, «spark of tight, radiating the Ocean of Light ... { absorb light within myself. aba, the Ocean of Peace ... { feel the waves of peace ... soothing cooling... calming the soul ... my natural state is that of peace This is how I was before, this is how I will be forever ‘The Almighty Authority fills me with His power, the weak soul is transformed ... | become the embodiment of strength and power ‘the embodiment of peace... of light... of might... of purity of bliss ee HELPFUL METHODS FOR THE DAY As the last thoughts at night, so the first thoughts in the moming. Before going to sleep, if thoughts are linked, through the meditation, to the Supreme, then peace, and stillness will rem in slp. Rising ~The first thoughts in the morning provide the foundation for the day. By rising just few minutes earlier than usual and through meditation receiving the power of the the soul can make the day pass with ease, lightness and aloveful attitude, EB eteren. / the questions and whilst answering them, the intellect can be made clear by remem: ‘Amn 1?" Many have been surprised by the difference this makes. Sagan te maior Woven tv ak andr Bareme Give some reasons why God cannot be omnipresent, What is meant by the Three Worlds? aaa —— ao AGA :: VOSA CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India. Lesson 3 a WHATS FRA NOGAIE Shanti is the awareness of my own true state ~ that of total peace. This isthe essence of the ‘of Raja Yops. Raia Yous is now being taught by the Supreme Father through the human nt of Prajepita Brahma sh the term Raje Yogs has been in existence for many centuries, the original teachings of the Raja Yoga, taught by the sermonizer of the Gita, the God of the Gita, have been lost to ind, which is why we have been unable to experience that highest state of union, or True Yous, vin accordance with the promise given to.us by God in the Gita, "Whenever there is unrighteous. inearnete, to establish righteousness and destroy irreligiousness; | come to teach Raja Yous,” teachings are once again being given, to fulfil this promise ‘Yoga is known os he highest of al teachings because the sim of Raia Yoo is perfection; not lr bringing abovts iti change or making someone » beter person, but the definition and the {Of Raja Yoge are perfection. Thre isa recognition tat the gout was divine, has now lost but hat tis posible to rgan that divinity once again. So Rois Yous works onthe sou. This {nion| isthe met by which there ina tranetormation in the very petsoalty, the very nate, te that within the saekars. The sgiticanceof thi thatthe devish qualities that ‘ae al shed, and the orginal viniy sparkles tim of Raja Yoga is perfection; the method isthe connection with the Supreme. Whilst | only onnection with human beings oF even with prophets and messengers, | cannot reach my own ‘elevated stage, But when | have union with the Supreme, am given the strength to erase my defects, and the strength to absorb al virtues and achieve perfection. THE STAGE OF PERFECTION could be described a BEING COMPLETELY VICELESS, COMPLETELY VIRTUOUS, FILLED WITH ALL DIVINE TALENTS AND ATTRIBUTES AND COMPLETELY NON-VIOLENT — the soul who follows the highest code of conduct. [Through the knowledge thst is taught by the Supreme and the method of meditation that is taught bby the Supreme, this becomes possible. Yoga means union; Raja Yoga means union with the Supreme, {& also| means the highest ofall unions: that Yoga through which the soul regaine its aupremacy, 1 a become the master over myself, my own mi the direc Instead of being manipulates Us iy loo nation, thus achieving Hs tar — ‘my senses, my personality, s0 thet Sometimes we have fet that as Raja Yoga isthe highest, perhaps it is alo the mos dtficult. Nothing ould be further from the truth, because identity. How could that possibly be aif aja Yoga isthe very natural awareness of one's own true ficult? Raja Yoga is also the natural, loving communication with the Supreme Father. Cen communication with a beloved Father be called dificult? ‘Whilst there is lack of understanding, or whilst there is no clearly defined knowledge, there is Gonfusion about my own identity, and that of my Father. Yes — then there is difficulty. But when there is ¢ lear introduction, | can begin to establish a relationship on the basis ofthat Introduction, Ard se experience the bonefits ofthat relationshi harmony, in which the soul becomes the the Supreme Father 35 ACHOICE OF vocas? Pit deepens until it becomes one of perfect union, perfect ‘image of the Supreme. I is recreated with the qualities of Sometimes we have been told that, becouse there are a variety of yoga, different youas re suited to different personalities and that we must choose the path of yoga we would like t0 follow. Let ur see now far this idea i vale, ‘Yoga through love and devotion — Ri th "Yoo mens the total develogmant of the sult sm tld must low th path of hak yoo ee you troup ove ‘ction mca tiie way in wh my personaly ibe the final est? Through bhaksi yoga there is the exoresi rom the Supreme, and ther (great deat more. ion of love forthe Supreme, there i the experience of love ‘also great humility. But the soul dogs not just need love; it needs 2 {1 there is only the development of the emotional aspect, of love within the soul, my personality will develop in a dangerous patter, for not only do I need to love God, | also need to know Hirm In coder Ne follow Hisinarueons and obey he nections He gives for my life. So while | remain only 8 yoo) of bhakti but there will be no wistiom, no understanding and no stength thin my sou ene ‘Yove tough leering knowledge ~ | also need that which hes bean described Goon vous Jayan ssid on knowledge wil be able to protect myst fram any. tempt ‘meaning knowledge) because nly when | have eh i tation be only lowe fr-Gor, there is ako the ‘Yogs ofthe intellect through depth — While. there ma Stpeeapton owes ‘of knowl possibility that any teinptation coming in front of me wil Prove 10 be dopth of perception that knowledge brings, the soul is ties, obstacles anc ter han the emotion | experience at that ‘moment, and | will be distracted from my path of Yogs or union. But W there Knowledge, with tne able to recognise ues ot and will mak ot tropped by any of these, and that remains firm yogi _ Gyan yous linked with Buddhi yoge ude! meaning intellect thee. isthe danger that simply ‘The balance of yooss ~ While Gyan and buddhi yooa ate isolated. with knowledge, simply with Yoga ofthe intellect, | may develop arrogance, there would not be a complete development of personality. Complete development implies @ ring of the qualities of love and law with wach.ather: love channelled by law, and lve tempered the sweetness of love: Teed both, surely, i! am to be « completely balanced personality. {Tneed the bhakti to develop the sweetness within. my nature, and equally | need the knowledge. jn “order to develop the strength within my being. So I cannot separate my yogs into Gompartments an “say that T must choose the one or the other. | must find @ yoge whieh combines both, And if we look “at Raja Yoga, we can see the perfect combination of all yogas within one system, “Three other kinds of yoga will also be refered to later on. Let us examine Roja Yogs and ee how it “is carrying atvibutes of each of the yop. ‘The youss within Roja Voge — First and foremost, perheps it could be described os buddhi yous | ~ _ because its yoga based very much on the intellect. The inialect isthe ‘faculty which takes knowledge, so Raja Yoga is olso gyan yoge. The intellect uses knowledge a5 the ‘basis for communication withthe Supreme. But Raja You is also the true Oba! yoge, for. when my Untellect recognises the Supreme, there is the spontaneous expression of pre love and devotion for _the Supreme Being, not only asmy Father and Mother, but my friend, my beloved and my companion, ‘80 it conteins the purest love of bhakti. Without this, the perfect relationship of the soul with the Supreme could not exist. ‘Yous through renunciation — With this love for the Supreme, the soul, very naturally, turns awey F from all others and comes to One — theSeed, Thus Raja Yooaissenvs ‘yoge (sanyes meaning renunciation). It is nota physical enunciation, if | haye physically renounced someti cal "However, Hf my thoughis = _ swosiness of the Supreme, and my theughs and intllect have renounced or et behing, the pols or "attractions of the physical, gross warld, then this isthe highest, the natural, unlimited renunciation, Yous through ascptine ad determination — Raja Yoga is aae‘hatna oom ath imeiyng a ate of disciptine or a of force), Within Raja Yoga {3 the natural discipline, the natural foree and power that comes from @ deep understanding thin the soul. No physical postures are performed, but the soul is completely disciplined 30 that it tomains in the en necessary for gach particular situation. Hatha is also determination. Ra Yoga i not achieved without determination inthe soul. However, _ dain the determination is an internal one. Rather than simply holding thé body in a lotus posture, ‘the ton 1 mind in. ats le ng the ose Lot Keli Yuga (the Iron Age), to make sure the soul itself is quite unatfecteerand a {ofluence ofthe impurity al round. ‘In Roja Yous, there is not the Shauy essan (the death posture) for the body, which is used to bring ‘lexation, However, becouse the soul experiences total detachment from its physical senses and its ‘physical costume, there i perfect relaxation, even more 8 than with the shauv assn, ‘Thus in Raja Yogs, everything is translated to apply to the internal state of development and the ‘complete stability achieved through that development, theough action — Raja Yoge is aleo Yone (karme eens action), Karma yoga can be defined in three HINSTLY ~ YOGA WHICH CAN BE PRACTISED EVEN WHILST PERFORMING ACTION, Since Roja Yoga is simply turning the loving thoughts to the Supreme Father, and does not involve any ‘hysical posture oF physical aid, my thoughts can be with my Supreme Father even while | work with my hands, and be in perfect youn with Him. As | walk, as | talk, as | sit, as! eat, and whatever ‘action | am engaged in, iny thoughts are engaged with my Supreme Beloved. Therefore i isthe one ‘and only yoge that one ear maintain whilst engaged in action RAJA YOGA THE SUPREME, SOVEREIGN YOGA GYAN YOGA nomad .¥ — KARMA YOGA IS ALSO TRANSLATED AS THE YOGA THAT IS REFLECTED IN MY KARMA (MY ACTIONS). My communication with the Supreme fills me with purity, love 'and peace; my actions then reflect this state of being — my yogie state. Actions are transformed to ‘nes of total purty, ones that spread both peace and love THIRDLY - KARMA YOGA IS THE ACTION BY WHICH MY YOGA IS STRENGTHENED; iv. Which 1 eome closer to the Supreme Being, ar, through which my union with Him la Strengthened. When there iskarmie exchange (giving and taking) between human beings, a relationship develops. Precisely the same thing occurs with Supreme Father: as | perform action out of love fo" the Supreme, in the love of the Supreme, that action brings me closer to Him, and strengthens my Yous. So Raja Yoga is also true karma yogs, ~ Raja Yoo is the yop. samatwe mean ave union with Father, | am pulled ‘be many other yogas but each one of them is found within Raja Yoga. It is the supreme. leads to the full development of mysel the soul. age of the depraded state of the world (se lesson 6, in due course. iE STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT = Meditation — It is interesting that the very foundation of Raja Yoga is different from <____most other forms of meditation. One of the very first stages of Raa bbe described as meditation. But in this meditation we are not using }0r Sound), nor are we using any physical images. We are using knowledge, Concentration — With meditation, straying thoughts cease, and there i concentration, Far from concentration on 3 mere physical objec, the Raia Yogi with the Supreme, who isincorporeal, without physical form of any descrintion, = Reslisstion ~ So the aim of my meditation is to have total concentration on or ‘connection with the Supreme Being, This total concentration can be tion, (NOT A MANTRA OR AN OBJECT? | mantra, or an object, is used, the best Ian hope to achieve is concentration on that word or ‘Most certiniy, | am very far away from experiencing communication with the Supreme. The. ll achieve s certain peace of mind, because my thoughts have moved away from 2 pattern king linked to my physical existence or the events that were causing me grief and sorrow. My have been diverted to the mantra or object, and for that period of time | perform that However, atter that period of meditation, | discover I am still the same os | was before ‘of achieving communication with the Supreme. It isnot it ~ Even when two people sre communicating by meane of physical energies, such as the Sound of speech, aided by visual communication through the eyes, the bass of that eatin is thought. Their thoughts, in harmony, are the communication thst is actually taking Jn the same way, | must use my thoughts if | am to communicate with the Supreme Father. hand, thsi surely the simplest thing | can do and verv easy to achiev. There is no difficulty Physial body. There is no penance or ritual ~ nothing for me to perform. All| must doit s 1UIM my thoughts, my mind, towards God, And yet this most simple of tasks proves to be the ‘most dificult, because | don’t know where to focus my thoughts. 