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Jocelyn Hernandez
Professor Derohanessian
English 113B
06 May 2015
The Aging of the Famous Hero: Batman
When people hear the name Batman, they think of a man wearing a bat suit who uses his
strength and intelligence to fight crime and protect the city of Gotham. Batman is a fictional
super hero published by DC Comics who does not have super powers and has another identity
which he is called Bruce Wayne. Society in the real world portrays Batman as being a young,
strong and successful man who chose to save people. This is why the public does not often
picture Bruce Wayne aging and becoming weak as he gets older, which makes it odd to see
Batman using more weapons to help him continue on protecting the people of Gotham, let alone
to imagine him as an old hero. The novel The Dark Knight Returns, created by Frank Miller,
introduces the methods in which weapons symbolize the aging in Batman and how reliant the use
of them has increased throughout the four books of the novel.
Batman is seen as an idol to many people since he, unlike the other heroes, has no super
powers. His strength, intelligence, and speed are the reasons to why he is The Batman. He is an
inspiration to children and will be seen as an all-time favorite hero. Motivation comes when the
child needs to create his own world of fantasy people with heroes. (Hoff 1). This quote clarifies
that children see these fictional characters as an encouragement to continue on with their lives
and to overcome their tough times like these heroes do since the villains symbolizes the hard

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moments they are vanquishing. The novel relates to the quote when it shows the process of
Carrie Kelly becoming the new Robin. In books one and two, The Dark Knight Returns and The
Dark Knight Triumphant, Batman saves Carrie from danger which later encourages her to
become Robin and fight crime herself. Though it is true that these heroes are just myths created
for our amusement, it is also a way of encouragement for children to save others like they are
doing but in a different perspective, like becoming a doctor. Picturing heroes increasing their use
of weapons than their powers or abilities brings a sense of low admiration towards these heroes
because there is a possibility of them being seen as normal people who should not be looked
upon as idols. This clarifies the issue of Batman not only aging due to his usage of weapons but
also to be seen as less of a hero.
In The Dark Knight Returns, Batman uses a sniper rifle to help him with this operation in
taking down criminals for his first big crime in over a decade. On page 48 there is a panel on the
first row, second column, where Batman is preparing his big mission in taking down two-face,
also known as Harvey Dent. This scene is taking place on top of the two biggest buildings in
Gotham, where Batman is waiting for helicopters, holding the main villain and his helpers, to
land and make their attack. Batman is seen at the side of one of the towers next to gargoyles with
the same position there are in to camouflage and not be seen by the copters. While setting his
body in the same form as the gargoyles, he is seen with the rifle in a position where it can easily
be used if needed to, which is in an angle where the top of the gun is pointing in the air, the end
being placed next to his stomach which is held between his elbow and side, and both hands
holding the center of the gun. The colors being used for this image is mainly black and white,
clarifying that this is happening at night, and with Batmans outfit being in blue showing that he

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is the main character in this scene. This panel creates the impression that an epic scene is about
to occur. Batman uses the rifle to take down the helicopters and later captures Harvey dent. This
example proves the point that Batman is beginning to rely on weapons to help defeat villains.
Batman thinks that his purpose for saving people is to avoid others in going through a
horrible moment when something bad happens to them or their loved ones like he had to go
through with his traumatic childhood experience. The only child of the millionaire Thomas
Wayne and wife Martha, as a young boy Bruce is witness to the murder of his parents by a street
robber. Swearing revenge, he dedicates his life to crime-fighting (Reichstein 331). This quote
from the book Batman- An American Mr. Hyde? explains the most traumatic experience Batman
had to go through while growing up as a child. Though he does have a heroic mind of saving
people, this also clarifies that he is attempting a villainess act by seeking revenge which
contradicts his reason to be Batman. Knowing that he uses his foes weapons to attack other
villains gives a sense of Batman foreshadowing the same people he is defeating.
Book two, The Dark Knight Triumphant, starts with a crime occurring when three mutant
members are holding a ten month old child as ransom while hiding in an apartment. While
guarding the child, the members hear the door knob moving when they were sure that it was
locked, so they grab their weapons and are ready to attack. Batman then enters the scene and
uses a gun being held from one of the members to save the child. On the last column of page 64,
Batman enters the room through the wall and while defeating a member, he uses the members
gun to defeat another. The background shows a white type of layout and then a big black whole
with cracks that Batman created. Batmans body is shown in black while his eyes are white
symbolizing the fear the members should have and acknowledging that they will soon be

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defeated. The huge gun is colored in silver with yellow bullets emphasizing its power in
machinery. The difference within the colors being used on batman and the weapon symbolizes
the possibility of him enjoying himself when using it and brings out the bright side within his
dark self. Batman then uses the big gun to kill the last member which held the child and pointed
a gun to his face, threatening Batman that he will kill the baby.
People at some point tend to contradict themselves without knowing it, with the attempt of
making another feel or look bad when they are doing something wrong. Batman begins to age
while he defeats many more villains like, Harley Dent, The leader of the Mutants, and the Joker.
While defeating the joker, Batman contradicts himself about using guns. On the third row, last
column of page 149, you see batman trying to tip over the boat that holds Joker. The panel shows
Batman surrounded by bubbles, indicating that he is under water and only gives the appearance
of his face with a bit of his arms sticking out. His teeth grinding and muscles being shown
indicates that he is tipping over the boat while being under water. While doing this action, there
are two speech balloons indicating that Batman is talking to himself. A gunis a cowards
weapon. A liars weapon. (Miller 149). Batman is saying this to himself while seeing the joker
using the gun when trying to escape. Though he is talking about the Joker, Batman gives a
negative comment about people using weapons, forgetting that he himself relies on them to
defeat his enemies. His contradiction brings out the question on whether or not people should see
him as a coward as well.
Book four The Dark Knight Falls, begins with Batman defeating the Joker but is severely
injured as well, trying to escape before the police capture him. While hiding from the police,
Batman finds himself face-to-face with the same person that wants him behind bars,

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Commissioner Ellen Yindel. While the commissioner aims the gun towards him, Batman
punches her, taking her weapon and uses it to escape from the officers. On the first row, second
column on page 158, Batman tries to use the gun and aims for, what seems to be, a light switch
on the wall. Plastiqueall seteasy shot. Anybody could do it (Miller 158). This quote gives
the impression of Batman talking to himself, aiming for the switch, knowing that he will hit it.
He is becoming sure that he will hit it but at the end does not. This experience should convince
him that it will not get any better to continue being a super hero since his age is effecting his
ability to fight crime.
Batman is a fictional character who is adored by many people that view him as a young,
strong, intelligent, and quick man. Though he is my favorite hero as well, Bruce Wayne is now
seen as the real Batman after reading this novel. He is now viewed as a fictional human with the
resemblance as a real person, someone who is aging and will not have the capability of
protecting others. Batmans continuation of using guns to fight crime gives a sense of low
heroism since he uses it to kill villains. This novel has shown the real Batman, our real idol, the
aged-hero who increases his use of guns throughout the books in the novel to continue crime

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Work Cited
Hoff, Gary R. The Visual Narrative: kids, Comic Books, and Creativity. CSUN Library. N.P.,
Mar. 1982. Web. 22 Apr. 2015
Miller, Frank, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley. The Dark Knight Returns. London: Titan, 1977.
Reichstein, Andreas. Batman- An American Mr.Hyde? JSTOR. N.p., 1988. Web. 22 Apr. 2015

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