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- Jesse Garcia
We arm ourselves,
daily to face the cruelties
of the outside.
Sheltered and impenetrable,
we face the world as the
inner demon feeds.
The demon we hide; The demon
we shame; the demon that we own,
or rather owns us.
we feed it, until it swells and
consumes us whole. we smile
but die if only inside.

But now we say goodbye,

we started out as strangers
then became a family
becoming Lisa and the bickmore's
Happily parting our ways
I say goodbye,farewell,
take care my good friend.

Apocalypse (The End)

-Jesse Garcia
Prayers for the broken confession
that slips meekly of a fallen angels
War is a constant struggle between
God and the Devil. That rages inside
my blood brothers bullet.
as I watch death roam the street,
innocent women and children falling
to the ground. as bombs bursting
around me as I walk these forsaken streets
surrounded by the rotting corpses of the innocent.
Words, of a dying and hunted soul,
smears blood across the darkening
Teardrops stain the Virgin Marys statue.
todays the day, her son will die.
Evil pervades within my sinful hellish ways,
wings of broken lambent turn to ash and gray.
Finally free from the spiritual realm
that raised me, earth will be in an
apocalyptic battle to for the end.
Pain engraves upon the parchments of time,
as the angels wings are stripped bare of feathers,
The sign of the destruction has sounded,
as the final apocalyptic trumpet has been
As the last days on earth begin to fray,
Gods artwork of life burns to ashes.
All is black, vacant and still...
living is now only a faded photograph
of memories.

Just Me
-Jesse Garcia
Sorry for being me
Sorry for not being
what you wanted me to be.
Sorry for trying to be free,
more than a cheerful dream
To my ex-for not being the man you wanted
For my parents for long guarding me
I'm sorry for trying to be who you
wanted your son to be
This is my elegy
The death of me
For the creator of this hypocrisy
Grizzled and greed
Life in this corrupted
so called land of the free, who kills the brave
In the advanced mental state
I'm not real, just a figment of reality.
Just something to comfort somebody,
life is but a dream,
Reality is a nightmare
Trust me I been there
I never have, never been
Happiness is something
you want to see, love is a pill
which begins to slowly kill
Rest in peace, me
There's no such things for you to be
You're just a lie,
You didn't die of pain
You died for being me
I watched you turning in
this concrete grave

12ft deep, weary and weak

Love is corrupted
Death is a painful escape
from reality,
Shyness is shame,
Kindness was the thing
that got you killed,
Happiness is a lie.
My parents asked what wrong with me
I tell them I live a painful reality
Seeing monsters and demons
Things that no one should see
Danced with the devil,
Married death
Gods face, heavenly upset
The devil once the beautiful
Angel Luzbel filled with regret
Everybody's upset with me
I'm sorry for wanting to be me
Forgive me I'll be what you want
me to be
I'll live the same as everyone
I won't be different, I'll be normal
I won't be rude, I won't be noisy
I'll promise that I will be normal
Please look at me
Mom, dad, I'm normal
Look I'm normal
Just please look at me
Please, I'll be what you
want me to be.
Please Just look at me.

The Heavens Cried

-Jesse Garcia
You could see the clouds
rolling across the sky
as the day started to rain
tear drops of blood across the land
lost in their visions of doubt
buried in their pain
white man had all the say
we were left to taciturn
as we watched everything burn
and the heavens cried
on the trail of tears
On some beaten shore
we watched the ships come in
one by one, our land wore thin
we could just watch with closed eyes
as the promises made were just lies
they said you don't belong here anymore
behind their mask, they wore a disguise
and the heavens cried
on the trail of tears
Blood spilled on our sacred ground
leaving a unwanted stain
where mighty warriors once made a stand
we never could walk hand in hand
when they lived by so much greed
we watched our people fall
thousands must bleed
still all we could do is try
and the heavens cried
on the trail of tears
Guided by the spirit wind
we held on to our pride
something they couldn't take away
as so many died
through our darkest years
and the heavens cried
on the trail of tears

Machine Man
-Jesse Garcia
Life is like a machine,
waking up in the morning,
getting ready for work,
and returning for dinner.
Repeating everything again
the next day. but life is but a pear,
a human heart, which keeps us alive,
and dies at the end of its time.
What is man but a machine,
following orders but the need
to break free, from this society,
its nothing but a simple philosophy,
a new culture, a new world order.
why change if we just follow,
just like tomorrow. full or grief and sorrow,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, every theory
ends in a must.

The Day Is Over

-Jesse Garcia
My fair maiden beware
because this is gonna hurt.
Wrath and rage fills hearts with fire today
her teardrops, turn to blood.
your love fades away as pain
pleads to stay.
Is this the way love hurts,
cold and broken, voices
left unspoken.
the burning and tearing of
an old shirt,as of the
tearing of flesh.

feeling my blood splatter

out on the ground, my heart
pouring through my severed
veins as a soul, lost but found.
Wearing a bloody crown which
begins to bleed puncturing
my sensitive skin.
chained to a stand, I am whipped
and beaten, falling to my knees.
I shall never bow to any royalty.
once invisible, must now be seen
as a brutal reality.
Now awakens a mid-summers breeze
for death has forsaken the ingenuity
of a maidens love which starts to freeze.

Hell has froze over

our love which is meant
to be free.
to the cliffs of dover
on my last christmas eve
release all Hell on Earth
welcome to my insanity.

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