The Kingdom Constitution (Final)

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Written by: Shamirah Betts, Zitlali Avila, Kinyahamwe Musa

The peaceful land, the land we all serve and enjoy. Dignity and loyalty is what we share,
happiness and love is what we talk about and trust and equality is what we live by. The flag will
remain in the air waving, we represent our country no matter where we are. We shall fulfill our
duties and provide stability, protection and order to ensure that our land remains peaceful.

Process of Amending the Constitution

Section I. Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution
The parliament can propose change to the constitution, the states and the citizens can
also petition to propose a change to the constitution. It takes 2/3 votes from the states to
propose an amendment to the constitution. After the bill is voted to be proposed the bill
is sent to the parliament and prime minister.

Section II. Ratifying an Amendment to the Constitution

The states and parliament vote on if the constitution should be ratified. It takes 2/3
votes from the states and 2/3 vote from the parliament to finalize the constitution .If the
process is to be changed, it should only be changed by parliament and the prime

Bill of Rights
Amendment I: One is allowed to speak freely as long as they are not publicly offending
anyones, race religion or gender. Citizens have the right to exercise what they believe in freely.
Amendment II: Citizens will have the right to bear arms with a license. One must be at least 25
and have at least a month of training. Only pistols and hunting rifles are permitted.
Amendment III: One should not discrimination against another in workplaces, schools or public
areas. Individuals should be treated equal no matter gender, race, age, sexual orientation and
physical or mental state.
Amendment IV: Individuals are not required to harbor soldiers in their home. The individual has
the right to refuse.
Amendment V: Police have no right for search and seizure unless an individual is under
suspicion of theft or drug possession
Amendment VI: Individuals have a right to deny police access into their home without a search
warrant. If police are denied access they must immediately leave the premises.
Amendment VII: Individuals are free to marry whomever suits them. One is allowed to marry
as young as 18 years old.
Amendment VIII: Cruel or unusual punishment is not permitted. No one will face the death
Amendment IX: Individuals have a right to a civil case for damage to any property costing $200
or more.
Amendment X: Individuals adopting children are not required to be married. Individuals
adopting children must go through a background check and be proven financially stable.

Article I.

Legislative Branch

Section I. Structure
This will be a bicameral branch, there will be an equal amount of delegates on both the
House of Commons and the Senate. The House of Commons is based on Equal
Representation and the senate is based on Population. The country will have 30 states.
Section II. Nominations and Elections
The citizens pick the delegates to be nominated for office. Any person elected must be at
least 35 years of age and must have at least a masters degree in a field that has to do with
the place they want to have. Afterwards they need at least 3 years of experience. In a term
the most a person can run for two, six years terms and then be off for one year until they
can run again. If someone is on power for more than three, two year terms they cannot
run again.
Section III. Powers
The House of Commons is the major law-making body. Its members are elected
representatives who debate and vote on proposed laws. The leader of the political party
with the most elected members becomes the prime minister. The prime minister is the
head of the executive branch within the legislative branch and chooses the senators.
Senators discuss and vote on legislation after it passes in the House of Commons. No bill
can become law unless it has been passed by the Senate. It simply has to be a majority
Section IV. Steps of How A Bill Becomes A Law
The House of Commons and the citizens can introduce a law. The House of Commons are
the ones that can debate and vote over the laws being introduced. Afterwards the bill is
sent to the senate. When the bill is sent to the senate, they must talk about and vote over
the bill. A bill will not become a law unless the senate passes it. The way they decide if it
does become a law is by the most votes for or against. The way it is decided is by a
simple majority vote.

Article II.

Executive Branch

Section I. Structure
Our government has a king, queen and a prime minister with an elected parliament.
The Queen and King come to power by birth and the parliament is elected while, the
prime minister is appointed by the queen and king. In our constitutional monarchy we
have a king and queen as the head of state and a parliament with the most power. The
prime minister is the leader of the parliament. The prime ministers tasks include:
chairing meetings where they talk about policies and look over proposed laws,
selecting members to become ministers and acts as a government spokesperson.

Section II. Nominations and Elections

The title of queen and king are passes down from generation to generation. If
anything happens to the queen or king the title goes to their first born if they have
children. To take the thrown the gender of the first born does not matter. For
parliament it is a direct election, one person from each state is elected for seats in the
House of Commons. The king and queen have to be at least 25 years of age, they do
not have to have any type of experience. Although, they should have knowledge of
political affairs and history of the country. The parliament members have to be at
least 30 years of age, have at least a masters degree, and have knowledge of the
countrys history and at least 2 years of government work experience. There is no
term limit for the how long the king queen and prime minister can serve. The
members of parliament have a term limit of 4 years.

