Bible Study and Hermeneutics Notes

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New website.

2 weeks to migrate over then shutting the old one down

sent out a link via email

Nov 5th we will be doing a written assessment then going to prayer
nov 19th we will be going through prayer.
I have posted a suggested reading schedule online as well as in a handout
you get out what you put in
Your Unique Design assessment have not all been filled out. Follow steps on website.

Larry is first (overviews of bible 30 min)

Secret Service counterfeit money analogy.

(they spend months and months looking over every detail of true notes. They pour over every detail and know so intimately what a good
one looks like that they have no problem spotting a bad one)

4 steps to bible study's:

Observation- what you see. No context no bias.

Interpretation- what was the writer conveying for that time

Evaluation and application- how can I apply that to my life in this time.

Correlation- how does this fit into my understanding of the big picture

2 ways to study:

1. Deduction: Which begins with generalizations and moves from general to the particulars. By its very nature deduction tends to be
subjective and prejudicial

A. Example: study on sin

a. Find all scripture that has to do with sin

b. Pull specifics from scripture.

2. Induction: it demands that one first study the particulars of the scriptures and that ones conclusions be based on those particulars.

3 reason for spiritual abnormality

1. Isolation rather than relation

A. Pieces rather than wholes

2. Imitation rather than personalization

A. What other people say verses the bible

B. Eye of the needle (historically inaccurate)

3. Information rather than transformation

A. Heart of WeEquip

Word verse a term:

Word: letters that come together and form things that have multiple meanings (dictionary full of words)

Term: a word used in specific context with a specific meaning (logos used in bible)

The bible as literature.

Video of dr Bailey on literature. Observation part 1 9:50-13:17

Keys to observation:

Read. ReRead. Read again.

Start small to big

Read once to gather idea

Read again and start making observations about a passage

Example: Psalm 23

Read again for observations

Inductive bible study

Mark God, repetition, time, place, people, "buts, therefore, etc."

start with verse, to paragraph, to idea, to chapter

Show inductive Bible


Toscanini (famous conductor) Story:

"While rehearsing Beethoven's ninth Symphony, the musicians responded with particular sensitivity to Toscanini's every wish and
desire. What resulted was a performance that moved the men of the orchestra to a spontaneous ovation. They arose to their feet and
cheered the little man who had just given them such a new and wonderful insight into the music. Desperately, Toscanini tried to stop
them, waving his arms wildly, shouting to them. Finally when the ovation subsided, he said in a broken voice: it isn't me men It's

Hermeneutics job is to bridge the gap between the mind of the original writer and our minds as the reader.

Hermeneutic Rules:

1. A text can never mean what it never could have meant to its audience.

2. Whenever we share comparable particulars with that written in scripture, God's Word applies the same to us.

... some problems associated (read Fee)

Structural units

Grammatical structure
1. Term

2. Phrase

3. Clause

4. Sentence

5. Paragraph

Literary structure

1. Segment

2. Subsection

3. Section

4. Division

5. Book

Your bible was not originally broken up into verses, themes, and chapters.

Structural progression

1. Biographical- tracks people

A. Answers the question who?

2. Historical- tracks events

A. Answer questions what?

3. Chronological- tracks time

A. Answers question when?

4. Geographical- tracks place

A. Answers question where?

5. Logical- tracks ideas

A. Answers question why/how?

Interpretive questions are brought on by observations!!!

Example: Psalm 23 (if enough time)


Determining which truths are timeless. (why do you think this is important?)

Work of every author should be read in light of his purpose.


Application of determined truth in a real world situation.


Bringing it into an assimilation of truths about bible and theology

Belief Statement.

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