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Femanon Pa 2 8. Pt Ge Bian THEORY FOR PRESSURE DROP IN A PULSE-JET CLEANED FABRIC FILTER Daviw Ler and Micuate J. ELLENOEcKER Department of Envisonpeatal Health Sciences Harvard School of Public Health eos Huntington Avene, Bosan, MA M2113, USA (Firs recived 3 May 1979) Abstract—A theory hase on Prey’ aw hs bee derived ih eats pressure drop ina pulse fabric iter to characterises ofthe iter ang duet, Assumptions made aretha tral pressure drop ithe Ninrotpresuredeops across theclean bagand dust deposit and that the raction of ust removed irom a bag by a cleaning kei proportional de veveise presute Urop across it at cianing. The theory allows prediction of pressure Grop under stable or vanatie opering conttons eluding Just ones, Fitrationvelorty, pulse pressure and pulse frequen, andcun be used to identity operating conditions which ‘ange peewnte dvop to Tneease without limit Agteement Uetween the mods! end experimental data is reasonably good. NOMENCLATURE, fabric area, m? see Equation (12) see Equation (13) See Equation (18) {ost inlet conventeabon, kgm? Fraser perineability (uss at 125.Pa) fee Eguntion (1), force acting Wo Separate dust deposit rom abi, N Galnicesbtance: Pasa! specie resistance of dt deposit, SSonstunt ae Eauation (3) S— Gonstat see Equation 7 f portional constant, se Equation (3) umber of fitation cycles since operating con tions change Plbe presure, kPa fraximum static pressure developed inside bag as ull of clewing pubs, Pa fee Equation (13) i He Between pulses to cach bog, time during which dp, ats s lime duriog whieh Fy acts © superficial ltration velo, m3"! 5 fats veloity achieved by fabric and dust (during cleaning. ms" area density of dust depos, kg m wry aad density of fabric ke me lsedepeieanea density ¥'=0. wher operating Conditions change, Kg ne dust areal density added during one filtration jel, Kem Sp pressure drop acros bag and dust deposit, Pa ‘Sh hressure drop at 0, when operating conditions hange Pa ‘bp, minimum Ap table operation isto beara Pe af, diterence between sate nensute inside and ou fide the bag during cleaning. P,~ Ap, Pa : feaction ofthe dust deposit removed from a fabric NB. 100kPa ~ tar ~ M45psx sas Pressure drop through gas cleaning equipment is an important component af xyxier uperating ex Far this reason, Knowledge of the factors that affect pressure drop and methods for pressure drop pre diction are important. The characteristics of gas tow through a porous medium, fundamental to modeling pressure drop in a fabric filter, have been studied by Carman (1937), Willams er a! (1940), Stephan er a (1960), Pich (1969), and Rudnick (19784). Much ofthis work concerns flow through a particle deposit with known properties such as pore size and porosity. With this information, dust deposit specific resistance, K,, the pressure drop per unit velocity and per unit deposit ‘mass, can be predicted. Rudnick (19782, ) has shown, ‘that Ky can be estimated using an adaptation of the Happ! (1958) unit cell model. This approach gives much better agreement with data for the usual case ‘where dust deposit porosity is preater than about 0 than does the frequently used Kozeny and Carman model described by Billings and Wilder (1970) Before these theories cin be applied tn a practical fabric fer, itis uevesary iy consider the pressure =m 0) = AGP, Kiko Ku «3 = -KiKau os = (KyP, ~ K,Kyt — Ky? = 4K; Kye. (18) The solution to (11) ba Va (b+ VaFIN) _ ‘2c(F(N) — 1) w in which (ton +8 . Fay Jexpt—aVa) wea ere isthe initial areal density, the areal density of the dust deposit at N — 0, the beginning of the fist filtration cyele when operating conditions are chang- ed. Equation (16) gives the areal density of the dust deposit at any time, that is, at any number of tration cycles, N, since operating conditions are changed and ye Cantnting hein eQUILRRIUM Lf operating conditions are constant, (16) ean be used 