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ABAQUS Initiation

To ensure all created files in the same

directory/folder as the icon, change Start in in
icon properties to %currdir%
Copy the icon to the folder you create for the
ABAQUS analysis
Go thru two tutorial problems
Find Tutorial problems in the Help manual


Icons to Translate, Rotate,

Zoom, Box Zoom, and Fit

Model Tree
Convenient for modeling
Record modeling status
Quick to switch to appropriate
item for modifying model

Move mouse to any item and

right click the mouse for

ABAQUS Modeling and Analysis

Part: Sketch two- or 3-dimensional profiles and create a part to be
assembled into a model

Property: Define material properties and section properties for model

Assembly: Assemble the model and create sets

Step: Configure analysis procedure and request output

Load: Apply loads and boundary conditions to structure
Mesh: Mesh the model
Job: Create analysis job and submit for solution
Visualization: View the results of analysis

to Module

Actions need users input

Message Area

Messages and instructions displayed

Actions needed from user
Click any other option/icon or press Esc
key to interrupt or alter the action

Tutorial 1: a Solid Beam is subjected to pressure on top surface


Generate Part Geometry

Apply Loads (Pressure)

Input Materials

Apply Boundary Conditions

Assign Section Properties Mesh the Model

Create Analysis Job
Create Assembly

Steps and Notices for modeling

(additional details, please see
ABAQUS CAE Tutorials)

Create Part 200X20 (3D/Deformable/Solid/Extrusion), extrude by 25 > Action is

waiting for Instruction at the bottom of model window

Change/edit the Part in Features

Create Materials (for entire model): Steel (E=209E3, v=.3) for entire model (all

Learn how to edit/change materials

Create Section: beam > create new materials if needed

Learn Delete, Suppress, Rename, Resume,

Go to Part to assign Sections

Create Instances (selection of Parts) in Assembly (add another beam)

Apply Boundary Conditions and Loads to Assembly

Create Step after Initial

Create Load: Pressure (all units have to be consistent)

Assign Surface (all Nodes on Surface will be assigned)

Create BC: Select Type & Assign Surface


Assign Element Type: Incompatible Mode

Assign Mesh Control; Structure, Sweep, Free

Seed Part (10); Edge by Size, by Number, Biased; Delete

Seed; Change Seed

Create Job

Submit, Write Input, Data Check, Monitor

Results Visualization

Display Stress: von Mises, S11, S22, S12, etc.

Display Displacements: Amplify

Display Symbol Variables

Display Cutting Plane

P = 1000N

R=5 mm
L=200 mm

Steel (E=209E3, v=.3)

Fixed ends
Generate Part Geometry

Apply Loads

Input Materials

Apply Boundary Conditions

Assign Section Properties

Mesh the Model

Create Assembly

Create Analysis Job

ABAQUS Modeling and Analysis Examples

(Tutorial 2)
Create an assembly composed of a hinge
held together by a pin

Lub. Hole

ABAQUS Help Manual

Creating a cube

Adding the flange

Modifying for the lub. hole

Hinge-Hole Model

Create a 0.04X0.04X0.04 cube (Approximate size =0.2)

Create & add a flange: Shape > Solid > Extrude

Create .02 line; constrain the other by equal length

Create half a circle (3 points) and tangent the edges

Create a circle approximately (r=.01) (approximate centered, dimension

center to a edge point as .01(Horiz) & 0.0(Vert)
Dimension vertical distance between circle center and edge to zero
Edit Extrusion Blind, .02, and Flip
Edit Features in Part
Edit Section Sketch in Solid extrude-2 for r=.012: select the edit dimension
value icon
Edit, exit and click OK
Click Apply in Edit box

Generate lub. Hole

Creating a datum point (Edit Parameter > select edge > .25)

Creating a datum axis (2 points > center & Datum point)

Creating a datum plane (Point & Normal)

Creating a datum point on the other side (Edit Parameter >

select edge > .75)

Creating a datum point (Midway between 2 points)

Creating lub. Hole

Shape > Cut > Extrude: r=.003

Edit Cut Extrusion: Up to Face

Select the inner Face

FE Modeling of Example 2

Open Example2-Geo-only.cae

Define Material Properties: Steel (E=209E9, v=0.3)

