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- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ...

Nin- azu

Nin- azu
. .
- -

)Nin azu

The ancient religions was featured by polytheism .Although appearance
of monotheism in worship of some peoples such as Babylonians , Pharos
and Hebrews in the early eras from their religions histories the general
feature in old believes was polytheism because of the ancient man
believe in natural forces and its role in organizing his live . Thus he
interpret by this natural forces all his existence dependence .The ancient
man believed that gods are exist in heaven or in underworld or in
deepwater .Among theses gods was Ninazu ,The god of medicine and
cure and one of underworld gods


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

" "dNin-a-zu "


Nin " " " ""belu


a-zu " ")3("bru A

" )4(mu ZU " edu



" "Asum



( Fara ) ( )Abu-Salabi azu

" "NNDAXNUNXA=azu a-zu5

" "
" "Nin-a-su ( 1595-2004 .) a-zu
" "

( ) Adab ( dA-zu Nin-

.)zu " Umun-azu -mu-un-



( )umun "" " " ()belu



" "Lord Healer ( )mu-na-a-zu

( )dNin-a-zu "

" " ()Th.Jacabsen " " " " l-
"a-sud " ""sliu


" " ( ")10

()Tipak ()apku " "(.)11


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

" ( )Ere-kigal"" ( )Gugal-ana

*Meslamta-ea *EnbiluluSnake-" Nin-mada

" "charmer " (.)12
" ()Ningizida



"an-na (.)Anu


(.)14( )Mammi

" " Ipabum "

" "


(" .)16()1

Nin- mada
" ( .)17 .
" ""


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

" " ( "Duranki - )

( )Durgishmmar" "

( )Ninshebargunu


( -)

" "
" " " "


" ()


" "
" "

" "Nin-azu

" "


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

(" )lugal--gna-gd-da


( )lugal--gd-da .)21(Egida

" "
" "Snake-dragon "

( ) ( King of the

)snakes "
)22( d


" MU " .)23(muu

( )the snake god Nirah " .

( )Muuu uumgallu " (Nin-

*)kilim-n .)24(Snake-dragon



" " * ".

:-gd-da .1 "" **"Enegi " " "


.en--gd-da gid-dg

: -kur-ma2 .2 " "(.)26


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

:-sikil-la .3 () ( ) "
" *Bilalama *Ibal-pi-ELII

" "*Ipiq-Adad ( Naram-sin ") "

"*Dannum-Thz * ( Dda ) Sin-

( abuu ) "


( )Bilalama" " " "

" "

" " *Esikil "

" Esikil "
" "Esikil
" Esikil ( )Ninazu
() ) ( Ninazu


" "


( )E.Sikil

" (
") " ( )Nazimarutash
" (.)29()
-sikil-la-3 .4 (.)30

.5 "(.)31


" " . (
") "



- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

" "


( )

( ) "

() .
" ()

" "

" "
( )

) ( )(.)33
( )Tipak

" " " Iakku


Tipak Naram

Anum " " "

( )ak
" " "

" "


" "

" "


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu


" (.)35
" "
" "


- " "

( )Belat-Terabam-and Belat Suhnir "

" -(.)36

" :



1. Itu ki-sg. dNin-a-zu

( )38

" Erekigal


() ( )ki-sg " ( )kispu (





2. Itu ezem Nin-a-zu



( )ezem " ( )isinnu ()





- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu


" ( )Teup
( )Tipak ( )akum
( ).Sikil "

( )Anum




1979 .529
2004 229 .CDA, P. 42
113 .CDA, P. 39

)6 51 -2001
2002 193 .CDA, P. 26
RLA. 9, P. 329.330.
)8 .189
RLA. 9, P. 330; CAD,P. 314.
)10 .171
RLA. 9, P. 330; CAD, P. 356.
* :Meslamto-ea
Nergal Kutha:
Leick, G., DANEM, P. 118.
* Enbilulu / :
Leick, G., DANEM, P. 39- 40.
RLA. 9, P. 330.
Black, J., Green, A., Gods, Demons and Symbols of ancient Mesopotamia, London,
1992, P. 137.