10 determine the value of areal dust density that the Mer will achieve at equilitriurn ( —» 20) In this case, (17) shows that FUN) -+0 and (16) becomes. (8) VP Kala Kit — 00K Ky Bre (9) Substitution of (19) into (9) gives equilibrium pressure drop: Py = KaiKy + Kyo fps A TaPRTES ag) Dakke (1974) has established that under certain ‘operating conditions pressure drop across a pulse-jt filter does not stabilize but increases without limit Mathematically, this i equivalent to a situation in as which FON) = O., as can be seen by inspection of (16 Solution of (17) for this condition gives the following feniterion, which must be satisfied for stable filter operation: new + b+ fA 205 ay Py Py = Ral = Kye? = ag / Ry 2K ,0w,— Kye Kalk, >0. The square root tcrm within (20) contains terms related to the characteristics othe ite, Ky K,, and to the conditions under which itis operated, Pt, and Wo, and must be real if stable filter operation isto be penile (Py — KiKy— Ky 4no0K/K,>0. (23) 1 23) is not met, the characteristics of the filter or its ‘operating conditions must be changed. The balance of (22) contains variable w, the areal density ofthe dust deposit at time zero. If this term is funn Target i, it cts lt iy the es, the stability criterion given by (22) will not be met and pressure drop willinerease without limit. However for the same filter and operating conditions stability may bbeachieved if the initial areal density is suiticiently low. ‘This has practical implications for fabric filter oper- ation. Before operating conditions such as filtration eloty,», dust characteristics, Ks, oF pulse pressute, ‘P,,are changed, the bags should be pulsed repeatedly to remove as much dust as possible and decrease w, ‘This wall give the best opportunity for the system t0 achieve stable operation under the new operating conditions. Equation (22) can he rewitien 4y.< Apis ey where Ap, — Kyo + Kom ey ‘The actual operating pressure drop, Ap,, immediately alter operating conditions change must not exceed & certain limiting pressure drop, Ap,, defined by Equa: tion (26) If Ap, is higher than Ap, then the system is usta sn prensure cleo will iene without Kit If however, Ay is lower than this quantity, thew the system will be stable and approach pressure drop equilibrium. or example, a hiter might have a stable, equilib slum pressure drop of 1000 Pa under a particular set of ‘operating conditions, Pulse pressure might then be reduced, causing a reduction in P,, anal i Ap, a Davo Ler aud Miciats. J, ELLENaecxex predicted by (26), In this case, the inital pressure drop, under the new conditions &p, (here equal to 1000 Pa) ‘may now be greater than Ap, and violate the stability condition set by (24). If this occurs, pressure drop Would rise fromits initial value of 1000 Pa and increase ‘without limit, However, i he reduction in P, had been es the vale fo Ap cake i (26) aight ite satisfied. In that case, pressure drop would still rise {om it inital value of 1000 Pa, but would eventually come to equilibrium, Figure 2is a plot of pressure drop, Ap, as given by (20) against w, the dust areal density added during a Filtration eyele for typical operating comtions The figure shows that as more dust is fed to the bags between pulses, cither by increasing inlet dust con- centration oF by increasing the tume between cleaning pulses, equilibrium pressure drop increases as wel. At the maximum value of w, for which stable iter ‘operation is passible, the value of (\pyédw becomes infinite tha is, a slight increase in m causes equlib- rium pressure drop to inctcase at an infinite rate, This point i atthe edge of the unstable region defined by (23). Algo shown in Fig. 2 isa plot of Ap,, the maximum Initial pressure drop for which the fiver will ultimately achieve stable operation given by (26). Comparison of (26) and (20) for equilibrium pressure drop shows that they are identical except for the sign on the square root