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Gabriella Hernandez

Journal entries pages 192-193

Dudley 112
1. The author attempts to establish common ground in the first two paragraphs by stating
that both students and instructors know that cell-phone use including texting during
class is disruptive. Involving students and instructors to not make it seem one sided.
2. She states her position at the end of the first paragraph It is in everyones interest for
instructors to institute policies that require students to turn off cell phone during class.
She leads into her position by saying that cell phone use is distractive to other classmates
and to themselves. She also found information from a leading cell phone company that
helps reinforce her position.
3. The conclusions is really emphasizes compromise between the opposing opinions. To try
and see both sides of the argument and put them on the table to try and ensure the success
of education, through the use of turning off the distractions.
4. The concluding statement To ensure the success of their education, students should be
willing to turn off their phones. Doesnt really help reinforce compromise. It sort of
seems one sided to the point where she there wasnt any reason to even talk about
5. Would state their opinion and then list why they are correct and back it up with
reinforcements from different sources they, would look for compromise.

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