1 do not know how to discipli ee a ees oy oot siglo keen Fee ent to ton ~~ is creating thoughts nowledgé of the Supreme, so that ! can focus my thoughts on ee ees erry apace ee ettrccctnne In the first stage of Raja Youn, the mind is used very actively. This is surely the best system, being ‘the easiest and most natural. To try and stop the mind functioning is @ most laborious business. Its not even necessary. My mind is accustomed to working constantly. Ifa car is running at full speed and | slam on the brakes, | will come to a halt, but | will possibly create damage in the process. In the same way, my mind is accustomed to racingand'f | try to prevent it from doing s0, | will either have aret difficulty {r | will only be successful for avery short while. The mind will again leap into another direction and | will iose control altogether. (39 THe exrenience Ban es sy tm tA ine ain a cs itis gio Wh the iret hes knowles Wags wil be eevated fom the lef oPysea thundane sci fo thous of heal. "Who am? What mI? Wha re my oral qules? Winer my Home? Who my Father? Whats my ransip with Hin? What are Hi ales? Wath Hisadres What dos Ho do" Te anor © these estos are denn Res Yous, and he sol ponders on these uations Asi Sieoversndchurrs teases, the sul es hsm ay from acto Sieve the Sue Regn Tees heya king o hemes aa ve Then 1 concanati Being | 90 cee and deeper ino the esa, Szoverng His quali xowreeing te erent alone thet hae with Him, Coss operating bt now al hougtsare osu on One on Bab not een on ter trots know During the meditation, perhaps many areas of spiritual knowledge were being taken up. During the ‘concentration | speak to my Supreme Father — my thoughts become quieter, calmer, po longer ‘And as the mind becomes stil, | even begin to hear what my Supreme Father is saying to me. ‘roach the stage where there is “concentration” ~ the experience of my Supreme Father es He truly is. 1 am flooded with the experience of His qualities. | absorb them. | am transformed. | even begin to radiate them into the universe. | have reached a stage where there are no longer any conscious thoughts at work. Pure experience has ‘thought comes: Tn What experience, not even conscious thought. 3.10 THE NATURAL WAY and then to concentration My sag ir sn) ‘and then even 10 0 id consciqus ‘roon o aac baer Ia a G0 halt naturally when the system of Raja Vous is understood and practised. ot even 8 matter of having to spend many months on one stage before going onto the next. As tise, and observe the disciplines of @ yogi way of life, and understand more and more ledge, the soul moves away form ordinary consciousness to soul-consciousness to God: usness in another easy step, and then experiences perfect unton. fone eel #8 | change, I rige ff teacton inal others @ iat and nthe wat econ, 2 or sis in te hahes stoge of yop, one an instrument for preacing the qualities of SGor the qualities of purity and peace, into the universe, so that not only am | transformed, but the “world is also transformed. ram ultimate aim of Raja Yoge is not even just the transformation of the self, not just perfection for he self, but the exeation of a new world order in which thore is perfection. The aim of Raja Yooa tstblsmont ST Wer *Wore ot Tatts Golden Agathe Werke? Pay, the World of ave, a ee “The system of Raia Yogs is simply turning the thoughts towards the Supreme, with love, as has _ been spoken of in the Gita "3.12 MEDITATION ~ COMPLETE CONSCIOUSNESS ‘Sitting comfortably, let the thoughts centralise in the forshead. SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION | becomeaware of my trucidentity [the soul. . I move away from the pull of the body and the physical world... , The pall of the Supreme Fatheris stronger than these others. come in ‘ront of my Supreme Father...In the presence of Baba, the Incorpores! pinpoint of light... experience the blessings of my Father, my Teacher and my Supreme Guru... the blessings of purty ... of di 1 am filled with the peace from the Ocean with the light and might that is within the Supreme... Natorally, easily am filled with all that | desire... for L have met the Supreme Father ofall souls and taken, ‘rom this store ‘And as I go about linked with my Father, I spread those vibrations of light and sight into the physical world (aes aa ee _— 818 : FOR THE DAY. Aim — When sspirations are pure, success is guaranteed. Raja Yoga, Union with the Supreme Father, is the experience of pure thoughts; the experience of peace, love, bliss and power. So the aim ‘of experiencing Raja Yoga is 2 pure one. During the day, whilst doing manual work, mental work, ‘communicating with others, or in whatever activity you find yourself, have this pure aim: to ‘experience Raj Yous, ‘3.14 STUDY Whilst studying, we cel that we are spiritual students, because to realise oneself isto be spiritual. ‘Normally study is for the benefit of 40 or 60 years of one's life, perhaps. In contrast, spiritual study benefits one’s whole future existence. QUESTIONS 3A. Why is Raja Yoga considered fo be the supreme yous? 3B. In what ways do we achieve a link withthe Supreme? SC. Inyour own words, explain how through meditation one can boring about a change in others and also inthe world. (OM SHANTI Cover Picture: “THE 3 WORLDS” the Corporaal region of physical matter is likened to # sound movie: the Subtle or Angelic Region is likened t0 a silant movie; the Home, ‘or Soul Worl, is silent and stil. AA YOON ORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India. Lesson 4 SRD 2 SECRET SOE AM Ase Shanti fhe meaning of Om Shanti Is: | am a soul, Shanti — | am @ peaceful soul. Being aware of my true rn, | begin to realize the significance of action, reaction and interaction. 1 CURSE OR BLESSING? — The result of my own actions on myselt [Before becoming aware of my own true identity, while | sssociated myself completely with my “pivsical costume, there was no awareness that every action was having such a deep impact. "Now, with the recognition of the self as a soul | become aware that every single action is leaving an Imprint, a record, which | carry with myself eternally. he Law of Karma, the Law of Action and Reaction, has been explained most clearly by the Supreme Father, whom | cll Babe ~ 3 term of love and close relationship. So Babs, the eternal Father, the Jncorporesl, the one who is Himself beyond the law of cause end effect. action and reaction, and is Aheretore free from all bondages, isthe one wino has explained very clearly what Karma is, and what ‘he different effects of the afferent forms of karma are. “Up to now we have found it very difficult to classify exsetly what is right and what i wrong” Throughout history our definition of right and wrong fas been changing. Within the same period of “history, dlfferent cultures, and different religions come up with different definitions andclassfiations. “Even within the same religion, pzope of different generations wil have cifferent ideas of right and “wrong, and even if | don’t consider the external situation at all, bt 100k within myself, | find thet ny on understanding fluctuates avery great deal. In childhood my understanding of right and wrong “as on one level, in adolescence it changed, in maturity it has changed yet again. But spart from my own growth and development and, hopefully, greater wisdom, even within the “space of one day, or even # few hours, | see myself coming to different conclusions. What seemed 10 be correct this morning, now in the afternoon, | am no longer sure about. In the clear hours of the erly morning, when the intellect was unclouded, there was one particular deision taken. Now, having ‘bent influenced by the atmosphere, the words of human beings, my intellect wavers in its judgement. Tram no longer as convinced as | was in the early morning, By the time nightfall has come, | hove yet “agnin changed my mind and now | am thinking of something completely different from that which senna amen =e ‘had come in the early morning, And 80, can | possibly arrive at » point where | can know abyolu ‘what i ight and what is wrong? Whilst | am limited by this physical costume, even the religion i Which this body was born and the limitation of gender, of age, and of eulture wil colour my i my thoughts end judgement. If 1 can have knowledge from the Supreme Source and if | can be in the consciousness of my i entity, the soul, | am able to understand accurately right and wrong. 4.2 THREE QUALITIES OF KARMA Baba has defined three specie types of ation, of karma: Sukarme action by which happiness given. Such action would be pure action ~ action based on the vices and therefore giving sorrow. = _setion with neither positive nor negative eect 43 THE LAW OF KARMA Let us define the Law of Karma. We can understand it very simply, lust a8 we can understand ‘Newton's Law of Motion forthe physical universe: that to every aetion there isan equal and opposite feaction. This simple statement became the foundation for so much development in science and technology because the understanding of this simple fact — this simple truth — opened up a whole world that had previously been shrouded in mystery. In the same way, the Law of Karma, applicable tothe spiritual universe, is an absolute. And it states, in a similar way, thet TO EVERY ACTION THERE WILL BE AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION, which means that IF 1 HAVE GIVEN HAPPINESS I WILL RECEIVE HAPPINESS IN RETURN. IF | GIVE SORROW I WILL RECEIVE SORROW IN RETURN. This has also been understood in Christianity. There is the saying , "As you sow, 0 you shall reap ‘This is also known as the aw of causeand effect. When we see certain effects, thee is now a realization that effects can only take place if there is a couse. So karma (action) isthe cause and the fruit of arm isthe effect. Generally, when we have seen the fruits of karma, they have been far separated from the karme which [caused them. So we forget we were responsible for these effects. When we see the effects, then very Often we point the finger of blame at others and say that others are responsible for our suffering, and we have even pointed the finger at God saying that itis He wha has sent this suffering upon Us. But the Soul wonders; can the Supreme Father, the Almighty, the all mereiful, the al-toving, realy wish the child to experience any suffering for any reason at all? The intellect rejects this and! | realize thet In fact God is the remover of sorrow and the bestowor only of happiness. So if there isthe effect of soerom, | have been responsible for the cause of sorrow, ‘The Law of Karma makes one take total responsibility for one’s own situation Sometimes only half the Law of Karms is understood, and this is concerning destiny, Someone may think helplesly, “Whatever is happening to mo now is because of my pest actions, 0 there is nothing lean do about it. Certainly it is true that when someone comes to understand he is responsible for the situation, a great deal of tolerance and endurance i experienced which was missing before. But ‘equally the Law of Karma states that if now I pertorm pure action | ca ereate my own future in the — — _my choice, Not only am | a slave of destiny, but the understanding of karma rot my own destiny. | choose the destiny | wish for mysel, | may even be able their destiny through my own example and my own actions ‘been colle the seed. Just as from one tiny seed there can be an abundance of fru, 50 100 “s performing action one is not always aware of the results that action will bring. One ite “performed and its repercussions may last for years and years. Generally what has been ia that there has not been a simple action and reaction, so that it's not just a case of one planted and many fruits being taken, but action has been mixed up with interaction, #0 have been coloured by many aiferent influences and they have cxisterossed with the (of others So today we find ourselves in great web. We find ourselves completely entangled ff our karma and if we try to trace back those threads we are even more confused ‘we started ‘question of karma now is not simply to understand the theory of kerma but to become ft seeing the kermie burden that | carry, the debt that | am esrrying. What can | possibly Insure that | DON'T INCREASE MY NEGATIVE KARMIC ACCOUNT (my bondages or my ‘any more? ‘the first point: that | should not perform any sction that is going to increase my Karmic "Then a second thought comes: What can | do TO REDUCE MY KARMIC ACCOUNT? Wig there possibly 