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Hola Amigo! For this Unit you need to complete and hand in 2 vocabulary homework assignments. This must be done in addition to
other assignments and class projects. Each is worth a 100 point homework grade.

Make flashcards with vocabulary on

one side and definition and picture on
the reverse for 50 Unit 3 vocabulary
(Must be done by hand.)

Create a video for vocabulary

presentation. You can use various
programs to do this to introduce the
vocabulary. Please see me for help and
to approve your video plan

Create a story using the

vocabulary from the
unit. Draw a picture and
write a sentence.
Use at least six different
verbs and the tense
practice in the chapter.
(Must be done by hand.)

Make a game of your choice using at

least 20 words from this unit (Can be
any game not listed here, or one of
your own invention.)
Provide directions and answer key
(if needed)
May not be computer/web

Make a crossword puzzle using 15+

words from this unit. Clues must be in
sentence form. (No definitions!!)
Provide a separate answer key.
(Must be done by hand.)

Choose ten words and

complete the following
graphic organizer.
You can do the outline of
the graphic on the
computer but the words
must be done by hand.

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