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change Lesson
WALT To explore the effects of the eruption
theory on global climate patterns.

3 what happened to the

Starter Activity:
Describe what happens when a
volcano erupts. What does it produce?
What impact does this have on
Q: What would happen if all the birds / fish died out like

WILFLevel 3
Identify the
eruption theory.
Level 4
Describe the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 5
Explain the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 6
Analyse the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 7
Evaluate the
positive and

WALT To explore the effects of the eruption

theory on global climate patterns.
For the last 30
years, most
people have
thought an
asteroid, around
six miles across,
hit the Yucatan
peninsula in
Mexico 65 million
years ago.
They think this
massive impact
threw debris into
the atmosphere,
blocking the sun
and chilling the
planet to the
point that nearly
half of all species
became extinct

A to B =
The orange
circle is

Q: What would happen if all the birds / fish died out like

WILFLevel 3
Identify the
eruption theory.
Level 4
Describe the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 5
Explain the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 6
Analyse the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 7
Evaluate the
positive and

WALT To explore the effects of the eruption

theory on global climate patterns.

..but what if there is another possibility.?

Watch the video clip from the start to 2:40 mins and/or
underline the key parts of the hand-out on the eruption
Now pick your favourite dinosaur, and explain what
happened to it as a result of the eruptions and cooling
of the earth millions of years ago. Think about what
your dinosaur ate, and what it did every day. This could
be written as a short story or as a diary.
20 mins
Check YOUR level.

Q: What would happen if all the birds / fish died out like

WILFLevel 3
Identify the
eruption theory.
Level 4
Describe the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 5
Explain the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 6
Analyse the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 7
Evaluate the
positive and

WILFLevel 3
Identify the
eruption theory.
Watch the video on the eruption of Mount
Level 4
Pinatubo in the Philippines.
Describe the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
Using the information sheet to help you,
the dinosaurs.
answer the following true and false questions.
Level 5
Explain the
1. During 1992/93 the hole in the ozone layer above
eruption theory
the Antarctic
and how it may
2. The eruption lasted 12 hours.
have affected
3. 25,000 people were evacuated from the
the dinosaurs.
surrounding area.
Level 6
Truean earthquake happened 100km NE of
4. In July 1990
Analyse the
Mount Pinatubo.
eruption theory
5. Mount Pinatubo began erupting in July 1990.
and how it may
6. At the same time
as the eruption there was also a
have affected
tropical storm in the area.
the dinosaurs.
7. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 killed 72
Level 7
15 mins Evaluate the
positive and

WALT To explore the effects of the eruption

theory on global climate patterns.

Q: What would happen if all the birds / fish died out like

change Lesson
WALT To explore the effects of the eruption
theory on global climate patterns.

3 what happened to the

What have YOU learned today?
1. What two ways do scientists think
may have caused the dinosaurs to
2. Why does eruption theory only
cause a small change to the
Q: What would happen if all the birds / fish died out like

WILFLevel 3
Identify the
eruption theory.
Level 4
Describe the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 5
Explain the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 6
Analyse the
eruption theory
and how it may
have affected
the dinosaurs.
Level 7
Evaluate the
positive and

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