2 quick simple essy method by which | can settle my entire karmic debt ° further there is even the thought: can ensure that 1 perform SUCH KARMA THAT 1 FANTLY HAVE A HUGE INCOME, A STOGK, A BIG FORTUNE WAITING FOR ME IN FUTURE? FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE through teachings of Raja Yous, one experiences how it is possible to work on all thee levels. Nomore-" With the UNDERSTANDING OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF KARMA and the : LINK WITH THE SUPREME SOUL, one is able to ensure that there is no sin, that there ate no Karmic accounts being inreases. Removing" With the FIRE OF YOGA, one is able to annul the pest debts that have been ‘:thered through so many births. [Creating “+” With the POWER AND THE INSPIRATION, THE RENUNCIATION AND THE DEDICATION FELT BY THE SOUL, i is possible to perform such pure kerma there isthe guarantee that my future births will have purity, health, wealth and happiness. reveals the secrets of karma and we understand that, up to now, over the past many, man and for many souls there hss been a total of 63 impure births) we have been performing only re action, We have only been gathering more and more debts. “Babs offers us a vety simple tovehstone by which we can immediately. analyse an ection to see “whether it is pure or impure, it would be very difficult and complicated i there were to be a whole jfextbook that | hed to carry around in my head to determine what was right or wrong action. Because dacoe eran a Tanta tetlon comes generally thre ae but » few moments within which | muat tertboot en gO and wb should not do. | cannot at that me ston thse eg textbook and spend many hours reaching my decision, Peace ead have been forced into a situation of impure karma in tht intervening perio, Tenant e Seperunity for pure karma would have slipped me by And so Babe ren eo comciousnen, (Mt lt Of 8 consciousnes which is locked 10 the phys, Keowee att Body Consciousness — the root vikarma, This means if | think of myself as @ hysieal being — Ss ee tem epee Christian, black re are setions are going to be inuenced by negative features. There wil oe cae infunce of oné or trate melo or minor vic, te malr ones eligi eet wee attachment a gceantook back over my own experience and se that wile the intaler nee ners anative eerie | Yolate to myself an the physical body, there wil boone or aster ef ace Pegative influences governing my actions So, whilst | heve been unaware, | have not bean able to settle any accounts at al waar gent the bith ook was the result of att kama, insted of setling my kar ecedunts mote Larne rete thigh | was bor, ab | grew older I merely continued tacaumelon cone IY Lace accounts. This was because there was ignorance of what was wrong action aren fon bane panarcount wes being increased. And vo, aba realt of my body onetaees wien toro for eyaei unlmyslf nthe trap of sorrow. Iwas giving sorrow to ethers and serene Sorrow for myself. There is another possiblity, Soul Consciousness — the method for Sukarma, It i possible to_perform_setions in the highest ‘Sou Consciousness — the method for Sukarma, consciousness of the self,end this & the setion TEST Mom tenpines to the self and alto happiness to other, This isthe acton ence nse ‘St sikarme, pure action, action with positive results. Iti interesting to analyse this elicie tere Foe rene ae acautes from moment to moment, rom hour to hou, show an | post ive heppiness to another? iar, ott Method. Where cn | find heppine:? My happinew comes when | havea connéction 10 parton neat bls = the sure of all happiness. So the fist stage of pure Lame prc ten hacpinae” nh setions by which 1 come clowr to the Supreme Being, so that Tae coae ede happiness. annie Nahe form of save | can partorm fr another india snot event give the happiness that | have myself, il ‘ikarma (our ction). This now very radically changes my view of sin and’ ewes erases Sinand chs ~ fRmvfously 1 may have thought that sin was only the gros offences against the ws Of the land — to steal, to kil, et. — perhaps | thought only these mere sn rata tale thet practically ever ation that was performing was tn. Evenaction dee the sumergeaa” rete, setons which bring neither negative nr postive reuly such ae ey ae Reem ananance of my own body, my awn survival, aven these Raven’ realy heer heart et Even they have been tsinted with impurity and, generally speaking they alto ve soon ae ‘now my view of charity also changes immensely. 1 1 serve on any physical level, ti offer my services asa nurse, yes, thsi charity, “limited level. Why? Because infact, ll health has come asa result of past bad karma and E ‘the symptoms but | will not have really cured the patient, which means that | may help them ir immediate moment of distress, but haven't taught them how to change ther karmic situation letely and thus cancel their past karmic debt so that they never again have to experience ill ‘or pain have simply given them medicine, 1 have helped them for today but not for ail time. Yet if | id share with them spiritual knowledge through which they themselves could come closer t0 the that would be the highest form of kerma and they would come to know how to settle their ie account. ‘someone is hungry and | feed him, how long cen | continue to feed him? | cannot take the respon: jlty of feeding him for life. !do not even know about my own self. So | may feed him for one oF even for one day but how much better its if lean, again, explain to him the philosophy of ‘and, by helping him come closer to the Supreme Being, enable him to have the strength with ich to earn his own living, 40 that he may not only feed himself but he may become an instrument ead others alo. just a couple of very simple examples have been given of what we have considered to be charity. fully it willbe clear that charity on any physial level is but limited, yet iis now possible ior ‘soul, with the awareness of karma, to perform charity on an unlimited seal. And of course, tne tof giving, the result of serving, of bringing others closer to God, brings immediate fruit — stant results ~ in that | myself come so much closer to my Supreme Father. “And s0 | now have a very different view of xarma, of sin and charity, from the view | hae previously. 4.6 MY LIFE'S ACTIVITIES é “Let me see what sort of actions are taking place in the day to day life ofan individual and, as | see ‘them, | can understand how far there is sin and how far there is charity. ‘Survival — Firstly, there aro those actions that | perform for my own survival: | need to work for ‘myself, to eaen my own living. £0 that | am not a karmic bondage to anyone else, thus ‘accruing further debts, I need to feed myst (my body). | need to look after my own physical being {life), So one entire category of karma out of my day-to-day timetable is taken up with this ~@f ‘number of hours ~ my eating. my sleping, my drinking, my preparation, my working, all come into this first category, actions performed for the self. Responsibility — Secondly, there are those actions | perform out of responsibility for others, and {equally when a man goes out to work its not just fr his own livelinoad, but it fs alo to support his family. Similarly, when a woman is looking after the home, she is not merely doing this for her own self, but it ie at valid # job as working outside in an office, for she is also {ulfilling the responsibilities to others around her. sisure — The third category of karma is one which has grown larger and larger in modern sacety, land that is action which is not necessary, as such, but whieh | am performing, oF ‘pursuits that | am following as mere diversions for my mind. The entre field of leisure activity could ‘Come into this third category Service — Then fourthly, @ category which is generally so minute, in fact sometimes totally neglected, covers actions performed forthe service of others. eae eeieiatanea ane ‘Analysis — Now lat me look ot my timetable and see which of these four categories have been sin, ‘and whe have been charity? It is possible for any one ofthese categories to be either. For instance, in the question of my own survival the actions | am performing are perhaps based on ‘90, reed, oF possibly lust or anger. In which case those actions will be not just neutral but they wil Even simply in the question of caring for my body its posible that there is such ego, or areat vanity that the care that | take of my physical body comes into the category of sin. Equally it could simply ‘be wutral action. | realise that this body must be maintained and | will do so with a sense of detachment, and so there wll be neither sin nor positive karma, but there willbe a simple procedure or eating, ving, sleping, survival, ‘Because | am 2 soul in a human body, living here on the physical world, in this field of karma, some ‘2etions are essential — for instance, | must take care of my body. Yet it is even possible to make the actions involved in the maintenance of the physical body pure actions. How? By being in the onsciousness of myself ss a soul, and in the consciousness of my Supreme Father, | realise that this jhysical vehicle is an instrument through which | can serve my Supreme Father. Through my eyes | ‘an pass on the vibration of purity, Through my lips | can share the message that He has given. Each land every one of my physical senses can be considered to be in trust. | AMIN FACT A TRUSTEE OF EVEN THIS PHYSICAL BODY. I has been given to me on loan by my Supreme Father in order to earry out his work. And ‘recoanising this to be so, | will treat the body with care, with renunciation, but also in that highest ‘stage of consciousness, And every action will become pure karma Within the second category of actions, my responsibility to others, | may be motiveted by greed, finger oF attachment. And generally this is what happens every day in avery situation, But if| am a yea, the place where | work is the place in which | share the vibrations that | have gsined from the Supreme, My actions will no longer be based on motivation for more money, more comforts, but | Will work and soo to it that | have the correct wage for my effort, s0 that there is ne further karmic Jimeaivernent. But my'place of work isthe field of service in which my example and my vibrations will inspite others to remain peaceful, pure, positive. My example will bring other souls closer to the Supreme. ‘As 2 mother, as | cook, | will not just cook following the desires and dictates of my children’s tastes, but Wl cook knowing that whatever is being propared isin fact that whieh God has provided. So whatever | cook must first of all be offered to my Supreme Father. So | will eook with that highest devotion and purest love knowing that | am to offer it to Him first. And having been cook end ‘offered, when iti shared with my farily it will provide not only nourishment forthe physical body but it wil also provide nourishment for the souls, because it wil have been filled with that love and purity ‘So in the fulfillment of my responsibilities, | can perform pure karma. ‘The third category. Today the leisure pursuits we follow are generally 3 further pull on the physica senses. Today the soul is dominated by the attractions ofthe senses and wil seek atiicial excitement. It ne longer realises that happiness lies within the self and so my actions are such that | am pulled into deeper and grosser body-conscicusness. And sometimes my leisure pursuits are such that | Create sorrow and cause grief to others. Yet | am blinded because | am concerned merely with my ‘own enjoyment, which | pursue on 8 very physical sensuous level. [As soon as | become a yogi, that which is bringing the highest satisfaction tothe soul, that which is bringing the greatest contentment to the soul, is coming closer to the Suprome and bringing others clorer to the Supreme, So my entire leisure activity is now pure karma, ringing the soul super: sensuous pleasure ~ a joy which is beyond the senses. | and fourth catagories are no longer separated, they have cw of others is being pertorrned on an unlimited level lexpression sometimes used in India: “If you feed a man 2 fish, you feed him for one meal, i him for one day. But if you can teach a man how to fish you can Feed him for life”. $0. ‘thatthe real service | can perform for any sou! is to teach that soul how to come closer to ‘the soul will seek ways, will spend its time and energy in bringing other souls closer to m hvough thoughts, good wishes | ean have for others, through wore, through spreeding ritual wisdom that the Supreme Father ing and also thyough one’s own pure elevated hs Its possible for every moment af our conscious day to be performing pure action. done this and | have transformed my sonskaras, it Is possible to spend the night (during sleep to sive the body rest) serving ethers, for the soul ean serve by giving inspiration even, its sleep, even through is dreams. ‘he period of history through which we are now passing, known 96 the Confluence Age, the tion of the old world and the new world, Is the opportunity we have to perform the highest ons of al ‘the soul experiences a link with the Supreme It is inspired to share that which it has taken from ‘Supreme with others. And so the pattern of karma is totaly changed. The fire of Yoga annuls our sins and changes our very sanskeras, and the power from the Supreme aves us the strength to ure actions, in order to collect our stock for the future seed of action sown now, filled with the power fram the Supreme Soul, brings thousand fold feword, thousind-fold fruit, not anly for the self but also forall others in contact with the soul Vile there is karma fram one to one, from ane human sou! to another human soul, the give and the “ake is oniy one 10 one. But when the seed of karma is filed with the love of the Supreme, and the ‘from the Supreme, that seed becomes so powerful that it brings thousand-fold rut. “So every action performed in the remembrance of the Supreme Father is action through which “receive benefit, and benefit comes to all around, 48 MEDITATION — FOR ELEVATED ACTION "URE KARMA ‘Sit for a Few minutes in mer ton, in an easy manner. Maybe you would like to follow these ideas. ‘consciousness ~ gathered to.» point... 