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cestablisned 1095 MERCED HIGH SCHOOL “Home of Scholars and Champions” 205 West Olve Avenue, Merced CA Q5344 (200) 385-6465, Api 28,2018, RE: Maria Anguiano To Whom It May Concer: am writing tis eter to recommend to you Maria Angulane. | have krown Mara for about a year and a half ‘and have interacted with her in the capacity of being her United States story and Eeonomies/Government teacher at Merced High Schoo! Inthe time that have known Maria have found her to be 2 very polite, compassionate, hard-working and respectful young ady who takes her school ‘esponsbilties ver seriously. She is 2 very adaptable person who fellows directions welland has proven to be very organized. in my class Mara has shown great determination te being the best she can be by always being punctual to clas, prepared to work, always turning her assignments in on time, and by practicing good study habits. She participates in al cass activities, i not afraid te ask questions when she needs clarification, and is open-minded in class discussions. While at Merced High Schoo! Maria has earned a 3.8 grade point average "Maria has also been active in the Calforia Scholarship Federation allfour years in high school. n alton she has served as an academic peer mentor to lower classmen her junior and senior years ‘Maria has plans on going to UC Berkeley after high school where her desire isto study law withthe hopes of someday becoming a lawyer. She willbe the frst one in her family to attend college | am very gla to recommend to you Maria Anguiano. Shes afin student who has great potential infife. !am sue she wil continue to do well and semeday achieve al the goals she has se for herset. Respectfully, frm Holland Social Studies Instructor ‘Merced High School EVERY BEAR COUNTS.

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