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Conti - AP Lit - 2A - 1/17/15 - Hamlet Act II Response

In Hamlet by William Shakespeare during Act II, Hamlet is now beginning to attempt planning
his revenge against his uncle for the murder of his father. Also, the recently made king, his
uncle, is starting to suspect that Hamlet knows the truth. Claudius, the recently made king, had
asked two of Hamlets friends to see what really has him acting so out of character for him.
There were many different aspects and components to Act II, but one stood out the most to
me, allusion.
Allusion stood out to me because of how the different allusions moved the plot along. "O
Jephthah, judge of Israel, what a treasure hadst thou!(H l.ii)" Jephthah, who was a character in
the Old Testament, sacrificed his daughter in order to keep a vow he made. This quote was said

Olivia Conti 4/28/2015 1:08 PM

Comment [1]: Different word choice is needed,
more active.

Olivia Conti 4/28/2015 1:10 PM

Comment [2]: No me's, I's or opinions!

Olivia Conti 4/28/2015 1:07 PM

Comment [3]: Do not bring self into essay

Olivia Conti 4/28/2015 1:11 PM

Comment [4]: Good quote

by Hamlet to Polonius who is using his daughter to gain favor with Claudius. It to be only
name calling and sarcasm from Hamlet is actually an insult to Polonius with this allusion and his
fickle ways to gain favor with the king.
Another allusion is when Hamlet asked the lead actor do the play Priam and Pyrrhus in the end
of Act II. Priam was a king in the Trojan war that was murdered by Pyrrhus, in my opinion,
Hamlet asked for this play specifically to test Claudius. Claudius has been trying to find out if
Hamlet knows what he did to King Hamlet and it is ironic when taking the parallels in
Both allusions have proved to move the plot forwards, referring to Polonius's play for favor with
the king to Hamlet asking for Prias and Pyrrhus.

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