1, the soul, sit in this body... my costume for action ... my costume for happiness... the things of the world drop away . 1 fly to the world of ight to the Supreme Regions ...my Home... Within I the soul are my sanskaras... my tendencies... my latencies « -- These are the record of my past karma, I realise that {am carrying negative and positive sanskaras . . . negative and positive karma residues meet my Father, Baba ... the Ocean, the Shining Star, the Benevolent Friend . . . Tam saturated, drowned in His light .. in His divine ‘qualities ... of Supreme Love . . . Supreme Bliss... Supreme Peace ‘Supreme Joy. My old negative forces are submerged ... the hand ‘of the loving Father caresses and soothes my troubled soul... and slowly emerges my real, my original nature of love. ., peace. bliss. am filled with contentment .. Now I joumey back to the world of action, Lam full... overflowing ‘with the power of Truth, so that now I can perform actions that are e (rue, that are pure, that can uplift my brothers. S 4.9 HELPFUL METHODS FOR THE DAY Power of Thought — As the thought, so is the result. Thoughts ereate actions, and so sareed rations and the law of karma will return those visrations to you. Pure ‘thoughts are the most valuable treasure of one's ite. 4.10 STUDY ‘This lesson of karma may have brought the student great rlief, or great happiness already, but it also provides guidelines for the future forthe highest fortune Et QUESTIONS g 4A. Whats the Law of Karma? 4B, Who is responsible for our having sorrow or happiness? AC. How ean a soul erase negative karma? iy 4D. How can a soul create a stock of happiness for the future? a OM SHANTI AVA”: WOSa ORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India. Lesson 5 ERR 7 THE COSMIC CXELE “This lesson ison the subject ofthe Cosmic Cycle according to the teachings given to us by the Father through the human instrument who sas given the name Prajapita Brahma. Every of these teachings has a relevance, both to aur stage of meditation and also to our day to day vit. This is the purpose of spiritual Knowledge: that it should bring me closer to the Supreme ing, s0 that | am able to take power and strength from Him. It would be knowdedge that will help In my day to dey activities so that 1 then know how my karma, my own sctions, should be “Wansformed, The transformation should be such that, each moment of each day, | am moving further ‘towards my destination. If siritual knowledge is merely for the satisfaction of ry own human Fosity, it will not help me reach a state of perfection. The spiritual knowledge | neod to know is ‘which has to serve the two-fold purpose of binging me closer to the Supreme, and helping me in iy day to day activity. 152 The secrets of the cycle cover the three aspects of time: the past, the present and the future. It fs interesting that there are only these three aspects. There just isn't a fourth. There is that which jppered in the past, thera isthe presant and then there fs the future. And that which isin the past ‘ak at some paint the present, thet which isthe present wil immediately become the past, and that “hich is of the future wil, within the next moment, become part ofthe present. So we see that past, [present and future ate only terms applicable to physical dimensions of consciousness and the physical iimensions of time. What would happen if we were to move beyond physical consciousness? Then we ‘would see that in fact there is absolutely no difference at all between the past, the present or the future. We would see instead a rotating cycle: the future becoming the present, and that very soon becoming the past. We would see 2 wheel spinning, and itis this concept of the whol that brings ‘about a real awareness ofthe whole ide of eternity. 153 Perhaps eternity is one of the most difficult things for the human mind to comprehend, and even with understanding, itis difficult to apply that awareness to one’s day to day activity, because the human mind is accustomed to thinking in term of a beginning and an end. When we think about ‘eternity, no beginning no end, there isa tremendous fear because then the mind is trying to think of 4 past that stretches beyond the limits of awareness, things that I cannot remember, things that I cannot “recall, And one tries to comprehend a future that reaches out towards infinity, a time without end. To be suspended inthis timeless state is likely to cause great fear if there is “physical” consciousness. 5.4 _ In physical consciousness | am content to stay within the walls that | have built around my Consciousness. | do not wish to know the distant pastor the distant future: I am quite content just {o know the past | can understand immediately, a past that takes me back maybe ten years, twenty years, thirty years of thishuman life, And very often | do not even want to know about the next ten wo aa - ‘years. Bela a be curious to know what the next year will bring, hance the great interest ‘in horoscopes, ‘and such things, but ar I relly concerned about knowing what the next ten ‘Yeats hold? Obviously, there are so many unknowable factors that | would wonder, will | be alone, or “wil be with someone whom | love, will | be old and grey, will | be weak and infirm — what will my physical situation be? There are so many question marks, and so many fears and doubts in just thinking about the immediate future, even just in terms of my own personal identity, let slone the sate of the world, that often the soul is happy to stay in a state of ignorance. In this situation, it ould be said that “ignorance is bliss’, becsise there is no need to be making any extra effort — let Ime just work for my day to day survival, let me just be concerned sbout what tomorrow will bring. Why should | care about anything further in the future? 5 And yet, it seems, the soul is not content with these physical restrictions of time and space, There ie something within the self that asks, “Where wes | before this particular body came into existence?’ And even the most stable person, however caught up in materialism, will sometimes have the question, “Where will | go once I leave this body? Will there simply be death and ashes? ts there fnything else beyond?” Where there is thie curiosity, and the soul begins to search for its own Identity, it becomes aware of itself at a greater being, a being of light, separate from the physics! body, In this consciousness, it has risen above the dimensions of time and distance, and it begins to ‘experience its own immortality, its own eternity — 1 have alweys existed, | exist now, and | wil ‘always exist. | become aware of my eternal existenee without a beginning, without an end. 5.6 _Inthiestateof awareness | begin to see the cyclic patterns of events within the cosmic history [see my own eternal being, | see within myself my own eternal personality traits or sanskaras, and | 422 how | the soul move through an eternal, and complete cyclic pattern of existence. | see how this is not only related to myself, the individual soul, but, being aware myself asa soul and recognising ‘thers around me as souls, | see how they too are part of this whole cyclic pattern, I see how the tole fs made up of actions and reactions; actions and intersctions interweaving with each other 50 that the history of one soul becomes inseparable from the history of others. | see how, going through 4 cycle pattern, there must be change at every step, At no two points on the circumference of a Circle is there movement in the same direction. | begin at one point facing in one direction, at the ext step my direction has changed, and so | soe how there is constant change and yet, because there isvery definite pattern within the constant change, there i stl stability. | see. soinning wheel, yet it js not one spinning in chaos | see a wheel spinning in order, with perfect accuracy. 5.7 The cycle is sometimes called the Drama, because the Cosmic Cycle is made up of many hhuman souls each acting his or its particular role on the world stage. As each plays its own part its ‘own karma (its actions and reactions) build up to form ths intricate and beautiful network of many scenes interscting with each other. This then given the name “The Unlimited Drama”. Imagine the beauty of # scene in which there are a thousand actors on the stage, and each one i moving with ‘absolute precision and each one is moving in a way that is totally unique. Now multiply this stage set ff a thousand by millions and you begin to ee the huge and unlimited dimensions of this Cosmic Cycle, this eternal drama in which you and | are also actors playing our roles. Not only is the drame unlimited in that it encompasses all human souls, all the actors on the world stage, but in comparison ‘to the little dfamas of one or two hours duration, i is also unlimited in terms of time, stretching out for a period of many thousands of years. In fact, just as any other drama has a specific duration, so ‘00 does this one have a very definite time period, one of 5,000 years, and within this period, there is fn infinite variety of changing scenes. What isthe beauty of any other drama? tt is thatthe different Scenes bring about a variety of experiences to the observers, and the players themselves enjoy acting in such a variety of scenes, So let us become observers for short while and see the infinite soge of the earth, stretched below us, and let us observe the scenes taking place on this world stage, coe ne ‘THE UNLIMITED DRAMA ~ SCENE | sun and the moon provide lights for the stage, and we can see the drama sit begins. Of M Grama is eternal, infinite, without beginning without end, yet there Ia very specific sequence: oe us make a starting point. The most logical one would be when the drama sean first of sup with just avery few actors on the world stage. We see the earth init youngest form, we Th cath in its newest form; we see nature and all the aspects of matter spark in the highest te nt boouty, in fact, we see nature in a perfect state where there is complete harmony; the earth, nat. the waters, the fie, the skies, all lending together to provide the most beautiful backeround whe tenors to” make their appeerance. In fact, the beauty is 30 tremendous, that this can be Med os Perfect Poradie, it could even be called the Garden of Eden. We see beauty in the we see beauty in the waters, thers i fragrance all around: We fe! the touch of the wind on heaks or if caressing them, and we are herein this land vere beings do not seem to be ordinary tu ic w an though deities have incarnated on this earth, | see men and women with smiles in Tr aves smiles on thei feces and laughter in their words. | see the love radiating from each one all Bund touching everyane they meet, | see my dream of Paradise here on the earth, This isthe Age of Truth, ths is the Age which is Golden, this isthe Ape in which man isperfect, in wich there is love, Which there is harmony. | see the rulers ofthis perfect Parecise, for it seems to be a kingdom. | see wilers raling wath total love and complete authority. | see how their words of wisdom are pucht by teir subjects, 50 that there is no need for them to write down laws, 10 make laws, fr their sais ay instantly obeyed, their word isthe natural aw. In fact, nat only is theit word the law, the ‘rettic based on lw, and 40 this is the kingdom of the Golden Age. This is the new age that its us: Thit is Satyuga, the Ancient Kingdom of the deities. In this world of Satyugo, there are Taman tinge, but human beings who are deities. A kingdom, but a Kingdom whic is based on the Diutolines of divinity, in which there ino reed for advisors, a kingdom whose rulers have God given Gintsot wisdom and justice. see how