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Kyle Duncan
Heather Hummel
Composition II
March 16, 2015
Defining a Man
Man has done many things in this world since the beginning of time. Some good
and some not so good. When this country was becoming a nation there were many so
called types of men roaming throughout. A man is responsible for many different roles
in his life. Which brings us to the question, what is the definition of being a man to me?
The question has been passed around since the creation of mankind. Over time this
definition has changed due to the different responsibilities that have been gained or lost
from generation to generation. It may have started as the definition being, a man is an
individual that is responsible for his actions and providing for his family. The definition
seems to have changed to where we are now. Some men today think that the definition
is just simply the fact of being born as a male and that they dont have any
responsibilities. Every male is in search for this title of being a man.
As we are raised, from the day we can respond to any action as a baby till we
have a family with kids of our own, we are being taught how to be a man. The objects
that are placed in our hands as babies have some sort of symbol of teaching towards
reaching manhood. From baseballs to the Captain America spoons, almost everything
has a teaching point. As we begin to grow, our parents place us in sporting events which
involve several different male individuals which test our toughness and our mental want

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to see which sport fits us. We would attend church services to teach us the morals and
the ways of being a man.
Later in our lifes, we begin to encounter situations that test our manhood.
Certain responsibilities become a part of a mans daily routine and being able to handle
these responsibilities and roles can help you define yourself as a true man. Roles like
becoming a Husband, father or being responsible in the work place to provide for your
or someone elses wellbeing. We ought to use the bible to help define us, in the book of
Titus versus 2:7 states in everything set them an example by doing what is good. In
your teaching show integrity and seriousness.
One symbol of being a man would be joining the working force. A job requires
time and responsibility. Being able to put forth the two will certainly help mold you into
becoming a man. Along with this job, you learn to manage your time and money. Having
a job and being able to maintain and provide for yourself is a good way to start off,
especially if you are looking into starting a family. A lot of males will get married and
have to take out loans just to pay for the marriage, because they arent man enough to
have a job and manage their money. A man is able to manage his time and money as
well as his responsibilities so that he lives a stable yet plentiful life.
Marriage, is a huge defining point for a male. Once have reach a strong point
with your finances and your responsibilities then your manhood will stand more of a
chance when in a relationship with a woman. Being able to show true affection towards
a woman, as well as showing her respect and loyalty is a huge sign of true manhood.
Every guy wants to be able to find the woman of their dreams and cant seem to find her
because they cant hold the responsibilities that it takes to be with that woman. We are

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taught from day one on how to treat a woman. Our fathers always tell us that you dont
disrespect your mother, you hold the door of women, ladies first. Everything pops said
back in the day correlates to being a man and how to be a better husband to that
woman. Along with being a husband, you have the responsibility to provide for your
loved one and be there for every need. The way times have changed from years past,
divorces come more frequent due to the fact that men cant hold their responsibilities.
Once you have decided to stop listening to the devil on your shoulder and listen
to honest Abe who is on the other, and you have met the responsibilities of becoming a
husband, then fatherhood may be your next step. The old image a father was a man
working all day in the fields to provide for his family and then come home to his family
and play with the kids. This image has been blurred and almost ripped into shreds for
some. Becoming a father is a big step, not only do you have to maintain the same
responsibilities with your wife, but add a few more to take care of your children. A father
should be in their childs life until they have passed away. Many cases today, there are
children that have no idea who their father is due to abandonment. In other cases, they
may live a terrible life due to how they are raised in poverty because their father spends
his paychecks on alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. According to the University of Michigan,
National Poverty Center, 22 percent of American children live in poverty. The role of
being a father is still the same as the old days just the image has been twisted by many
so called men.
A true man can control himself, hold his temper and will swear only when he
needs to. He will hold the door for each and every woman in sight. Since the world is
having trouble defining what exactly the definition of a man is, I figured I could put in my

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opinion. A man doesnt abandon his children nor his wife, he provides, through thick and
thin. He keeps himself fit and clean cut with his clothes fitting snug and he will give you
the shirt off his back if he has to. There should be no confusion on what the definition of
being a man is, it has never changed since the creation of this world.
That is my argument on what the real definition of a man is. We misinterpret the
definition daily and turn it into to something else. Man has morals, responsibilities,

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Works Cited
1. Titus. NIV. 7th Vers. Vol. 2:. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

2. "National Poverty Center | University of Michigan." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

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