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Estapliched 1895 MERCED HIGH SCHOOL Theme of Scholars and Champions” 205 West Olve Avenue, Merced CA 95344 (208) 385-6485 Aapil23, 2015 ‘To Whom It May Concer: Itiswith pleasure that | write ths letter of recommendation for Maria Anguiana. Ihave known Maria fr the past year as a Peer Assistant for my Special Education ciassroom. Maia came to my class and !immeditely assigned her to goto a welding class witha student with autism. She did what | askee and not ony helped that student, she alza helped three other students that were in the class. She has also had to learn to weld to be ‘able to help the student. he has gone above and beyond In her capacity as a peer assistant Maria is also an exemplary student. Maria is interested in pursuing law as a career and would ike to attend UC Berkeley. She isa determined young woman who ne doubt wil be successful no matter where she ends up going to schoo Marla has-been a responsible essistant forme this year that willbe mised. ! know she willbe an asetin any situation. | would not hesitate to cecommend Maria for any program she is iterested in pursuing. I wish her Tuck nthe future and | know she wil be successful. Please contact me f you have any questions. Reads Abr fm é EVERY BeAr COUNTS.

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