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Courtney Edge

2.2 Achieving a Readable Style

A number of events have lead to an increase in regulations on the Plaza property. Rite
Properties would like to keep the Plaza a respectable and comfortable living environment. In
order for us to do so, we need your cooperation.
Please supervise your pets and allow them to relieve themselves in designated areas.
An increase of dogs allowed to relieve themselves in prohibited sections of the Plaza add extra
hours and pay to our custodians. If Rite Properties has to continue to pay for such cleaning
services, we may have to increase rent for our residents. We understand that accidents
happen. We are happy to assist you if you have any questions about our policies. If you
witness activities regarding the recent events, please contact Management and monetary
penalties will be distributed to the responsible party.
Please inform your guests where they may park and remember to refrain from parking
on Baileys property. If you or your guests park in an unauthorized location, the vehicle will be
towed. We have a parking lot for residents only. You will be issued a parking sticker for your
vehicle. If a car is not labeled clearly with the sticker and it is found in the residents only lot, it
will be subject to towing. We want you to feel comfortable here! We love having you and your
guests, but please, do not cause your guest troubles by not having them park in appropriate
Remember, your safety is important to us. Therefore, it is important to abide by our
safety rules. Please do not tamper or remove your smoke detector. If you feel like your smoke
detector is faulty, please call the front office and we will be happy to assist you. Upon making
our regular maintenance repairs, we have found that many of you have removed or tampered
with your smoke alarm. Those of you will be fined $25.00 because of the broken terms stated in
your lease.
Plaza residents, your happiness is our happiness. We want the Plaza to be a place that
you can call home. We strive to maintain your comfort. Please keep the Plaza clean by
disposing your trash properly. It would also be greatly appreciated if you would refrain from any
loud behavior after ten PM. We thank you for your corporation and thank you for choosing

Memo Page 67

Jerry Bradshaw,

An Alternative Approach to Fuels

Purpose and Research Methods:
Alternative fuel researchers have been investigating two possible advantages for
the decreased use of traditional fuels. The United States relies heavily on foreign soils for oils
as well as produces harmful chemicals as a byproduct. The purpose of this report is to explore
the most advantageous approaches to alternative fuels.
Three alternative fuels along with their benefits, costs, and negative aspects will be
assessed. The most effective fuel, environmentally and economically, will be chosen from
ethanol, fuel cell, and biodiesel. The data for the three fuels mentioned was obtained from
online databases such as the U.S. Department of Energy.
Ethanol is produced through the fermentation of grains such as corn. After the corn is
grown and harvested, the kernels are shipped to a plant where they are ground and cooked.
Yeast is then added, which is a catalyst for the fermentation process. Alcohol is the byproduct
of the yeast fungus feeding on the corn. There, ethanol is retrieved and distributed.
Ethanol is a beneficial source of energy because it is renewable, cleaner burning when
mixed with gasoline, and it replenished plants with a carbon dioxide by product. Reserchers
argue that farming equipment needed to produce the corn used in the process consumes even
more energy than produced.
Hydrogen fuel cells convert chemical processes into electricity by converting Hydrogen
and Oxygen into water. The cell for vehicles, Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
disperses Hydrogen over the catalyst, captures electrons and uses them as energy, transfers
protons over a membrane and distributes oxygen over a catalyst. Through the mentioned
steps, water is created and energy is stored. Hydrogen fuel cells are extremely useful
environmentally. The cells reduce pollution by producing only water and is 64% more efficient
than other combustion engines. Because the process is intricate and the components are so
expensive and pieces of the engine are delicate, the alternative fuel has been put on hold.
Biodiesel, the final fuel explored, is produced from organic oils such as animal fat and
vegetable oil. The oils are nontoxic, biodegradable, and renewable. To achieve biodiesel, oils
are filtered to remove wastes and water. The oils are mixed with alcohol and a catalyst that
break apart the oil molecules into glycerin and methyl esters. The glycerine is sought after by
other industries while the methyl esters remaine the alternative fuel. Biodiesel is advantageous
because it is created from recycled greases. Soybeans and algae are also used in production
and are a renewable source because the plants grow rapidly. Biodiesel produces three times
more energy than it takes to make the fuel.
Biodiesel has found to be the most efficient alternative fuel from the three mentioned
above. Biodiesel is simple to produce, produces large amounts of energy, and is produced from
an abundant source. Mass producing our own fuel would pluck the United States from
importing oils and help us regain our independence.

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