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NAPLES era (Rell) SOG ee Rca eT TRU RUE COU eC Ce ACR COSC RCM ke uneasy Pee ener come ee RR ee ee a that person will practice at maturity. I've chosen a pack of crayons, a film roll and money. My family thought that | will become a professor, a writer, but not. Since | got the pen in my hand I've Dea eek CRU ccc I've been interested in art from a very young age, | always hoped that someday my family will buy mea computer, because my uncle was a videographer and DJ, andhe usedto have those programs which make videos and master those into an exquisite piece of art (that was I've been CT eC CDR Sneek ee ua the countryside, by my beloved grandparentsand the truth is that my life has not given memany options so farand didn'thave the chance to subscribe to the courses of an acting school but till the 9 grade when I've moved to the city, | have been working as a reporter and graphic designer for Ieee Cn ICL een aero cece ak CL COI Ra aM Cu nec Amer cy personal passions and interests, for many others it is viewed as an art form. But above all else, these short clips provide a temporary escape from life and bring one to this visual world. While Youtube has often been regarded as a vital part of the music industry, it also plays a large role for the content creators. So then I took advantage of this and build a project with my best fellow named Mioritique Shorts, a web-based comedy duo with sketches, music videos and parodies. The most viewed video was “Happy in Ramnicu Valcea”, a fanmade video for “Happy” by Pharrell aCe PRES nie CR Secu Ce a ec CE Cue Ree ee oem ee aoe occu earale volunteering courses such as Let's do it Romania!, | have 7 years of experience in working with PO ee Ae ee Ree ee cams) postproduction. | have designed by himself two sites for some local youth associations Next &CO and Leo Cozia. Also, | amthe initiator of the project First Tumblr Meetup, involving more than 500 Pree eam Ue PERUSE U Nhu ueUc ae RU ec Ca RU PY talent and 80% work, dedication and communication (. One cannot base his or her decisions solely CR eC nee a Cre develop them. There is a wish in us all, what's is the point of hoping when there's there is so much Ce RO Ue ae a eel is more appropriate and mature to find them and work hard to I would hope that after completing my degree, | would continue my studies in my chosen field and Dee oon Rea

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