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu


RLA. 9, P. 330.
RLA. 9, P. 332.
Van Buren, E.O., Symbols of the God in Mesopotamia Art, London, 1945, P. 40.
RLA. 9, P. 331.
)18 1976 .95 -94
)19 .95
)20 .96
RIA. 9, P. 332.
RIA. 9, P. 332.
CAD (M), Part II, P. 281.
* :Nin-kilim-n )Mungo " "Nin-kida-i:
RLA.9, P. 447.
RLA,9, P. 332.
2007 .62
** :ki engi IM :
Zdzard, D.O., & Farber, G., RGTC.II, P. 78.
George, A.R., House Most High, Indiana, 1993, P. 94; Lindsberger, B., MSL. XI,
P.142, Viii. 41.
George, A.R., op. cit., P. 117.
* :Bilalama 1997-1992.)
Leick, G., Who's who In The Ancient Near East,
.London, 1999, P.41

:Ibal-pi-EI II 1785.

:Ipiq-Adad 1950.)
Ensi 14 .Leick, G., op. cit., P. 79 :

Dannumtaaz : 7

Yuhong, W., Apolitical History of Eshnunna Mari, P. 87- 89.

1790. 9
lugal .101 -100
Ceorge, A.R., OP.Cit, P.141; MSL.XI, P.142, viii. 30.

)2 :


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

2001/12/31-10/1 2002/12/25 -4/1

)28 .72
Frankfort, H., Tell Asmar, khafaje and khorsabad, OIC, Vol.16, Chicago, 1933, P. 45.
George, A.R., op. cit., P. 141.
Ibid, P. 167.
RLA.9, P. 334.
)33 .71 -70
)34 .71
)35 .73 -72
)36 .74 -73
RLA.5, P.300.
Cohen, M.E., the Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East, Mary land, 1993,
Sallaberger, V., Der Kultische kalender der UrIII. Zeit, Teil.1, Berlin, 1993, P. 10.
2007 .138
Hubner, B. & Reizamme, A., DG, Band, 1, P. 553; CAD: (K), P. 425.
Langdon, S., Babylonian Menologies and semetic calendar, (BMSC), London, 1933,
P. 120.
Sallaberger, V., op. cit., P. 10.
Whiting, R.M., Some Observations on the Drehem Calender, ZA-69, 1979, P. 13.
)45 .105
Langdon, S., BMSC, P. 20.



.1 " "

" .1976

.2" "

2001/12/31 -10/1

2002/12/25 -4/1 .
.3"" " " " " .1979
.4" " " "


" " " " .2007


Nin- azu ... 2032 3311 ) 202 ( -

.2004 " " " " .5

" " .6
.2007 " "
" " " " "" .7
.2002 -2001 "51

1. Black, J., George. A., Postgate, N., A Concise Dictionary of
Akkadian, Wiesbaden, 2000.
2. Black, J., Green, A., Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient
Mesopotamia, London, 1992.
3. Cohen, M.E., The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East,
Maryland, 1993.
4. Edzard, D. O & Farber, G., Repertoire Geographique des Tests
cuneiforms (RGTC.I), weisbaden, 1977.
5. Frank fort, H., Tell Asmar, Khafaje and khorsabad, OIC, Vol.16,
Chicago, 1993.
6. Gelb, I.J & Other., the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, CAD, Chicago,
7. George, A.R., House most high, Indiana, 1993.
8. Hubner, B. & Reizammer, A., Sumerisch-Deutsches Gloosar, Band,
1, SDG, Ostern, 1986.
9. Hunger, H., "Kalender", RLA.V., Berlin, 1977.

Langdon, s., Babylonian Menologies and Sametic Calender,

BMSC, London, 1933.


Nin- azu ... 2032 3311 ) 202 ( -


Leick, G., A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology,

London and new York, 1991.


Leick, G., Who's who In The Ancient Near East, London, 1999.


Lindsberger, B., Materials for the Sumerian lexicon, MSL.XI,

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Sallaberger, V., Der Kaltische Kalender der UR III zeit, Teil.1,

Berlin, 1933.

Van Buren, E.O., Symbols of the God in Mesopotamia art,

London, 1945.

Whiting, R.M., "Some Observations on the Drehem Calender",

ZA. 69, 1979.


Wiggermann, F.A.M., dNin-azu, RLA.9, Berlin & New York,

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Yuhong, W., A political History of Eshnunna Mari, and Assyria

During the Early old Babylonian period form the End of Ur3 to the
Death of Samsi-Adad, China, 1994.


- ( ) 202 3311 2032 ... Nin- azu

Van Buren ,SGMA


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, , ,04


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