Define Section Properties: Solid

Assign a Section
Copy Hinge-hole to Hinge-solid in Parts

Remove hole in Feature

Create Rigid Pin

Create Parts > Analytical Rigid > Revolved Shell > Approximate size (.2)

Create a line to the right of axis> Dimension .012 for distance between line & center> Dimension .06
for line length >Done

Assign RP to ring

Create Instances > Auto Offset

Constraint Instances > Face to Face > arrows point the same direction after constraint (clearance 0.04) (see
instruction for fixed & movable instances)

Constraint > Coaxial > arrows point the same direction after constraint

Constraint > Edge to Edge > arrows point the same direction after

Constraint > Coaxial for Rigid Pin

Instance > Translate Rigid Pin by (0,0,.02) > click OK

Instance > Convert Constraints > Done

Create Analysis Step

Initial step .1

Max step size .25

Request Output

Introduce the concept of contact surface & 3 contact pairs

Create Interaction Properties > Frictionless

Interactions > Define Contact Pairs > Name/Rename contact pairs

Select Contact Pairs > select Master Surface (Brown or Pink) & slave
surface > Surf-Surf or Node-Surf; interaction property; Adjust for

Define Boundary Conditions

Fixed one surface

No Slip > constrain all DOF on RP in Initial > release U1 & UR2
DOF in Step-1

Constrain > constrain 1 thru 3 DOF on a point in Initial > release

U1 DOF in Step-1

Define Loads

In Step-1

Apply pressure of -1E6 on the Hinge-solid surface


Only the Hinge-hole and Hinge-solid to be meshed in Part

Go to Parts

Partition Parts for Meshing: only yellow or green part can be

modeled by Hex elements

Partition Cell for both hinges (student do one) > Extend

face; then Defining Cutting Plane > Point & Normal or 3

Mesh each Part > assign element type > assign mesh
controls > seed part (Seed size 0.004) > mesh > verify

Check the mesh in Assembly

Turn off Datum point, axis, plane

Turn off unwanted Instances

Create Job

Submit Analysis

Monitor the progress

View Results

Turn on/off instances to see results

on each one

Select only elements you want to


Select elements to be moved from


See contact pressure, opening,

shear force

.cae and .odb are independent, No .odb

can be changed









Analysis of Plate-Bending
A simple rectangular plate is subjected to
a concentrated force at the center of the
plate. Please solve the problem with linear
and nonlinear analyses.

Modeling: 3D Deformable, Shell

Dimension: 30X30X0.2
Partition into 4 squares
Structured Mesh w/ seed =1.0 (All Quad)
Elastic: E=20000, v =0.3
Boundary conditions: Fixed all around
Loads: Concentrated at the center of plate
P = -20

1. 3D, Deformable, Shell, Planar
2. Partition Surface (Equally divided the square plate)
3. Materials (Elastic; Plastic)
4. Section (Shell, Homogeneous, thickness = 0.2)
5. Assign Section Property
6. Mesh with Quad (Green)
7. Mesh Seed = 1
8. BC (fixed all around)
9. Loads
10.Create Job elastic then plastic
11. Submit for analysis

Plate-Yielding: Materials input for elasto-plastic

nonlinear analysis
Elastic: E=20000, v =0.3
Yield Stress

Plastic Strain








Boundary conditions: Fixed all around

Loads: Concentrated at the center of plate
P = -20
Job Step:
Max Incre:0.1

Needs for Large Deformation Nonlinear Analysis

(Even Elastic)
Different Analysis Cases:

1. Elastic analysis with Nlgeom=off and Step incr=1.0

2. Elastic analysis with Nlgeom=on, Step incr=1.0
3. Elastic analysis with Nlgeom=on, Initial step=0.05 and Max step
incr= 0.1
4. Elasto-Plastic analysis with Nlgeom=on, Initial step=0.05 and
Max step incr= 0.1

Elastic Plate-Bending Results

Von Mises Stress (Max 857.0)

Displacement Magnitude (Max 6.90)

Total Max Principal Strain (Max .0332)

Elasto-Plastic Plate-Bending Results

Von Mises Stress (Max 345.8)

Max Principal Plastic Strain (Max 3.69E-4)

Displacement Magnitude (Max 0.927)

Total Max Principal Strain (Max .0144)

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