they wear a crown, 9 crown of light ~ ahalo thet surrounds Fem | tec them also wearing 2 crown of jewels, a crown sowing their governing strength, their Pier. Ir seems to be 2 world in which there is total unity, a world in which there is oneness, one “rid kingdom, one world religion. The language of these people seems to be one of sweetness and “lence and so there is one languane for a “look around and see happiness on every foce, Whether young or ol, there i stil absolute beauty. | rec na signs of sekness or even death, | see how 2 soul leaves one bady when it has become too old fo carry on further, and simply moving away, out of thet costume and fiving within a second to “Grother tiny body which awaits to receive the spirit. Another more beautiful, more perfect litle Form anats the soul and s0 those around the old person have no need for teas, There fs no sorrow, hove is no sqpration. The soul has simply gone on tothe next pat ofits journey, leaving one shore yet having friends and relatives Waiting to greet It a it lands onthe other shore, ike a ferry Boat Jina trom one side to the other. There is no question af sorrow ar suffering at all. | sae @ world ie Tpore is not only beauty of spirit, and the eternal beauty of nature, but where there i aso ‘Penuty in human beings themselves, Every boing hes been shaped with the hand of the Supreme so thot the physical form reflects the beauty of the spirit within, Faces ae glowing, eves are perfect, ‘aapect of wach human being is divine, “These human beings ive together, they work together. Yes, there is work, but not the toll and labour “know today, aver as they work, iis as though they are dancing. As they go into the fields to sow he seeds, there isnone of the tecious labour of aging the land and sol, the garth i fresh, its fertile “andl wating to receive those seeds and with just the wave of a hand, iti as though the sud is fpvouting, and beautiful fruits emerge so quickly. How wat all his achieved? Everything around the see induaing nature, exists to serve that soul, so, naturally, when the soul is pure and the spirit powerful, i bings about purity in the world. This i that Garden of Parade where human beings first lvo, in the frst part of the world cycle 59 sect However, the cycle has to move on is souls pass through the different ages ~ different scenes within, ‘the Drama, They move from the Golden Age into the Silver Age, that is, from the time of the Sun Dynasty where the sun spread its powerful light to the period of the Moon Dynasty. Here too is Hetven on earth. The same purity and divinity; oe kingdom, one and, and one law, as before, but » Certain lustre has been removed and the purity hes diminished alittle, We have moved from the stage ff being 100% complete to a stage of 80%. As the soul has passed through its different births, it hes {tadually been losing it original energy and power, thus moving from the Golden Age to the Silver ‘Age. But these two ages, the whole of the first half of the cycle, could be described as the Day of ht and awareness, when there isthe spirituality and souls are awore ‘rue identity. Why wes the soul roferred to as being like gold in the Golden Age? Pure gol is 4 etal which is completely unaffected by the extornal elements — water, wind, st. tt remains Lntarnished, Similarly, the soul in that first period on the world stage, unaffected by anything fexternal, the master in charge of its situation. Onee the soul has moved into the Silver Age some of, the power is lost, 80, ike Silver, it becomes tarnished after a while, From the Day of Sunshine, the light of total awareness, the soul continues to move round — to the third soone of the Drama Cycle, the Copper Age. 5.10 SCENE IIL Here there is avast change in consciousness. That soul that was siver aged, has, through the passage ff time lost its power and become tarnished. The physical elements have affected it, and it moves into a stage which is described az body consciousness. Man falls from his pedestal of divinity, the spirit now cores into the bondage of matter. Man is no longer the master of matte, but matter now Gominates man. And this isthe age that is described asthe age of duality. In the fist two parts of the eye, half the cycle, there wos complete unity, for there was the consciousness of the spirit. Now through the loss of power there is a change in consciousness and a duality. Sometimes there is the Consciousness of the spirit, but more often than nat, the awareness of the physical which means the lawereness of the body. This spit in consciousness brings about a total split within the personality, $0 that those qualities which were divine — purity, peace and love ~ are now coming into conflict, fare now being challenged by other aspects. There is sometimes confusion, and the soul is pulled from its stage of complete purty into thoughts of the physical attractions of the body and impurity begins ‘0 pull it down from its highest level. Because of this change in consciousness ther is bondage for the sul. It no longer has the strength to ‘maintain its pure stage, and negativity of many different varieties begins to affect it. Sometimes there tre the thoughts of lst, of anger nd greed — and attachment begins to emerge. There is aso arrogance fand ego. Where before there was the purest vision of love for all there is now the vision of lust, because the body is pulling the soul. Now because there is concern forthe self ther than for others, ‘and my desires are not fulfilled, violence erupts; there is anger. Previously, absolutely everything was ‘available, but now | begin to have thoughts of greed, and to covet other people's things. | desire to Ihave more then | need. When there was pure love there was complete freedom of spirit; but now ‘tore isthe grossest form of attachment and possessiveness. Not only do | think of myself as a body, but | also begin to demand possession of other bodies as well. | make demands on my relatives and Imy fiends, ond so the ropes of attachment grow stronger and stronger. My vision is tainted with the ‘Consciousness of my own physical being; this causes ego and arrogance. When such a transformation hhas taken place within the sou, itis not surprising that itis now refered to as Copper Aged, i is being influenced by the external elements, like copper, it has become very tarnished. ST ‘to these changes in the soul, there are changes in the world; iow meny Kini aver caused by greed and jealousy Instead of one religion, the rligion of peace and oe pacity’ religions come Into existence. Messengers ate sent to us from the Supreme: cer thow us te path of light but the Night has already started and dusk grows deeper and Tereachas the stage of total darkness, when there is not a trace of fight anywh ‘SCENE IV “The age when the soul is so completely under the influence of the "at Tt hes become rusted, even poisonous. Just as iron is affected by water and wind mY the sou, is So full of evil that itis dominated by Body Consciousness — lust anger, eed, ont and ego. The world itelt i aio influenced, and we see before ut» period of extreme et eraption, great sorrow and suffering, Since the begining of the Copper Age. nature, Sorte used to serve man, has bean reacting against him. It now so violent that men tor survival There is untinaly death, and this death comes with erat sickness, pain saairtag Once man was in the land of happiness, but thsi the land of sorrow, and he wonder: Mhis the story of existence? Is there any purpose to existence at all? From freedom to bondisae, vow there ts nothing but chains binding the soul. Even in relationships — where in the Golden a just pure love now there seems to be pain and sorrow. Every connection; mather anc id, husband and wife, brother and sister, is one of bondage. ‘are now in the Iron Age. 12 SCENE V ia at this period, however, st the very end of the Iron Age thatthe Supreme soul, the Sun of ine rervenes When’ the Sun comes, the darkness of the night is dispelled, and day can ance rove: We are s0 fortunate to find ourselves in this period of time, for this isthe dawn, Ting to the day, We are no Longer in the Iron Age. The Iron Age continues to exist, bot, for hose who recognise the Sun of Knowiedge and who experience relationship with tim ae aires souls have moved out of the darkness and into the dawn. They prepare themselves to She fresh new day, and help others by leading them to that New Day. This period of Mom, the end of te old cycle and the beginning of the new, is called the Confluence Age. ‘the new age is described as the Golden Age, then this parlod of Confluence can be described the Dinmend Age, Within such a short apace of time so much is experienced, 99 much tran ‘becomes at valuable as 2 diamond. It bridges the gap between Iovaledge is revesled, the age of wisdom, the age of preparation. As the sou! passes through this st the eye it understands the World Drama, and is able to see the entire stage, to sue its own ienin the drama and it prepares itself with complete purty, so that it ean move forward into ‘Golden Age. We are just 9 short step away from that Golden Age of Paradise. 13 MEDITATION ~ KNOWING Sit comfortably in a quiet place and linger over each phrase RR SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION SESESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION. ‘As I become aware of myseif the being of light... stp beyond my costume . .. beyond the stage of this physical world .. I sve how 1 the soul travelled through the ages... {lam the actor, the player, of the drama ... who has come through so any scenes... 90 many episodes... fom the great, golden KingJom of the Sun . . . with its glorious beauty and perfect harmony through the Kingdom of the Moon ... to the Copper Age, where all ‘ried out, searched for truth, for ight... through to the darkness of the Iron Age. ‘and in my moments of desperation the Supreme Father intervened. ‘and! now I find myself in front of the Supreme... a being of light Stand on the Confluence ... the age between the old and the new tnd U bathe inthe ight of God {Lam transformed ... my own original rote i experienced quite clealy 1 was pure . . . now in this consciousness I become pure onte ‘it was I who was the embodiment of love .. I forgot myself and developed hatred ... bat now... L know who | am. a dety soul with love for my entire family ofall humanity 1 become the embodiment of love... the instrum Into the worta In this awareness I prepare my role for the New Age which is about to bean 5.14 HELPFUL METHODS FOR THE DAY Harmony, Tolerance, Brotherly Regard ~ Each soul i unique actor with his own unique role in the PMI es ceed, stra (Patan asieery nemycmeesevengen {dose my treasure of peace and spirituality in criticism, or even anger, thare is double low, for ne ong {or the other. If, instead, | se all actors as having their own unique part, the scenes ef the shane become a wonder. | loxe my neecoless rection, and instead I spread calmness, contontment ard resco which wall reach the other and help him to control his own role much better, and thus haronoey created Can you explain why the World Cyele is called the Drama? Briefly state what the lifestyle is like inthe first two scenes of the Drama. What factors have come into play in the third and fourth scenes of the cycle that have Jed to a radical change of con- ‘What happens atthe final scene, or Confluence Age? Peace, happiness, purity, health, wealth THE SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY BD. ‘THE Prati Brahms Kumars Spvtual Usiversiy oe spreading the teachings of Rae Yoga sae Say, toot tas over 600 centre hroughout the word, ‘All eentres ate adminis ible of psty. Each centre is conducted by Seeker, is thoroughly trained inal the pricites of aje Yoo Thete are no bases of cred, salionalty, sot or eloue in shia {or the path of selerealsation and Gode-consccustess i seen a8 te basi ight ot ue annual conferences on pressing isha topics draw ‘epresettives foo th higher lev of govemmeat een, and since, 1a 1971, sevice outside Inia stared and tas now spread fo alcostinets. New centres ate opened on ike Borat Invitations from local people. Clove eonnecton ‘betta ri fetes andthe headguarets at Mount Abu ie algape a tained, In spite of stonce,» unity exists which tony the feiing of mutual love and co-operation among oh ae ‘members This sa Univesity which teaches spirits! kaowledge and its practical application in. everday Tie, All techs a ‘dents, wbeiber fn India or abroad, im to come to Mone ‘Abs at east once a year for higher study tod to cachonee ‘Meas for personal progress and increasing spiritual ssice When the eteroal ruts in Raja Yoga are applied pac: tial life the benedis are easy seen. ‘There the protein Aiscern one's vn talent ad abies, 1. recognise teetins nd react with good judgement. One projects satus ane ‘ess, gueroiy, cheerfulness and harmony. ‘Tit ohne even ofthe many thousieds of regular stents troughont ‘the word, “Tacided in their routine of work