term. ‘The arrows shown in Fig.2 represent the direction in Which pressure drop will proceed overtime and pulses AL consiant we, stating at any point on the gare The atsows weredeter mined by evaluating the desivativeot areal density with respect to number of pulses at woofs Sa 3B ws ¥50.075 m/e y Bo /) comeeey Coon ° oor 002 ONE FILTRATION CYCLE, wy, bg’? Pressure drop. dp. vs cust atc! dusty added ding ‘one Alrestan syle, ‘ory for pretture drop i a pulieyet cleaned fabric iter ressunt ro RS nase TT) went | mayoueree l resis Fi. 3, Apparatus wed to determine relationship between Dube pressure, P and induced sais presses Py various points, For all initial conditions leading to pressure drops within the parabola shown in Fig. 2, pressure drop will decrease to reach equilibrium. For all {nti eonditions leading to pressure drops outside the pparabots, pressure drop will nerease eter until it intersects the parabola and reaches equilibrium, or else without limit, ‘The static pressure increase within a bag during leaning, Prelate 1 he sate at which tt i over ‘backwards through the bag during cleaning. Fora jet ‘pump, this flowrate depends in part upon jet pressure. ‘The relationship between pulse pressure and static pressure developed, P, was determined from a 4 mm @°) jet discharging into a standard pulse.jet ventuti using the apparatus shown in Fig. 3 Compressel sir wm injected comtinansly avd the ao-flow static pressure across the venturi P,, measured. Results of these teat for several pulse pressures are given in Hg 4,and are desorbed by’ 4a) — 164rKray* en ge opo tbe ee gto eg 3 woo if Sco a0 ~—«wOSCt Fig. 4 Sate prewure inducal, Pos pulse pressure 89 Bakke (1974) reporis a value af P, about 10% lower tan that given in 7) for a pulse pressure of 620 kPa Equation (20) for equilibrium pressure drop re- quires values for operating variables Wy, and P, a5 well as for constants K,, K,/Ky and Ky/K, Ellenbecker's (1979) data on the pressure drop charac- teristics of three hig pute filler operate at four filtration velocities from 50 to 125 mm s~* have been reported and discussed in detail elsewhere, and arc summarized in Table 1, The test dust was fly ash collected electrostatically ata coal fired utility boiler. ‘Examination of (7) and (8) shows that: KulKs = wits (28) Deny and Wilder (1975) detesmined that the maxi- ‘mum outward velocity, e*, attained by one polyester felt bag aden with fy ashis 14 ms” ',and thatthe time necessary to reach this velocity was about 5.9 ms. Ifthe clean fabric has an areal density of 0.54ikg m-?, the value of Kq/K, from (28) is 137 Pa, less than 27, of P, from which it is subtracte in’ (20) 1 caeulate ‘equilibrium pressute drop. In tis case, Ky/K may be neglected, making subsequent analysis much simpler ‘The size ofthe error introduced by this assumption is not well established, but may be small unless fter ‘operation is nearly unstable. MW KaK, is neglected, then (20) for equilibrium pressure dtop involves as constants only K, xnd the ratio K;/K's Lacking other data, the resistance of the ‘conditioned fabric, K,, might be approximated from the inverse of clean fabric Frasier permeability, F: 124 Fras? at 125 Pa) K,Pasm | (9) The consequence ofthis assumption is to meorporate all pressure drop beyond that across the clean fabric into the term for resistance across the dust deposit Although this approximation may not be realistic for conditioned fabries which retain an appreciable ‘amount of dus, it does allow the analysis to proceed ‘when data on the actual resistance of the conditioned fabric arc unavailable If Ky 1s known of assumed, and if equilibrium pressure drop is known for one set of stable operating conditions, then K/X°y can be determines! and pre _ssuredrap under any other staile operating conditi ‘aa be found using (20), Values of Ka/Ky were determined in this way for pressure drop at each velocity listed in Table 1. The values ol K /K. were