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Part V.

English Writing Skills

1. Please translate the following letter into English

Stimata doamna,
Va multumim pentru scrisoarea dumneavoastra din 16 septembrie prin care ne cereti detalii despre
imprimanata color TX2000.
Anexam prezentei scrisori brosura ce descrie principalele noastre produse, intre care si imprimanta
care va intereseaza (pagina 15).
In brosura sunt indicate si tarifele si conditiile de vanzare, precum si reducerile practicate pentru
comenzi in cantitati mai mari.
Raportul prt/calitate al produsului de care va interesati este excellent. Putem sa certificam ca
utilizarea lui simpla va fi in masura sa va multumeasca.
Toate produsele noastre au garantie de un an si pot fi livrate in saptamana urmatoare comenzii
Va stam la dispozitie pentru orice informatie suplimentara de care aveti nevoie.
Sperand ca preturile noastre va vor parea convenabile, asteptam comanda dumneavoastra.
Cu cele mai bune urari,
Marius Petrescu

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your interest stated in the letter you sent on 16 th of September and in which you
inquired details about TX2000 color printer.
Please find attached the brochure containing our main products including the printer you are
interested in (see page 15).
Tariffs and selling conditions as well as discounts for gross amount quantitities are indicated in the
Price-quality ratio in which you are interested is excellent. We warrant that its simple use will please

All of our products have 1 year guaranty and can be delivered the week after your order.
We remain at your disposal for any further piece of information you need.
We will be waiting for your order hoping that our prices will look convenient to you.

Best wishes,
Marius Petrescu

2. Please read the scenarios bellow and create an e-mail in which you inform the customer
about it.

A. Mr. Johnson has purchased a software which is not compatible with the mobile phone he wants to
buy. Thus, he will not be able to use that software on the mobile phone. Please advise the customer
on this.

B. Chris has 3 juice machines. He has recently reported one as being faulty. You need to let him know
that the machine will be replaced. There is one condition for the replacement he will need to take
care of the delivery of the faulty one. Let Chris know about that.

C. A very angry customer has sent the following e-mail: Your product never works and you do not help
me in due time when I call for assistance. I will never use such a product anymore. How would you
reply to such a customer?

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