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Annotated Bibliography

1. "The Passion to Volunteer." Thomas., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

This source was from and its about a volunteer fireman who works hard to help
save homes and people from fires. He goes on to talk about how people used to watch sports for
fun and now people have to pay to watch sports and that athletes have become more greedy with
money. Hes a fireman just because he loves helping people and he fears that volunteer services
like these are becoming overlooked compared to athletic competitions. This ties in with my
social work research because the social work industry faces a similar issue and has become
underfunded, nothing compared to the sports industry
2. "Social Work." Students' Perceptions of : Implications for Strengthening the Image of
among College Students. Oxford Journals, n.d. Web. 06 May 2015.
This article was found on oxford journals and goes on to describe how less college students are
now looking at majoring in social. This I found as something very striking because the article
explains that one of the reasons why students dont even bother with thinking about social is
because of its salary base. This correlates directly with the issue of social workers being paid,
because if students are willing to major in social work, social work will soon face a crisis. The
pay has to go up or it will continue to become less and less viewed as option in college.
3. "Reinventing Social Work Accreditation." Reinventing Social Work Accreditation. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 21 April 2015.
I found this article on sage pub through our online database and goes on putting more emphasis
on the issue of low salary pay affecting college students. This time it talks about how the social
work major is providing less scholarships to students every year. Its hard for some students to
just depend on loans and theyll seek a career that they know theyll make money and if they
cant even find scholarships for a social work major, theyll look towards other majors who are
more academically funded. The problem starts from school because without a social work degree
you cant really work in social work.
4. Moreno, Bryan S. Practicum Filed Journal (n.d.): 1-9. Web. 21 April 2015
This was my practicum field journal that I developed during my human experience project. In
this journal I observed a non-profit social work facility called the Latin American Coalition. I
shadowed a friend of mine who was an unpaid social work intern. During my time there I saw
that social workers dealt with a wide range of people with different issues, and it just baffled me
to see that he wasnt paid at all. The place was understaffed and I know that these people werent
being paid enough for the amount of work they were doing. I saw firsthand how social work is
struggling with poor salaries.
5. "Issues of Social Wrok." Personal interview. 19 Feb. 2015.
During one of my visits to the Latin American Coalition I interviewed Omar Ramirez and his
views on the salary of a social worker. He himself aims to get a masters degree in social work

specializing and post-traumatic stress disorder. He plans on having a salary of $75,000 which is
extremely good for a social worker. The reason why he will be getting such a good pay is
because he will work with the government helping soldiers where he will receive government
benefits compared to a non-profit social worker who doesnt receive nearly as much benefits as a
government worker. This is one big issue for why social workers have an imbalance of salary pay
based on where they work and who they work for.
6. "Social Work." Quality of Care: Expanding the Dialogue. Oxford Journals, n.d. Web. 06
May 2015.
This article focuses more on the general view of social services not just social work. How
important the quality of care and quality of improvement. The article also talks about the macro
system which Omar explained to me how this is a large scale view of helping with social work.
The importance of this article is it talks about all social services in general and how these
services are needed with people who have professionalism and needed to help people and keep
them happy.
7. Volunteer and Paid Staff Relationships F. Ellen Netting , H. Wayne Nelson , Kevin
Borders , Ruth Huber Administration in Social Work Vol. 28, Iss. 3-4, 2004
My one positive article on the views of social work salary is this one. It talks about how
volunteering with social work compare to just paid social work 90% of social work volunteering
is un paid while 10% is paid. They mostly emphasize on how important it is to have this un-paid
volunteering type of work to help develop a social worker that works hard not for the money, but
to help the people. I think this is a very good point of view because the quality of work is better
when people dont worry about money, but only focus on helping the people. Unfortunately
people are not that nice, and truthfully they cant be because in a certain sense we need money to
8. Stoesz, David. "Social Work Agonistes." Springer Link, 17 June 2008. Web. 21 Apr.
David in this article goes on to talk about the issue with social work today. Once again the issue
starts straight from college/universities. The education systems are focusing social work on more
the politically correct and the highly oppressed minorities. He describes how identity politics is
based on minorities of color and race and gays/lesbians. How people elected for high positions
are usually from this type of minority group and that its anti-democratic. How this ties into
social work salary is based on minorities being paid less than Caucasians, this also includes
women who are a minority compared to white men and men of color.

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