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Rachel IEP 2015-2016

Present Levels
Preacademic/Academic/Functional Skills
Rachel has been in the Redwood Tree Classroom for 5 months now and she has
developed strong relationships with the staff and peers in her class. Rachel is skilled in
writing her name and has been continuing to develop her writing skills. She can add and
subtract numbers up to 10 with picture prompts. Rachel is continuing with her skills in
blending letters and sounds and is still considered a beginning reader. Her preferred
activities include coloring, sitting on the couch, and playing at the park with her
classmates. She has made terrific strides during group activities in the last few months,
willingly participating in all activities we do as a full class. Rachel has been a wonderful
addition to the class and I anticipate she will continue to make progress in her social,
behavioral, and academic development.
Communication Development
See Speech Report
Gross/Fine Motor Development
See OT Report
Social Emotional/Behavioral
Rachel has had a significant decrease in target behaviors in the last year, especially since
joining her new class. On occasion, Rachel will still bolt, use aggression in the form of
hitting/kicking/biting, display non-compliant behavior, and dump her food or drink.
Rachel has been working more in group activities which has helped her socially, and
overall she has been well behaved out in the community and those issues have all but
been eliminated.
Rachel participates in all of our group activities, which include but are not limited to:
working at the garden, gymnastics, dance class, store purchase and cooking class, art,
yoga, physical education, van wash and vacuum, and playing at the park. Rachel also has
shown she can be responsible for cleaning up after herself if she makes a mess during

snack or lunch. She still requires prompting to complete tasks during each of these
activities but she has been more willing to comply with each of those requests.
Adaptive/Daily Living Skills
Rachel can manage her materials at school, such as her lunchbox and backpack, though
she needs adult guidance in keeping her materials unbroken. Rachel has stayed
consistent with her previous elimination issues and has not recently had any incidents in
that regard. Rachel can also dress and undress herself without being supervised.
Rachel is in good health. She will occasionally have self-inflicted bruises on her body
which are constantly being monitored and documented by the female staff who work with


By 4/14/15, Rachel will decrease all targeted behaviors by 60% which includes but
is not limited to: bolting, non-compliance, biting/aggression, and dumping food/
beverages as observed and documented by teacher and staff.
By 4/14/15, Rachel will participate in a 20-minute physical education program 3
times per week which includes group participation, stretching and agility, running,
and strength exercises as observed and documented by teacher and staff.
By 4/14/15, with the use of assistive technology including an iPad and/
or calculator, Rachel will accurately complete 6 out of 10 double digit addition and
subtraction math problems as observed and documented by teacher and staff.
By 4/14/15, given a first grade level book, Rachel will sit and listen to the story
and be able to verbally and correctly answer 4 out of 5 WH questions
throughout the reading in 6 out of 10 lesson opportunities as documented by
teacher and staff.
By 4/14/15, using flashcards from the Dolch words list, Rachel will accurately
read 5 out of 10 words in a given session as observed and documented by teacher
and staff.

By 4/14/15, when playing at the park or participating in dance class or gymnastics,

Rachel will chose one peer to engage in an activity during that session for a total
of 10 minutes in 6 out of 10 opportunities which could include but is not limited
to: kicking/throwing a ball back and forth, dancing with a classmate, or walking
across a balance beam with a peer as documented by teacher and staff.
By 4/14/15, Rachel will spend 10 minutes per day learning functional skills on her
iPad which include but are not limited to: taking photos, using the keyboard to
write her name, swiping through sections of photos and apps, and using the voice
command feature as observed and documented by teacher and staff.

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