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July 2013

The Staff of
Family Advancement
Sr. Roberta Treppa, D.C.
Tom Eden: Operations Manager
Chris McKowen: Office
Rena Waller: Education
Keshia Nelson: Prenatal
Program Coordinator
Luz Maria Hill: Hispanic
Ministries Coordinator
Maribel Gomez: Child Care/
Sewing Instructor

Board of Directors
Jeff Nicklas-President
Jarome Gautreaux-Vice President
Rick Alibozek-Treasurer
Susan Joanis-Secretary
Liz Jarvis Fabian
Marie Leach
Helen Leslie
Mike Liotta
Betty Musolf
Bebe Reichert
Amy Stallings
Caitlin Vadini

Mark Your Calendars

FAMs 2nd Annual
Craft Fair
to be held on Saturday,
October 24, 2015
in the
St. Joseph Social Hall.
8:00 A.M.-1:30 P.M.
Check out the
FAM-tastic facebook
page for more details.

FAM News
May, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!

Family Advancement Ministries
wishes a blessed Mothers Day to all
who fill the role of mother in
peoples lives...mothers, grandmothers,
aunts, cousins, sisters, even friends,
mentors, teachers, co-workers, and so
many others who nurture and guide us
to become our best selves.
Think about YOUR mother. What do you appreciate about her today that you
took for granted in the past? Send a little note with a donation in honor of your
mother, OR make a donation through our website, and add your note there. We
will publish your comments on a special Mothers Day post.
There is so much that I could say about MY mother. I always looked at her as the
spiritual director of the family...even before I knew what a spiritual director
was! Most of my memories of her involve her deep faith, her prayer life, and the
values she taught us.
FAMs Nurturing Parenting Program is a wonderful resource for our clients who
may need a little extra guidance or parenting options that are unfamiliar to them.
Nurturing Parenting is an evidence based method intended to improve the ways
you interact with your child. To nurture is to promote the growth and
development of positive traits while respecting and caring for yourself and others.
Because what parents do matters so much in the life of children, we offer a variety
of classes including Praising Children for their Behavior, Understanding Feelings,
and Brain Development, to name a few.
I love Miss Renas classes because she doesnt judge us or think of us as any
less of a person because of our situations. She just teaches us and helps us be
-from a FAM client
Many clients find FAM to be like family to them. Like mothers who love
unconditionally and teach lifes lessons, our staff and volunteers accept our clients
for who they are-despite their circumstances; we minister non-judgmentally; and
through our services we empower them to be their best selves. Over time, FAM
clients become more self-sufficient women, moms with the knowledge and skills
to be better parents, and people with newfound hope for their future and that of
their children.
Your support of Family Advancement Ministries ensures that the families who
come to us get the material assistance they need to get out of crisis mode, the lifeskills education to make better decisions for themselves and their families in the
future, and the moral support and encouragement to make it all happen! YOU are
part of that FAM family that the clients know and love.

FAM Recognizes Our Volunteers

FAM cant do what we do without our dedicated volunteers.
Last month, Family Advancement Ministries celebrated National Volunteer Week with a luncheon for our
volunteers. During our recognition event, each volunteer introduced themselves and shared about their
experience at FAM...what day they serve, what their role is, and how long they have been active in the
ministry. Some have been with us for 18 years! (That means that they have been volunteering here before
Nazareth Home and Mother & Child merged to form FAM in 2007.) And some who came had just begun
a few months ago. Our newest Board Member, Helen Leslie, was happy to be there to learn more and
more from the volunteers about the ministry, the needs, and the blessings and success stories they see.
There are many ways YOU can become involved. And we can work around schedules and interests.
Weekly Volunteer Positions include:
Telephone Interviewer: pre-qualifying phone interview, set up appointment or refer as needed
Front Desk: welcome client, create or update client file
Interviewer: review file, discuss client need, explore other resources, provide assistance applied for
Clothing Room volunteer: sort & display clothes; assist client as they choose items for their child(ren).
Life Skills Education: Personal Finance & Budgeting, Parenting, Prenatal, ESL, Citizenship, etc.
Behind-the-Scenes: special events, newsletters, beautification (painting, planting, cleaning, etc.)
Website Shop Master: We have the capabilities through the FAM website to have an online store, but we
have not implemented this. S.W.A.T.C.H. and the Hispanic Sewing Group have items we could post, but
we need a Website Shop Master (receive orders, set appointments to pick up item or get it shipped.)
We even discover volunteer opportunities we didnt know existed!
Two years ago, Anne came up to me and asked if she could help at FAM in any way...but she was superbusy during parts of the year, and pretty free other months. I asked her if she was good with computers.
She was. We worked together to change the old website to a new platform, updated the material, and
added features not available on the previous site. Thus she became FAMs webmaster...and now
whenever we have new material to post, I just send it to Anne and she makes it look good on the website!
Its a way she can volunteer from home at whatever hour she wants to. Check out
Last year, a few ladies from St. Joseph Church approached me about an idea for a new FAM fundraiser-a
Craft Fair. After several meetings and MUCH effort by a small committee, the First Annual FAM-tastic
Craft Fair became a reality. Mark your calendars for our Second FAM-tastic Craft Fair on October 24,
2015. See the website for more details.
I invite you to come to FAM for a tour. I have shown several people around both sites (Direct
Services/Prenatal Program on High Place, and Education/Hispanic Ministry on Orange Street)...and its
been an eye-opener for all who enter.
Wow...more goes on here than I thought!
I didnt know you did that. (She knew some services, but not all.)
It feels so welcoming here.
What might YOU discover when you walk through our doors?

