Portfolio 3 Educ121

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Portfolio 3: Cognitive Development

For this assignment I chose a nine year old female to complete

activities that show where she is in her cognitive development. I watched her
complete a book report; her teacher assigned that the students must read a
book and complete a book report with a sock puppet. She had to answer
certain questions about the book during the presentation to prove she did
read it. The sock puppet was used as her prop, in which, she made to look
like the main character in the book. After going through the book report with
her I had her do a crossword puzzle. It was created for third graders, so it
wasnt extremely difficult. She completed it like it was nothing. Im not
surprised; she is in third grade and is reading at a sixth grade level. Reading
and comprehension are her strongest points as a student. She fully
understands the meanings of words when they are put into sentences, and
uses a wide vocabulary. She is definitely above where most third graders are
at in their cognitive development.

InTASC Standard One: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop,
recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary
individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements
developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Name of Artifact:
Date: 5/4/14
Course: EDUC 121: Child and Adolescent Development
Brief Description: I observed a child complete a variety of cognitive
activities that show me where she is in her development.
Rationale: The learning experiences she went through she understood
what the task at hand was. She was able to comprehend what the teacher
was asking for, and put it into her report. For the crossword puzzle, she went
through and was able to think of what word went with that certain phrase.

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