found to be relatively constant over the range of ‘lation velocities considered. Figure $i a plot of pressure drop wyyinstSliraion selocty for the data in Table 1. The line is based on Equation 20), with Kz/Ky equal to its average value for these data, and reflects well the trend of pressure drop vs velocity. This analysis gives no indication whether agreement between theory and data will be as 350 “Table 1. Experimental conditions for pulse filter teste Bags ‘Number a Sie: 114mm di,and 244m ong Fane Polyester fel uy suiace Wei: Ostkgm* Permeability 015 ms" a 125 Pe x 50 Pasm= (new fee) Pulses Frequency ‘Once pee mine 0 each hag Pulse pressure, P 690 kPa. Tducel presse, P,.—8280Pa Dest Type coubsed wibty bor Count median diameter: 030 um Geotuet ie stand ‘eviation a7 ve 07? kgan Pressure drop Veooiy mms! AP,Pa KK, Bas! R/Ky Pa 0 mao LNT Aum 1s 390 T1310 equal to 100 51210" ao, all ns S00 13210" coniions average Lats 10! ° good for variations in variables other than filtration velocity ‘The constants ised in Table 1 are specie tor the apparatus and experimental conditions used in their determination. Changes in pulse pressure or changes in amount of dus fe tothe bags between poles were uot made in these experiments. However, (20) can be used to estimate the effect on pressure drop of vari- ations in these variables, Results are plotted in Fi. 6 and 7, pressure drop vt pulse pressure and w, respectively. In Fig. 6, pulse pressure was converted to , using (27) before the theoretical pressure drop line wos pte Equation (1) relates pressure drop to these same ‘variables cmpirielly and was cstablished for ly ash collected on polyester felt bags. However, the dust and bags used to develop the constants used in the theoretical analysis were different, The slopes of the pressure drop ws pulse pressure and pressure drop vs to relationships poetical hy the empirical exetion are also given in Figs 6 and 7. The lines given by the theory and the empirical results are in general agrec> ment. A more complete test of the theory presented bere awaits development of more dats. EXAMPLE CALCULATION ‘The concepts and equations described above can be illustrated using an cxamplc calculation Itis proposed Davin Ler and MICHAEL J. ELLENBECKER 1000 “r to 400 ° IM PRESSURE ROP, OF, Fig 5. Fyuibrium presuredrup. dp, vs ration vey lw reduce the amount of compressed air used in cleaning a pulseet filter by extending the interval from 60 to 120s between pulses to each bag, Wil filter operation be stable under the operating conditions proposed? Ifeo, what will be the effect ofthe proposed change on filter pressure drap? Current filter operate ing colitis ate piven in Table 2 700 7 + T 7 | ouele 4 fee rotericn, 3 5h ame Se Nigra ton Fig 6, Equilibrium presure drop, Ap, vs pulle pressure, P Theory for pressure drop i pulsejet cleaned fabri iter 851 «| Ha am | 3 Lo Ermine ipeloeneeters Ne coor ONE FUTRATION CCIP. a, erat Fig. 7. Equilibrium presure drop, Ap vs dust areal density added during one Bitration eye, wn Table 2. Fiter operating conditions: example cul Fabric permeability Pulse feauency 0177 ms! at 125Pa Curteaty once pes 60» per hg: proposed once per 1208 a0 KP (100 pag Puls pressure 2gms (2x10 keen Inlet dust concentration Supefiial fleation ‘eloaty summe"* (05 ms") Equilibrium pressure drop: 1000Ta curently Equation (26) can be used to determine whether filter operation under the proposed operating con- ditions will be stable; if stable operation is achieved (20) can be used to determine equilibrium pressure ‘drop. Rosh (26) and (20) contain three unknown constants. Ky, Ky/Ky, anil Ky/K, and to evaluate operation atthe new conditions itis neessiry to know for estimate valucs for cach. For lack of better infin ‘mation, K, can be estimated Irom the permeability of the new fabric bags listed in Table 2, using (29): 124 Khas tm) Tme at Pa = 700Pasm™ (00) There 1 no apparent way to evaluate constant