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The Giver Chapters 1-12 Literature Circle

Job- Story Boarder!

by Jacqueline Yipp (Period 2)
1. What are the most important events in the section you read?
I think the most important events would be
~the naming of the Ones (pgs. 54-57)
~when Jonas finds out his position (pgs. 60-64)
~when the GIver gives Jonas his first memory (pgs.
~when Jonas uncovered the words that The GIver had
shown him through vision (pgs. 107-109)

What is the main conflict in the section? Is it internal or external?

I think the main conflict is when Jonas gets picked to be
the Receiver of Memory, and when he has to go through the
training in order to become the next Receiver of Memory. This
conflict is mostly external, but it could be a little internal at
some points.

ho is most affected by the conflict?

Jonas is definitely the most affected by the conflict
because these big changes are happening to him.

Is there a resolution of the conflict in this section? Explain.

There isnt really a strong resolution yet because the

conflict has just begun and the training hasnt finished yet.
Once the training finishes and Jonas is declared the Receiver
of Memory, then the resolution will appear.

Based on the plot so far, what predictions can be made about

characters and events in the story?
I think that Jonas and the Receiver of Memory will be
good friends, and that Jonas will proudly take over The Givers
position as Receiver of Memory. I do sense some trouble
slowly brewing up though.

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