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Travis Dodaro

7th hour
Heiling/ halverson
To Kill A Mockingbird Literary Analysis Writing Essay

Mockingbirds are people too. Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird was an astonishing
book in which a few characters are symbolized as a mockingbird. In this novel, it was said that
mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy(Lee 119) therefore these bird
or people like them should not be harmed. The main mockingbirds in Maycomb are Boo Radley,
Tom Robinson, and Atticus Finch.
Boo Radley never shows his face, but always is doing things for the Finch kids. A way
Boo Radley is a mockingbird is because when Jem Finch lost his pants in his yard, Jem went
back and they were folded across the fence. Jem was surprised because he didnt think they
were expecting him(Lee 78) A man who has a a lot of rumors about him goes out of his way to
save/help Jem And scout without anything in return well that a example of a mockingbird.
Another way is that This man is so shy hence never coming out of his house till night, so Heck
says if we bring a man whos you and this town a great service an draggin him,into the
limelight-to me thats a sin.(Lee 369-370) Mr. Tate think this man is a mocking bird because he
basically prevent a crime from being committed(Lee 369) Here is his thinking all Boo Radley
did was save the children from being harmed in any way. He did this by basically killing Mr
Ewell with his kitchen knife. these are examples of a mockingbird
Tom Robinson is respected by Atticus during the trial for example... Tom Robinson, a
kind man going inside the fence of the Ewels just trying to help(Lee 263) Miss Mayella out.
He was helping her out by chopping up kindling and busting up chiffarobes without any pay. But
Tom Robinson was glad to do it because Mr Ewell didnt help her none and neither did the

chillun.(Lee 256) Tom Robinson would never hurt anyone especially miss mayella a white
woman, yet he was accused of doing so in the trial. He was just simply help miss mayella do her
daily chores. Tom robinson is considered a mockingbird because hes a helpful and harmless
man, but this didnt stop the Ewells and the racist jury from convicting Tom and killing him very
Atticus Finch is another example of a mockingbird because he took Tom Robinsons trial
even though he know he is going to lose. He takes the trial because if I didnt I couldnt hold
my head up in town(Lee 100). This is an example of a mockingbird because Atticus didnt harm
anybody by taking the trial and he tried to do good for another person like he always does. This
town is unhappy with his choice. Atticus couldnt represent this county in the legislature and I
couldnt even tell you or Jem not to do something again.(Lee 100) how this relates as a
mockingbird is because taking the trial is helping Tom out and by representing the legislature he
is helping other people out as well. Atticus is a mockingbird because he tries to help other people
out just like mockingbirds who make music for us to listen to, It would be a sin to kill a
mockingbird for singing, yet Atticus gets lot of grief for his decision to defend Tom.
People in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, and Atticus
Finch are symbolized as mockingbirds because they dont harm anyone they just like to help
people out. Mockingbirds help people out in many ways like as not eating up our gardens, as for
people they help other people, and do harm other people to get revenge they commit a crime to
prevent a crime(Boo Radley).

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