and fess Ahey atend daly clsss at ther local cote. “They el heir natural responsibilty to maintain the cence tnd sioce “Om Shanti” REED SDG~ oe Sennen, il ATA OSA ORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India . Lesson6 is MYSTERIES OF CREATION 2 7 eee ee CREATION | human souls throughout the world have certain universal questions, and perhaps the question =P comes up most frequently is that of creation, Is it posible that there wat & point in time when Was nothing? When something suddenly appeared? Can there even be an actusl point of erestion, there isthe awareness of the self es being eternal, and the recognition of God the Supreme Being mortal and eternal 6s well? With this in mind, the question of creation taking place at a specific In time seems rather difficult to comprehand. The Creator is eterna, His creation, the soul, also 5} — yet is there some significance to this word ‘ereation’? Us examine the role ofthe soul through the eterna cycle, and see the significance ofthe mystery “creation, The soul pesses through the Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages, into the Diamond Avg, from the Diamond Age, once again to the Golden “Age. On one level, the entire cycle rests on jons of the human soul, and its interactions with ether human souls, so that the laws of karma, fon and reaction, apply throughout the cycle, The actions of the Golden and Silver Ages, however, to be not so much effort, as the fruit of effort which has been mede in the past. In fact the jons nerformed in this period of the Golden and Sliver Age are neutral, with neither postive nor tive reactions and the soul simply enjoys the fruit of the postive actions it has performed in the i the period leading up to the Golden Age. As it uses up its stock of pure karma, it comes to 8 nt in the Copper Age where that stock is totally depleted and nothing remains any longer. At that Wit has come into body consciousness, so that there is no awareness of pure aetion, and from moment on, impure actions begin —bed karma, bringing with tthe result of sorrow and suffering. rivekarma, sinful actions, continue through the Copper Age and Iran Age and reach ther elma. It this stage in the Izon Age there is nothing but sn, Acts of charity seem to be governed by selfish wes, desires for recognition in one way or another and even relationships ofthe highest order — the relationship of mother and child — become perverted and corrupt through attachment and 1,eg0 and other aspects of negativity, so thatthe soul finds ita in a state of bondage, surrounded the effects of its own bad karma. Its at this point thatthe story of ereation begine. “The soul, st this point in time, isin its stage of weakness and absolute impurity, s9 ite not co much 2 jestion of creation as recreation, The beautiful Deities which once existed have crumbled into dust, Ind 0% the Sunreme Father intervenes, picking up the pieces and reshaping, re moulding those " hiamen beings into their orginal Deity form once again. The mystery of creation can be more easily Linderstood if, with the consciousness of eternity, we realise that it's more a question of recreation, ‘Thus there is no point of time at which the earth was created physically, 10 point of time when the 00k was actually made, but the rew materials are there and those raw materiale taken, and hwnd — Fram this You can se that this story of creation i very different from the one we have imogined, for \ghen God hes been called the Creator, some have thought this to mean that He ereated nawre, others hhow God could ereste a world such as this, with tragedy and sorrow, and wo even auesten she xistence of God at sll If God is Truth, if God is loving, merc and just, ean He be the ereccer of the world we see around us? Through this understanding of eternity, we no longer attech srs brace ‘own level, human souls work on their own Supreme Soul works in a way that i sublime, te that, in fact. the energy of nature works on its own level and certainly man doesn't need to Inerfere with the systems of nature. Every aspect of nature works in such a way that by ise! teen Greets, sustain and destroy — but before bringing destruction to the ol, t wil he new. Nature works most efficiantly if allowed to do so without human interference and ic me Certainly does not need intervention from the Supreme Human souls elso seem to work with their own energy on ther own levl. ts clear that a soul cannot pe created, but some think that bodies can be created, and that the moment of time known teak Free Gad in His role as Creator; that as» human being grows and matures he is being sustained bby God theSustainer, and that when {aein comes under scrutiny if we look at the whole idea ofthe death of a human being. Death locay Gomes in situations of great stress, pain and suffering, not only forthe one who is dying, but lor thane lupe are going to be left behind. Vet God is known as the Displler of Sorrow, the One who renee all sorrow. Certainly He could not be responsitle for inflicting pain and causing desth, Ageia cae the understanding of the law of karma, we see quite clearly that the death of a human ben ‘bout according to his allocated lifespan, whichis determined by. Creator Himself revess this mystery, so that creation can be understood as clearly as re-creation. ion is also easy to understand because there has to be the destruction ofall that is old and ‘before something new and pure can take a firm hol. UUs once agsin turn to the cyclic pattern of events. This particular period of time is the fluence; the end of the Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age. This i the period of the jo act of God. The acts of creation and destruction take place simultaneously. The role of Fs, of course, the most interesting one, because something new is being born. There is the jth of the New Age. How is it that God will ereate the new age? Is it simply a question of destroying Iron Age, with its factories, its slums, with all the things of the materialistic world thet we see nd us, and taking Us to a beautiful garden of flowers? Will his be the creation of the new age? It Unlikely that this would be sufficient, for, if today, human beings were given @ world which beautiful, undivided, they would soon be trying to take a litte bit mare than they already na, ing up particitions and building fences, and that beautiful world would aguin become a jun if a beeutiful garden is made and you let wild, unruly children run Joose in it, i's demolthed '8 very short space of time, So the ereation of the new age is not possible on a physical level, but fine Intervention changes the human soul le-creation takes place, frst and foremost, on the spiritual level, so that the soul is given ® new iderstanding, anew realisation and awareness. The anly method for creting a new sou! from the already in existence is by changing its intellect, by educating it, Similarly in society, any formation tht isto have lasting effect can only come about through the education of those people, too, in this recreation of the spirit, this spiritual revolution, the basis is education. But the formation needed to transform the soul is only within the Supreme, When knowledge is reveled the Supreme, the humen intellect is divinised. The intellect which wes once not able to see Physical limits is now touched by the Supreme. It goes beyond physial limits and, with its wv awareness, is able to destroy old habits and at the same time create new personality traits, new ‘of behaviour in which there is purity and divinity. So in His role ss Creator, God, infact acts the Teacher. Its the Teacher who is creating. He imparts knowledge and, asthe soul absorb this, intellect becomes divine. On the basis of divine wisdom, the saul is able to overcome al its past il tendencies, and, despite living in the Iron Age, its life is like a diamond. The soul is even abe to atte all the karmic bondages it has accumulated. It can prepare itealf with the new qualities ry forthe Golden Age. fowever i isnot just a question of preparing the soul. While the sou is stil surrounded by a world impurity, a cleansing processor purging has to take place, and thie i the role of God as Destroyer. [Not the destroyer of human beings, mankind, or the material world, but the destroyer of all evil ‘The power of the knowledge given it such that creation takes place automatically and naturally, and 4% creation is nearing completion, the human soul once again arives at its stage of perfection. The orces of purity and righteousness sre s0 strong that there is the automatic destruction of evil However, the destruction of evil cannot simply take place on a spiritual level, it hes physical ‘manifestations as well. For a long time the forces of nature have been growing more and more violent, and now they react with great strength and there is physical destruction through natural ‘calamities ~ floods, fire, earthquakes and voleanots. The violence of the soul has aso reached its [peak and there is conflict between brother and brother. This isthe szeand force which brings about ‘destruction on a physical level ~ civil war in every continent of the world. Signe of both these | things are quite clear today. The third and final aspect of the powers of destruction is the stock of ‘nuclear weapons men has created. Instead of using his energy for constructive purposes, it hes been | channeled into this destructive one. The material already accumulated Is not simply for keeping, | i ———— ——— wil be used very shortly, But destruction is a means of complete purification, a clea that final act of nuclear war there will be liberation forall souls ~ all of them can i f original home, the Land of Peace. If the world wore to continue further into the Iron Ihortor of suffering would be inconceivable. The destruction of evil and the destruction of the id bring about the release from bondage for which souls have been striving for so tong. This it ithe dict act of God, but, looking at the siwation as a whole, the influence of mercy can be “The direct ect of God is the creation, and the process of destruction happens automatically ‘the force of violence by humans. COMMUNICATION been mentioned thet creation is the process of transforming man's intellect. A doep avestion prises, How can there be the communication of knowledge from the Supreme to human souls? Supreme Being is in the Supreme Region, Human souls are here, in the bondage of a world of fing, trapped by their own physical consciousness, so tow can knowledge be imparted by the 10 them? It i certainly not possible for human souls to go beyond their physical limits and ‘the Supreme, thus gaining access to the information He possosses. It has to be the Supreme who sto the humans. Some may consider that the knowledge of God can be revealed by inspiration, Ht can be seen that human intellects are now so impure, so clouded, that even a massage spoken 1 can be misunderstood. When two people convorse the essential ides can often be completely {The intellect js unable to communicate accurately even with other human beings, ether in hts oF words, so tis in no fit state to understand cornmunications af the Supreme, oF to grasp Txnowiedge in this way. So someting very unique takes place. Seeing the Kermic accounts of beings, and feeling grest mercy for ther state of sorrow, the Supreme Father, once in the world cycle, leaves the Supreme Region, incarnates on earth, and speaks through a human ‘There is no other way in which the soul could understand the information the Supreme Sout 40 give us. Superficially and physically, it appears that the human is speaking, but es we listen teachings, it becomes clear thatthe soutee isnt human, The source is net even the scriptures, this new information is from a source which is Supreme. Iti said thet a Creator is known by his fon, and a painter is known not by sang his face, but his talent is recognises by his pictures In way one can understand who the Teacher is when the teachings are Neard. {his point in the world cycle, the Confluence ot Diamond Age, itis our rest fortune tobe part time when the descent of the Supreme has already taken place. The knowledge that is being in this course is the Knowledge that has Deen revealed by the Supreme through his chosen iment. The name given to this instrument is Prajapta (the father of the people) Brahma, and he iis an ordinary person, @ soul who would say that he too has become impure and degraded — ich a part of the Iron Age as any of us. This soul experienced a series of visions; one in which los the form of God 2s light, one of a divine form, 2 vision of the new age to come and another 1 destruction of the present world. As a result of these visions, this man surrendered his life to “Supreme, and through his lips has come the knowledge we are now sharing. Those who have ‘hese teachings have felt themselves taking a new birth. Dying from the Iron Age, one is ‘again in the Diamond Age, and one prepares to go to