Section III. Powers

The House of Commons debate and vote on the proposed laws. After the law passes
through the House of Commons, it is discussed and voted on by the senate. After the
senate votes the law is sent to the prime minister to give their consent for the law to be

Article III

Judicial System

Section I. Structure of Courts

Our highest court will be the Supreme Court and will seat 7 justices. The appellate
court is basically the go between of the supreme and state court. 13 judges sit in the
appellate court. The district court is the lowest court in the federal system is the
district court. The district court seats 678 judges.

Section II. Nominations and Elections of Judges

The judges for all levels are elected by the prime minister with help from the
parliament. The judges for all levels must be at least 30 years of age, must have a law
degree and have at least 2 years of law experience. There are no term limits on how
long a judge can serve.
Section III. Power of Courts and Judges
The Supreme Court takes care of civil, criminal and constitutional matters. They will
not handle all cases, only cases with the most significance. (Ex: Texas v. Ohio, 1968).
The appellate court is the court that decides if the lower courts used the law correctly.
(Department of Human Servs. v. Smith, 1993).The district court handles cases such as
trial cases, bankruptcy cases and jury duty.

Article IV

Education System

Section I. Control of Education.

Federal's Role would be funding, the State's Role (implementation, create curriculum,
give tests, create special programs, after school programs), and the Local government's
Role would be enforcing curriculum, school board, dress code, hiring the teachers,
provide transportation, and provide breakfast and lunch.
Section II. Education funded and in which level of government funds education
Federal is the specific mechanism for funding education (taxes, state lottery, etc.).
Teachers should get paid based on the level of their education. The Curriculum Education
is mandatory for every child, from Pre-K though High School.
Section III. The Curriculum.
History, Math, Science, English, Health, PE, Music, Art, and Athletic. The standardized
test is called the LT, which stands for Level Test: the test will measure the knowledge the
students had gained over the year. If a student cant pass the test, tutorials will be required
to whichever subject that the student failed or missed. Yes there will be a mandatory
national curriculum to ensure that every student has the same level of education no matter
what state they coming from. The type of degrees will be offered are: GED, Associates,
Bachelors Degree, Masters, and Ph. D.s Law Degrees.

Article V


Section I. Structure
The Federal Government makes sure that the state and local governments are doing their
part and the state government can ask the federal government for extra assistant as well as
the local government can ask the state for assistance.
Federal Role (controls most of health insurance laws and finds ways of helping people
pay for health insurance.)
State Role (decide whether health insurance is mandatory to have in that given state.)
Local Role (Have to provide places to apply for assistance in paying for health
Section II. Funding
The Federal Government is in charge of paying for health insurance assistance for those
who do not make enough to pay for private health insurance. Also it provides free
insurance for pregnant women and small children until the age of 12 unless that child has
a disability or mental issues, then they will be insured until the age of 19 years of age.
The mentally ill will be helped by the state governments. Part of taxes from the very
wealthy will be used by to pay for health insurance as well as charities.

Article VI


Section I. Military Branches

Marines, Air force, Navy, and Army. Each military branch would have its own base in
each state. No one unknown would pass the border. Each border would have underground
air force. Air force would work with flying airplanes, Marines would be on or in water,
Navy would be on shore, and the Army would be on the ground.
Section II. Drafting requirements
Citizen at the age of 18 to 27 must register with the selective service system. Our
constitution chose the typical age because thats when the youth still strong and healthy to
do the job. Some non-citizens are required to register. Others are not. Non-citizens who
are not required to register with Selective Service include men who are in the U.S. on
student or visitor visas, and men who are part of a diplomatic or trade mission and their

Article VII

Relationship between Federal, State, and Local Levels of Government

Section I: The Relationship between the Federal, State, and Local Government.
The powers of the federal government is to declare war, collect taxes, create an army,
make treaties, make laws, guard the borders, print money, and provide safety. The powers
of the state government is to provide Identifications, provide education, and police
Departments. The powers of the local government provide transportation; provide
security, and provide jobs. The federal government has the most powers because they
handle the high issues. The state government takes care of the in-state issues. The local
government looks after community.

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