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Jerian Brooks

Professor Ms. Sipin

English 110C

The Story of Me
Hello young educated readers; my name is Jerian Wayne Brooks. I am an eighteen
African American year old male with a high artistic abilities. Most people would say my art
skills are amazing, but enough of that I here to discuss my history as a writer and myself in
general. So far my skills as a writer are lacking development.

I had a hard time using the most basic of English concepts to form the even most simple
of sentences. English was not my subject when I was growing up nor was math. However, I do
enjoy reading especially the fiction kind. Fiction books excite me it gives me a new sense of
wonder and creative imagination. The fact that writing gives me trouble I usually felt
dumbfounded and depressed at times. Over the years my skills in writing improved, but I still
was missing the thought and clarity to connect to ideas to form a nice written masterpiece.

Now Im in college a place where education is excelled to the highest level of learning, a
sanctuary of isolated discoveries, and a personal safe haven of open-ended opinions. I dont
want to feel stupid or underdeveloped in my writing skills. What I hope to accomplish in my
English class this semester is to improve my writing skills to the max. I want to be able to write
papers efficiently as well as typing them at an accelerated pace. I want the whole world to know

that I can write effective papers with clarity and thought. That is what I want to learn in my
English class. I want the whole world to know that I can write effective papers with clarity and
thought. Although I have failed this year will be different. Despite my horrendous writing
ability my real personal problem is my anxiety.

My anxiety has gotten the better of me my whole entire life. I am always nervous of
trying new things. I cant even have direct eye contact with other people since I simply fear
them. Eventually, I improved and wouldnt let my anxiety from keeping me from living. And
there are people I would like to thank for that.

Although, I came to ODU to focus on my Art major for the next four years I wouldnt be
here at ODU if I had not been for my parents one of the greatest influences in my life. They are
responsible for pushing the limits of my abilities as I started to age and mature. They have
always expected better from me and helped me along the way. I feel like I can do or become
anything I want because f them. They are always hard on me, but it was out their caring nature.

Thanks to my parent I have a lot to value from their contribution to my life. I value the
time they spent with me preparing me for the outside world. I also value their total confidence in
me not as a person, but their son. I find these very special to have with me as a sign of deep
respect I have for me parents and myself. Like when my family went to Disney World and
helped get me over my fears of roller coasters.

Thousands and thousands of people are waiting at the admission line,

tarrying, yearning to be first in line and to gain passage into the carefree
land known as the amusement park. The lines are backed up all the way
back towards the parking lot. Numerous amounts of families have arrived an
hour early before the park opens, hoping to be in front of the line. Most of
the children are riding on their fathers shoulder while wearing a Disney shirt,
Mickey Mouse hat, and smiles on their faces. It is early morning. Cool and
calm winds are gently gliding in from the mountains. Wherever the children
look, they see pictures and advertisements for the extreme roller coasters.
People go on these rides so they can have a moment of pure bliss and
escape from all their problems.

The extreme roller coasters are the superior kings of the theme park.
They are bigger, faster, and create a bigger thrilling sensation compared to
the average roller coaster. Extreme rides have tracks of metallic red or can
have a cold black color to it. When the sun is glaring on the tracks, they
glisten and the radiance blinds the customers; the blistering heat can scorch
people. These rides have a way of standing out.

I have this fear that causes my body to shake. When I think about it,
my skin becomes pale and cold. Its death speeding through my mind. Once I
have seen these monstrous roller coasters, the only thing in my mind was
fear. Knowing that Im afraid to go on these rides, I didnt want to look like a

fool in front of my family or anyone else for that matter. My palms were
sweaty and I was twitching like a fish.
My father grabbed my shoulders and looked at me. And I looked at him.
Then I realized that my family was with me all the way. We all went to the
first roller coater we saw, the safest looking one of course. We got into the
long line and waited. Eventually after the long wait, came the moment when
I could see the place where rollercoaster ride started where people joyfully
got into the cars and took off on their ride. And a few minutes later, the cars
would pull back into the station, and the people would get off, with looks of
intense exhilaration on their faces. And then my family and I were the next
people in line. I got in the car of the roller coaster; the attendant strapped
me in and lowered the bar over my lap. At that point, I could hardly contain
myself. I was ready to leave; In fact I was so scared that I tried to lift the bar
myself. After what seemed like an eternity, while the attendants helped
everyone else into their cars, strapped them in, and gave final instructions,
we were off. The real test had begun, with the car taking off, increasing
speed, making unexpected turns, slowly plodding up steep inclines, and then
suddenly dropping on the other side, with the car increasing speed. All this
resulted in non-stop earthshattering and heart pounding exhilaration. We
were off the car moved up and down, side to side, and eventually went to a
big loop-de-loop. I was grabbing the bar so tight with my two hands. The
wind was blowing in my face literally wiping the tears of my face as I started

to cry. As the roller coaster was about to make its final drop. I was relieved
when the nightmare was finally over.
However, I am now on my own and I have few personal demons to figure out. As I
continue this new semester Ill pass my classes and raise my GPA. I will perceiver through my
anxiety and keep it away for my personal life.

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