Happy Fathers Day!

Family Advancement Ministries recognizes the
Father figures in the lives of so many. God
bless you for the role you fill in your families.
Although my dad was a quiet man, he taught us
many life lessons. Through observing his
example and listening to his words of wisdom, I
grew in those values and skills that are
important to our immediate family and community at large.
Just as you reflected about your mother, now think about YOUR FATHER. What do you appreciate about
him today that you took for granted in the past? Send a little note with a donation in honor of your father, OR
make a donation through our website, and add your note there. We will publish your comments on a special
Fathers Day post.
Family Advancement Ministries welcomes the fathers to participate in our programs. I was surprised one day
to observe a Prenatal Class (usually full of all women) in which there were two men came to support the
mothers-to-be and to learn what they could.
One year, a man in one of the FAM Life Skills classes confided to Keshia that he felt awkward being the only
man in the class, and asked if there could be a class just for the fathers. Keshia took this to heart and
facilitated a series of classes off-site just for the dads. Men play an important role in the family, and FAM
wants to remove obstacles in order to educate and empower families. Thanks to these men for standing up!

Recently, a man attended one of Renas Parenting classes. He had a few profound statements when the
women shared the troubles they were having with their kids behavior. He told the mothers to ask their child,
What would you do if you saw someone speaking disrespectfully to me or about me. or hitting me, or?
Usually the kids respond with something to the effect that they would do something to defend their mother.
Then the mother should follow up with, Then why do YOU do______ (to me/others)?
The women found that very helpful.
This man shared from his personal experience. He admitted to not being the best kid when he was young, but
learned lots of hard life lessons. I am thankful that he shared a few of them in our class.
Classes at FAM are like this...clients can teach each other lessons that are just as powerful as those covered
with our planned material.

Return Service Requested

570 High Place

538 Orange St
Macon, GA 31201

Phone: 478-745-7165/746-9803
Fax: 478-745-6880 /745-0847

Mission Statement
Family Advancement Ministries is a
Catholic diocesan social service, in
partnership with the broader
community, that nurtures a deep reverence
for life by providing a caring response to
the physical, emotional and spiritual needs
of families through empowerment.

Donate to FAM simply by

doing your regular
shopping. (and no extra
money out of your
Enroll to help FAM, which is
agency #17254.
Kroger will donate money to FAM based on a
percentage of your purchase.
You even get to KEEP YOUR OWN FUEL
Last quarter, FAM received over $200 through
this program. Thank you to all who have
signed up!

Want to see more of whats going on

throughout the year? Check out

Did you know...that 75-90%
of car seats are installed or
Before travelling with your
child for the summer, learn
about FAMs free Car Seat
Inspections. We have 5
Nationally Certified Child
Passenger Safety
Technicians on staff, and we
are willing to inspect your
car seat and instruct on
correct and best practices
for the safety of your child.
If your school, day care, parents group church organization, or
other community would like our staff to hold a Car Seat Safety
Event or Class, please contact Chris at
Lets keep our precious children safe.

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