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My Writing Process Reflection
To be honest, I felt that ESL 33B was like a challenge to me because I had so
many assignments that needed to be done in this class. Since I was not required to do
many projects in my ESL 33A, it was hard to adapt to this change in the beginning.
However, I found myself getting some benefits from these tough assignments. For
example, I changed my writing process while I was doing my project 2. Multi-Modal
Essay was the most challenging assignment to me in this class. It not only required me
to write at least 8-10 pages, but it also asked to interview a professional who is in my
chosen career. In order to have a good preparation for this long essay, I changed my
methods of the writing process. I wrote down my ideas in my freewriting notebook
after I analyzed all the requirements. Then after I understood more about the
questions, I started to focus on those ideas that were valuable as evidence for my
essay. In the end, I was rethinking my approach and making some changes to the
structure of my first draft. Since I usually do my first draft without doing an outline
and freewriting in my ESL 33A, the change of my writing process helped me
completed project 2 successfully.
In this semester, I think the interview was a unique requirement of the
assignments. I learned how to adapt myself to summarize the information that I got
from the interview and use it as evidences for my essay. For example, I have learned
to analyze the interviewees answers and determined which answers were useful
before I summarized them for my essay.
I also learned a lot from my textbook Guidelines. In chapter 4, it taught us how to
write a valuable essay and efficiently use the writing process in an argumentative

essay. For example, it showed us how to write the introduction, the body, and the
conclusion for an argumentative essay and also provided some examples to help us
understand them more clearly. In the section 1 of Guidelines, it taught us how to cite,
incorporate, and document sources from the internet, books, newspapers, etc. This
method helped me a lot in my writing process.
For my future writing assignments in other classes, I would use all the writing
processes that I have learned from my ESL 33B. I would take notes while I was
reading, analyze the requirements, do some freewriting, and make outlines for my
assignments. For other research papers, I will use the knowledge that I have gained
from my writing process in the ESL 33B class and help myself to do well on the
future writing assignments.

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