K /K. However, as discussed above, this constant may be negligibly small compared to values from which 18 suuhstracted under normal pulse.jet operating con- ditions. Ifso, it can he neglected; the value of K,/K, will be assumed equal to zero hese With values for constants Ki, and Ky/K, in hand, (20) can be used to evaluate te renmining constant ,/Ky, using the data for the operation of the filler lunder its current, stable operating conditions. To do this itis necessary to have values for P, the static pressure developed within the bag by a cleaning pulse, and for wo, the dust sve density aclded to ea¢h bag during one filtration cycle. A value for P, can he find from pulse pressurc, P, using (2: Paha} = 164 690KPay!* en ‘A value fo wg can be found from (2) for the current filter operating vondiions (2x 10 ?0.09)(60) = 6x10 kgm * 5080 Pa @) Substitution ofthe current pressure drop value. assump tions about K, and K,/K,, and results from (31) and (62) into 20) allows evaluation of constant Ky/K; for this pulsesjer filter: 8280 — 0 + 700(00) ——— /[ys?0 = 0 — r000.05))2 M6 x10 )(005)K/K] 7 : 1000 = 63) from whieh KaIKy = 234 x 10 Pas“! 64) ‘The proposed operating eanditions can now be checked tobe sure they will uxt cause pressure drop to ‘increase without limit. First, the value for w xs sociated with the proposed 120s (instead of GOs) interval between cleaning pulses to each bag can be Found froma 2) pence — Cat = (2% 10°2)(005)(120) = 125 107g? es) initial pressure drop ean be found from 280 ~ 0 + 7001005) n= a yUi8280—0- 7001008) {1.2 x 10-4)(0,05)(2.34 « 10") a 06) from whit Ap, ~ 5830 Pa. en The actual operating pressure drop immediately after operating conditions change, Api is 1000Pa. For equilibrium to be established under the new operating ‘conditions (24) must be satisied Bp: < Apr, oH ‘or in tis ease 1000 Pa © $880 Pa, cs) 852 Decause (38) holds, equilibrium will be achieved under the proposed operating conditions. ‘Next, (20) can be used to estimate pressure drop under these conditions. Substitution ofthe values for all constants and proposed w into (20) yields: 120-0. 700005) Alma = OOF (6280 -0~ 7000.05)" = 4(0.2 10"290.05)2.44« 10") 7 69) from which: 2440 Pa. (wy Tn hig way the equilibrium pressure drop associated with the new filter operating conditions can be eval- ‘uated, Doubling the time between pulscs should cause pressure drop to increase by 1447, Similarly, effets on filter operation of proposed changes in filtration velocity, pulse pressure, oF Inlet dust concentration could siso be evaluated However, the effect of a Dropunedl change to different bags, oF to collection of a diferent dust cannot at present be evaluated using this, procedure because valucs for the constants used in these ealoulattons may depend on characteristics ofthe fabric or dust used, Prgms A theory for pressure drop in pulse-jet cleaned filters hhas been presented. Assumptions made are that total pressure drop is the sum of drops across the con Aitined fabwicand ted epet at the fraction of lust separated from a bag depends upon the sepa- ration foree applied, and that this force ean be found from impulse and momentum considerations as the ‘bag and dust deposit move away from their supporting cage during a cleaning pulse. The they allows prediction of operating eon sitions under which filter operation will become unstable and cause pressure drop to increase without Lumut, With simplitying assumptions, the theory can be tused to interpret preesure drop data or to predict the ‘equilibrium pressure drop of a pulsejet cleaned flier ‘operatec unuer any comaitins. Acknowledgement — This work was supported by US. Ea ‘iroamental Protection Agency Grant 804-70, under the Davip Lert and Miciatt J, Eutewecne REFERENCES Bakke E1974) Opuimizng fi Billings CE. and Wilder 1. (1970) Handbook of fabric iter technology. Volume [Fabre fle syste sty. 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