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InTASC Standard Four: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and

structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning
experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and
meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Name of Artifact: Junior Achievement Lesson Plans

Date: November 29, 2013
Course: EDUC 101: Introduction to Teaching

Brief Description: This is the summary of what I plan to teach for Junior
Lesson planning helps keep me on track especially if I am on a time limit. It helps
me go over and check to make sure that I had covered all my points. It also helps
me know what I am going to say without looking constantly at the manual. This
gives me more time to interact with the students and watch them. Lesson planning
also helps me to see if I am just addressing one learning style or all of them.

Journal Achievement
Lesson Plans
Anna Frey
Educ 101
Portfolio 6

Journal Achievement Lesson Plans

November 15, 2013 and November 22, 2013
Henry Evans Elementary School
2915 E. 35th Avenue Lake Station, Indiana 46405
Mrs. Chavez 4th grade class.
Section 1: Am I an Entrepreneur?
Have students do Table tents
Give an introduction of myself
Explain more than half of all businesses are small businesses started by entrepreneurs.
Ask the question what is an entrepreneur?
Give definition of entrepreneur
State that entrepreneurs give us products and services we use every day
Give examples of products that changed the way we live. Give examples that kids would know.
Define innovation and invention explains the differences. Define region
Set out 4 posters with Food, Sports, Tech, and manufacturing. Give names of entrepreneurs, and
some kid entrepreneurs and have students guess what matched up closely. For example, Steve
Jobs is Tech for the IPod.
Ask children if the sky was the limit and you had all the money in the world what kind of
businesses would you start.
Explain that entrepreneurs do not give up they learn from their mistakes
Define trait.
Go over Trait Inventory card
Explain that the kids are all getting an Eraslet at the end of the day
Ask for positive traits an entrepreneur should have and negative traits they should not have.

Section 2: Regional Resources: Tools for Entrepreneurs

Review the definition for entrepreneurs
Ask children if they have ever went to a different state or country. Then have them tell
me where?
Define region
Explain how certain regions are alike and how they are different
Give class the Region fliers
Have students read the word and definition of the terms.
Review the word resources
Divide students into 6 groups give each group a Resource Card

Ask how different each state is using the answers the student gave before. Example how
is Florida different than Indiana.
Go over the three type of resources that is needed for an entrepreneur to start a business
Go over goods and services giving examples of each one
Using the resource card have students brainstorm business they can start and have them
draw a logo for their business, and how they will tell others about their business
Go over what each group done and ask is their business providing a service or a good.
Review the three types of resources and have students give examples of each one. For
example natural resource would be air.
Section 3: Hot Dog Stand Game
Go over the entrepreneur poster and review the first two sections
Ask how important money to a business is.
Give business cards to students
Go over the six tasks
Review the words advertising, customer, expense, revenue, profit, and loss. Give
examples that the students are going to understand
Get students back into their groups and hand out hot dog game and pieces
Explain what the kids are going to do and let them do the game.
Ask students what natural and capital resources they need to start the hot dog
Ask what besides hot dogs could they sell at their stand.
How could the students lose money and how could they make money.
Section 4: Entrepreneurs are problem solvers

Review the last three sections using the entrepreneur poster

Ask what problems a business could face
Ask what problems at school would need fixing.
Give student a problem bookmark
Go over the five steps
Go over the definitions for reward and risk give examples related to them
Give a problem that has occurred at the hot dog stand and walk through the
steps get the students input how it can be solved.
Do the paper solver catcher
Define price and supply
Explain that everyone will face a problem including them give examples that
relate to them.

Section 5: My region in the world

Explain that global events can affect everyone give examples

Give out Supply chain flier go over 7 links

Go over the definitions for supplier, supply chain, and
interdependence give examples
Organize the students into groups and give out the supply chain
assembly card with stickers.
Appoint one student in the group to be the leader and collect the
parts they need.
Make sure I hid some sticker sheets to show how one missing piece
can hold the process up.
Ask the students how they felt when they couldnt finish their
Give out the certificates

The Junior Achievement day was an experience. I would not do this again unless I had to. I also know
that I am not cut out for elementary grades as a teacher. I think overall the students liked it when I gave
them examples related to them. I also know that they enjoyed the project based activity. When given
what they were to do they let their creativity flow? I know that the project based activity putting them in
groups and having them come up with a solution to the problem then present it was good. Each student
put forth ideas to the group. I know that this student enjoyed the hot dog game they wanted to see who
was going to make the most money. They did not like having to do the math involved with this game yet
it got to show them how math is related in the real world. I only wish that I had some business experience
that I could bring to the presentation.

Koch, J. (2014). Teach . Belmont: Wadsmorth.

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