the Golden Age. So God creates 9 new 6 soul with purty, By granting knowledge, God sustains the soul by filling it with the power writy; and with the force of purity God destroys the old world of evil so the new age may bein Those are the secrets of Creation, Sustenanee and Destruction, — a 6.4 MEDITATION ~ EXPERIENCE OF GOD SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION (Om Shanti. I realise now that Lam an actor on this unlimited world stage. Ihave been playing my role on this physical word | experience detachment from this my physical costume . . . this particular body that I oceupy at the present moment... experience ‘myself as a being of light... pinpoint .. a tiny dot in the centre of the forehead, I realise now that this particular costume is only one out ‘of many that I have worn and shed in the past... [am also aware ‘that Thave other beautiful costumes that await me in the future .. In this consciousness it becomes natural and easy to move my thoughts way from my costume [As T do so, T move beyond the physical world stage «the things of the past are no more... [am free from all bondages all troubles += T have escaped from the world of sorrow ... Henter the presence ‘of the Supreme Father, the Creator of this unlimited Drama Baba, the Supreme . .. Babs, the infinitesimal being of light radiating infinite light . . . Baba, the One and Only Constant Being have been changing . .. the scenes of Droma have constantly ibeen changing... But Babs, constant, the immoveable force of purity... of peace... of love... of power... of lis. Babs's vibrations pull the soul closer and closer . . . The Creator Father cleanses me with His purity and love... He fills me with power... with knowledge . . . of Him, the Creator, and of the Creation from beginning to end... no more to stumble... C0 fall in darkness . .. for [hold the hand of the Almighty Authority the Ocean of Knowledge. From Baba, I absorb purity . . . peace «- power. Labsorb them to such an extent that they remain constant within me... ‘This is how I was originally .. . and this is how Baba reereates me ‘once more. My past roles in the Drama are totally merged... Baba’s highest qualities elevate the soul to its highest stage... the stage of perfection ... Baba prepares me so that I am ready to play my fist, ‘once again . | only Baba's qualities remain in the soul ... the soul becomes divine . Returning to the physical world each step is now filled love... tue spiritual authority, The divine quality of cheerfulness — Past is past and the future is bbe new, and fresh, Whatever has nd ago, it Is es though buried in grave. It isnot plessant to ‘not yet crested, but my thoughts, words and actions of this present 'So let my present be as though | amma little child, newly-born, the ‘am full of light ond might. By remembering this during the day, there wit ‘around. sTuby , when the oycle # old and crumbling, God the Supreme comes to make all souls fresh and and to reveal the mystery ofall Creation. QUESTIONS GA. Explain what is meant by God being the Creator. meant by God being the Destrayer. 6B. Explain what is {6C. Explain how both nature and man play their own roles in the hhappenings ofthe physical world, ould you sso like to mention what your experiences have been in meditation and in studying the up to now? ‘you vegetarian or have you any questions on vegetarianism? (OM SHANTI Cover Picture: “BRAHMA — ADAM” — if Brahma had not shown how to put Shiva Baba’ knowledge and Instructions into practie, no-one else ‘would have had the hope of achieving ‘perfection. He reached what is called the "Complete Stage’” in January 1969, left the body, and now con tinued his work from the Subtle legions, inthe form of an “angel”. Beyond the Nuclear Age --- Comes the New Clear Age ‘"Trere 1s 0 groving intense foar of a nuclear wips-out of tho human race, Because At 4s not realised that miciear var is the method for ending the Iron Age c! sorrow, there is fear. Because they do not now they are indestructible, taut belter= Uhoaseives to be the perishable body, coule are afraid, [te aieo not realised that the Creation of the lew Age has begun whilst the Old ‘Age continues to its final aowonts, Aa & reault of forgetting their father, so fam ignorant of the Draaa, and ignorance binds mouls into the bondage of fear. Kroviedge iiverates. Thus it 4s ald, "God comes to grant Iteration in one eed ‘God gives knowledge, There would be immense happiness Af tho w0ul were to Sesiiee that Moaven in coming = that It te very clone, This 4e called "Literation In Life", RATA: FORE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Produced by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, Mount Abu, India. Lesson7 eet ON 3 THE ETERNAL WORLD TREE ** 7 rr Se 7.1 INTRODUCTION (OM SHANTI. ‘On’ means am @ sou’. ‘Shanti means more than peace, it means ‘full of peace’. The soul is filled with essence of peace, at a seod I filled withthe essence of the emerging tree. Let me Feturn to my own original seed form. When there isthe consciousness of I, the seed, its posibie to Understand the significance of all human creation, the entire human world tree. |, the seed that designs the tree of my own future, can recognise that God the Supreme isthe seed of 8 much greater tree: the eternal, vast and unlimited human tree. Through the understanding of the seed of ths re, itis possbi> to understand al ofits seerets. If you hold a seed in your hand, you are in fact holding the secrets of the potential tree as wel “This world tree has been referred to as the Kalpa (Cyclic) tee, and it is said thet if you sit beneath the kalpe tree, all your desires are fulfilled. It is also said to be the inverted tree, because God, the ‘sted, is up above in the incorporeal world and wo are down here inthe corporeal world. First let us se2 how this tree can fulfil all our desires With an ordinary tree, there would first ofall be the roots, from which a trunk emerges. Then branches develop from the trunk, and eventually, the tree would have expanded to such an extent that it could grow no further; st this point it would begin to decay. In just the same way, with the kealpe tree there is birth, growth, sustenance and then the period of decay. However, decay docs not etn the end. When the vee reaches servical pol, before t dies, it leaves» seed which ean provide the continuity, and ogein @ new tree emerges. In this way the human world tree is elso eternal constantly changing, constantly developing, But at no time i there notre, ore human world. We can Understand those changes mare easly if we look at the world alongside this analogy of the kalpa tre 7.2 THE ROOTS OF THE TREE Ina normal tree, the most important part ean be considered to be the root, the part through which the lifeghving water is absorbed for the creation of the tree. Similarly, with the kalpa tre, the time: when the roots are growing, when the tree is being planted, is the most important. The deeper the Toots and the stronger the foundation, the more beautiful the tree can become. At this particular period of time it is possible for us to lay the foundation for our whole future, for the entire period ‘Of the tree, because iti at this time, the Confluence Age, that we ere able to experience a connection ‘with the seed of the tree, and weave able to understand the laws of karma. Action hat also been called er at some time or other. By understanding the seed of the ‘hich are my own actions, itis possible for me to plant ‘But just as when an ordinary tree is being planted, there is a + an auspicious time, so if advantage ofthat ti “than io matter how much effort is made later on, i stil isn't possible to obtain any fruit. I time is _asted during the planting season, there will only be repre later on. Inthe same way, if realise that ‘this isthe transition period between the old world and the new world, the old tre and the new tree, ‘can take advantage of it and plant for my own future. I's the same with education in that thers is 4 particular time for study, and if that opportune moment is mised then, without that foundetion ‘the future is unstable. Now is the period for the study of spiritual matters, forthe realisation of the Self and of the Supreme. Education is like the planting of 2 tree. The period of planting is comparatively short, but the time in which the reward of fruit is experienced is much longer. So ‘00, Wwe study Raje Yoga for » very short time, but the effects of ths last for many thousands of years. ‘The seeds of pure karma that we now sow bring us frult fae into the future {As one digs and goes deeper ancl deeper into the sol in order to planta seed, others pasing will ee this labour and try and distract the person's attention, saying i's not necessary to be putting in s0 ‘uch effort, it’s time to be enjoying the sunshine. If that person is distracted, the time passes and the ‘opportunity is gone. Inthe same way, as | study Raja Yous, as | build my foundation forthe future, 8 thousand and one distractions will come. It is only with spiritual consciousness that there can be ‘the awareness of what needs to be done at this time. | will only continue to prepare my future if ‘am aware of the time period and my own responsibilty. In the Confluence Age, with knowledge, ‘meditation end yoge, the soul has the power and understanding to perform the right actions so that ‘tean rete for iself the foundation of the Golden Age that is to come very soon. 7.3 THE TRUNK ‘Once the roots have been established and the foundation of the Golden Age laid through the change fn humen consciousness, that Golden Age will bocome a realty here on earth, n the context of the ‘tree, this period, also known as the Sun Dynasty, isthe trunk. There is one religion, ane government, ‘one world family, one kingdom, one language. All are happy in whatever role they ate playing in that kingdom, there is contentment and satstaction in relationships, and peace and harmony prevail, The ‘unis shining ~ its the period of the Sun Dynasty. No clouds mark the horizon, for this isthe doy — ‘here isthe light of the highest consciousness. Humans can be described as Deities, for although they fare human, their qualities are divine. They are one hundred percent perfect. Lifespans are long 03 they follow a yogi wey of life: i.e. there is no religion In the singe of ritual or worship of God, but the sanskaras of the deities are those of the highest religious qualities. n this way, the religion ther is the religion of divine beings, the Deity Religion, existing here on earth, There is 2 divine way of lite for everyone, whether they are the emperor or the subjects ofthat golden aged kingdom, ‘As time goes by there is birth and re-birth. This wouldn't be described as death, but merely the ‘shedding of the old skin and the taking on of # new, perfect costume. In that world of immortality, ‘the word ‘death’ doesn't even exist. No suffering, no attachment, no fear — in this way human life ‘can be enjoyed to its fullest extent. Throughout the period of the Golden Age the soul adopts eight different ‘costumes’ within a period of time which God has shown tnost precisely a¢ being of one ‘thousand two hundred and fifty yeers. This means the lifespan is approximately 150 years, because ‘the soul is pure and powerful, so the lifespan is long. As birth and re-birth continues, we move ‘radualy from the Golden Age to the Silver Age, from the Sun Dynasty to the Mloon Dynasty. Here ‘here is stil light, but there isa little coolness in that light. The word ‘paradise’ is stil eppropriate {or there is still grt purity, harmony and peace. Still the one trunk ofthe tree continues and there {sone religion and one undivided kingdom. However as the oul passes through its eight births in the Golden “ge, it lowes a little power so that within the Silver Age, again a period of 1,250 years, there fare in fact twelve births. The life span has become a little shorter, oo a ‘THE BRANCHES BEGIN F Wwe reach a point when half the period of the kalpa has gone by, aso y this time, sof purity is the soul has slipped away. There is no way of regenerating this power and # Age begins, and there are dramatic changes. Suddenly there is avast change in conse the soul becomes very aware ofits physical costume; it is attracted by its physical body. It ‘enjoy the physial senses, and due to this change in consciousnes, the sul iso longer master Of ose senses. It is pulled by them and gradually becomes their slave. With this change, not only. 6 Attrection for the soul’s own body, but for the physical costumes of others, and itis at this ‘time that the Deities fall from their pedestals of purity and the first vilence of Tust comes into the “world. Once lust has entered the kingdom, anger, attachment, greed and arrogance follow soon ‘wards. The undivided Kingdom is now divided. The one trunk now splits and branches appear. he Deities can no longer be called Deities, and the divine way of life has now disappeared Immortality has been lost, and humans become mere mortals. They begin to seek the protaction of “God as they experience sorrow and suffering — the results of their own actions. In their distress they “begin to worship and remember the One Supreme Eternal Father First and foremost there is the worship of the Incorporeal, ceesented by a diamond — symbolising the Incorporeal, radiating light all sround. The Kohvi-noor diamond now found in the English Crown Jewels is one part of that ginal diamond which represented ineorporeal God Shiva. But there is not enly the pure, loving, “unadulterated worship of the one God: there i lso the memory of their former suves, and images of those Deities are created. Humans have forgotten that they themselves were thote divine beings and now they make images of their own past selves and worship them, Worship, or “bhakti has become fdulterated. There is no longer worship of the one Supreme, When there was law and order in the ‘world, in the time of the Deity religion, there wes no need for cours, judges or ever laws, as there ‘was natural justice. But now, at man falls, there isthe need for spiritual laws to be written, and so Toligion in the way we know it begins, Laws for social behaviour, laws for human relationships, laws for the physical systems in the world are written and defined, and a world of structures begins. As a resction to the beginning of idet worship,» prophet comes, and the message of Abraham is one that ‘makes people rele that itis not through idol worship that there is reunion with God. Thus the frst, branch of the tree appears. Abraham comes onto the world stage and the branch of Judaism begins. ‘Man i given spiritual laws, and Judaiem isthe path of law. There ate laws of man’s behaviour with God, of man’s relationship with his family, the relationship between priest and followers, betwoen fan and wife, children and parents, tzachers and students. Judaism defines esch of these aspacts of Tife wth laws, and inthis way the first branch ofthe tree appears. [At this time, violence also begins. Another messenger appears, and he preeches the path of non: Wiolence, the noble way of life, the eightfold path of nobility. His name is Budahe and the path he tthows is one of purity and nobility in action. However, when questioned about God, there is no ‘comment. It is understandeble in a world of confusion to lay emphasis on man’s actions rather than going into abstract discussions and philosophies concerning the inconcaiveble being. Attention is diverted from the abstract towards the more practical side of activity and there is concarn for the behaviour of individuals, This aspect of responsibility is fulfil. In Buddhism, because of the awareness of karma, action and reaction, the concept of rebirth remains, ‘and there isthe acceptance thatthe soul moves from one body to another. (On the Western side of the tree, we see how, from the path Abraham hes shown, another brench “appears. With Abraham there was just lw, and now another messenger appears pointing out the need for the balance of love with that law, Judaism has described the laws of God, and has shown Him as the fearsome Jehova, with whom there is absolute justice. But there is also mercy in the Supreme Father, and this quality of merey, founded in the quality of love, is demonstrated by the appearance ‘of Christ, and we see the development of this new brench. |i can be seen how each of these branches begins with complete unity and purity, so the powerful ‘pure message brings great help to millions. But with the passage of time the purty of their messanes Frecomes adulterated, although to begin with each messenger has served a purpose and given souls an —_— ‘On the Waster sido Of the tee, the semitic side, there isthe awareness of ane God and love for God ‘the Father. We can see the development of the other side of the world. From the trunk. the Deity ‘aligion, came the Hindu religion with its idol worship and the beginnings of corruption. We see how the branch of Buddhism emerged as the Hindu religion cantinues to decay. From the empire of Hindu kings another great branch appears — the branch of Sanyas, the branch of renunciation fist ‘established by Shankaracharya. His message of renunciation is most appropriate for that period of history when there is just the indulgence of the physical senses without concern or responsibilty ‘There is the power of purity in the lives of the sannyasis so that, although the overall stape of the World is one of decline, their power helps to sustain the world and keep the tree alive. ‘There is Abraham, Buddha, Christ and Shankaracharya, Moving to the western side again, another [Prophet appears, His name is Mohammed, and his message is very simple, cles, direct and most ‘essential. Judaism spoke of the one Incorporeal and showed a total rejection of idol worship. With ‘he coming of Christ, love and attention were to a certain extent, diverted fram the Incorporeal, {awards Christ, So the message of Mohammed — that there must be the remembrance of only One, there is only one God. His name is Allah. All others are prophets, So ths is @ reminder of the one Supreme Father. Indeed, this message is takon so seriously in Islam that no images whatsoever are shown; there is just the decoration of the mosques with script We can see the great need for this, branch to appear. 75 TwGs In this time of the Copper Age, all the great world religions have appeared on the world stage, and tach branch flourishes. However, by the end of the Copper Age, divisions have already appeared There is now 0 split in the theories. Some interpret things on one level, others diferentiy. Although there was one message and one messenger, hurman interpretations vary, The tree continues to grow ‘and we come to theperiodof the iron Age. Now many branches appear, but they eannot be described 8 world religions so much as sects, cults, and ‘sms’ As the Iron Age, or Kalivuge moves towards its fd, @ gest number of tiny twigs appear and every day brings another new cult or ism. By this time ail the original, major branches have also reached a point of decay. Not only is there the variety of ‘interpretations, but there is avast difference between the original presching and the practical activity ‘of those who now presch it, or profess to follow that faith. No longer does a Buddhist follow the footsteps of the Buddha: no longer is a Christian uly Christlike. Further, there is even the ‘questioning ofthe message itself, and doubt and confusion arise as to is validity, Thus the tree enters 4 stage of complete decay. The branches which onoe sustained the tree have become weak, and the {foundations of the world religions seem to be crumbling. It is the end of Kaliyuga, the Iron Age — the end of the old tee. Souls who originally belonged to the Deity religion have moved through & ‘cycle of eighty-four births. Eight births in the Golden Age, twelve in the Silver Age, twenty-one in ‘the Copper Age and forty-two in the Iron Age. With each birth there has been further loss of power land now at the end of the Iron Age, all souls, including those of the original Deity religion, have ‘become very weak 7.6 THE SEED ‘When this old tree can continue no further the seed, God the Supreme, appesrs. The Seed incarnates ‘on earth and through His teschings, lays the foundation fora new tree. Out ofthe old tree comes the foundation of the new tree, end the sapling forthe new world is planted. Those wio are the leaves of ‘the old tree, the souls of Kaliyua, experience transformation and become the foundation for the new world. This comes about through 2 change in consciousness, and then a change in sanskeras, the Personality traits. But the destruction of the old tree must aso take place atthe same time, that ‘on one hand, there is the foundation of the new tre through the message of the Supreme and the ‘power of Yoga, and on the other the destruction of the old tree. This occurs in different ways. The old {ree goes through great upheaval due to natural calamities; earthquakes, floods, and great violence in ‘ature. There is contusion amongst human beings and this leads to anarchy andl civil strife ~ signs ut ee ee . which are already apparent. oe ae ‘Once the old tree has fallen the sapling, which has already been established, joom. The new world, the new tree, begins and the whole cycle starts once more. “7:7 BEFORE RETURNING HOME First, in this eyclic pattern, there isthe petiod of liberation in life, or jiwanmukt. Then there isthe Dperiod of the Copper Age and the Iron Age which can be described as jiwan band’ ~ life of bondage. ‘And at the point of destruction, all souls experience the journey back home, the place of ‘mukti” liberation. “There is then the question: before I return home, how can I settle all my past karmic accounts? ‘tis possible to settle them with the power of yoga. However, if this has nat been done there must be other sort of settling before ean experience liberation of ‘mukti’. In such a case, the soul settles ‘all its karmic debts in front of God the Supreme in the subtle regions, and only then can it return “home to the world of silence. All souls in that ineorporeal world are like seeds with thei future roles latent within. All souls are eternal, s, although the old tree has been destroyed, only the bodies have perished and the soulsare infect liberated from ther lives of bondage, Destruction has brought an end 10 distress, It has meant liberation so that souls in that world of silence are totally free, experiencing they ate in peece, with their roles merged within themselves, Yet those souls who have Drepared the foundation, who have been digging at the roots and preparing for the Golden Age, are filled with divine sanskaras. Those divine sansksres bring them from the incorporeal world to ‘experience life here atthe beginning of the beautitul new tee, the beginning ofthe Golden Ape. 7.8 MEDITATION — THE EXPERIENCE OF CONTENTMENT of the “If you sit easily with a soft light and let your thoughts dwell on and follow the wo meditation, as you pause and experience each phrase, you wil become that experience. SUGGESTED THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION With the power of pure thought ...1 go beyond my physical costume this body . .. [travel to the World of Light... the Home of my Father, the Supreme Soul... Ibathein the light of Haba... my Father Lam filled with such peace ... such ealmness... such stability Baba is the Ocean of Love . .. 1 drown in that love... become that love ... and the fie of that love burns and dispels al that is negative ‘within the soul... and Iam filled with the virtues of God. Baba is the Ocean of Knowledge... the Seed of the Tree ... AST come to this my Father... my Teacher « ... Iam filled with all Knowledge . . . all understanding . .. 1 see the significance of the Drama ...1'se the role of all actors ‘now Iam content... forall is regaled ... 1am the peaceful soul sk nd i tg done fost. The mask is the body, which eimtlect. By becoming conscious of the self and remembering ts islf in that peace and can operate the body with greater ‘smoothly because of greater efficiency. To make sure the day is res the device of checking the corsloumness ery s0 on. ‘As the questions are being answered, it can be remembered that every single so Jnto this Tree of Humanity. Thus you can take yourself back to yaur orig beginning ofthat tree. QUESTIONS: In what way is God the Seed of the Tree? ‘What do the separate parts of the Tree represent? What happens in each ofthe four ages? OM SHANTI Hold the Seed (God) in your hand ({ntetiect) and you hold the whole Tree 4 (the Knowledge of the whole human Creation) a MADHUBAN (THE FOREST OF HONEY) jan, or the Forest of Honty, so the nine given affectionately to. the Seen houiguacters of the Babas Kunaris Spiritus) University, Sot up ‘high ons anuntain ef north west India, in rocky, forest scenery, it is poyalcslly aie on ec tur claple, "One peul relates hie experience of travelling in the res, Ghavare of the slanificance of the buildings be wie looking att I found myself up on & Tock looking down #t the view.’ Some white Buildings cere Tetietbn and attracted ay gaxe Like 8 magnet. Tt seened that they ere glowing ~ with peaco ~ cone Kind of apirituality.' [i224 place detaches fron taman conSict eal vorriog, where nda ‘cone 1 fil) themyelvee with power ~ a recharging of the tattery on power twosts “Ie gives students « chance to exporionce newer and greater arese of spirit- frosts savoneve ani sealisetion, It 48 a place where the goul can feel love and Wise personified in the fom of Shiva Bata's presence. [Misy stidoste fron murope, Aestralia, the Anesieas, the fer tat, Atrios an ais are dca enthisiaetioslly here every sesoon, for intensive study, Sn tho loving fually staoephers of this residential University. A ney auditoriun, fhe je'ttSseneaatagn saa now dining facilitieo are ting built to curve the rapidly sinnle

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